Sahara Ashdell: The Son of Evil (Book 2)

Chapter 15 - The Son of Evil

She stands to her feet looking at her surroundings, she was in an unfamiliar dark room that had lights along the bottom edge of the floor that caused a low grey glow. She hears a small clanking sound behind her, so she quickly turns to see who is with her in this small space. “Who is there?” She asks glancing over toward the doors she just fell through, wondering if she could make a quick escape. She takes a step closer to the doors after no one answers and reaches out to see if she can open them, but they feel locked.

“Dearest cousin.” She turns toward Raglen’s voice. “Have you decided to join us after all?”

“I would never join you.” She says with a scuff.

“What is this?” Raglen asks walking toward her and attempting to reach out and touch the grey bracelet on her wrist.

“Don’t touch me.” She says taking a step back from him.

He shakes his head as he makes a clicking sound with his mouth. “Have you angered the elders and now your powers are being limited?” She doesn’t answer as she stands there fearlessly looking at him. “If you would join us, you would never have to face the elder’s again. You would be free of their rules and their unfair judgements.”

“I already told you. I will not join you. I am not like you, I am good.” She says confidently.

Raglen laughs at her, “Like me? Unlike you,” he holds up his wrist, “I still have all my powers.” He then opens his hands quickly causing her body to slam up against the doors behind her.

Sahara grunts in pain from the door knobs stabbing in her back. She raises her hand toward Raglen as she whispers a spell. Raglen suddenly falls to the ground releasing her from being held up against the wall. She quickly throws a freeze spell at him but he blocks it before throwing his hand toward her, causing her to not be able to breathe. “You are weaker than I expected! That is a shame.” He says slowly releasing her from his grasp so that she can breathe again. “Perhaps I should give you a head start on this fight, it only seems fair.” He says bowing towards her.

“I think that is a mistake, but as you wish.” Sahara says as she attempts to squeeze him as her hands stretch out toward him and move together.

“Now don’t hold back on my account cousin.” She hears him laughing at her from her lack of strength. His words cause her to feel anger growing inside and orange flames flicker in her eyes. “I fear you may hurt yourself instead of me.” He laughs at her harder and she releases him from the spell realizing she isn’t making an impact.

“I just don’t want to fight you.” She says feeling defeated.

“Perhaps, if you had motivation.” Raglen says snapping his fingers. “If you can beat me, I will give you back your friend.” Sahara sees a dark haired elf with a limp guide another elf into the room from a door that is just behind Raglen. Sahara swallows hard as she sees the limping elf remove a bag from the other elf’s head.

“Slagwart?” She asks in surprise. He is gagged and tied up in a glowing type of rope.

“Well?” Raglen says.

“Well, what?” Sahara asks wondering what he is about to do to Slagwart.

“Will you fight me or shall I kill him?” Raglen says with an annoyed sigh. “Those are your two choices.”

“He means nothing to me.” Sahara lies hoping it would buy her some time to think of what to do.

“Hmm.” Raglen seems unimpressed with her response as he throws a knife toward Slagwart’s face.

Sahara throws out her hand as she yells “Flifrax,” causing the knife to stop mid flight and turn back towards Raglen. Raglen slaps the knife away from him with an evil smile.

“Now let’s not lie to each other Sahara. That is one thing, we as family, must never do.” He says to her in a calm and eerie manner.

She tries to feel the electricity in the air but she can’t find any. She feels helpless and weak with the bracelet on. “I am not strong enough.” She confesses. “I can’t fight you in a fair fight with this on.” She says holding out the bracelet.

“Thank you for your honesty.” He says raising his hand and clasping it shut suddenly causing Slagwart to gasp for air. Sahara feels her heart throbbing in her ears suddenly as she watches her friend struggle to breathe.

“Stop it.” Sahara demands.

“Make me.” Raglen says in an uncaring tone.

Sahara sees her vision turn orange as she watches Slagwart turning blue and she yells, “I said stop!”

“Or what?” Raglen asks her.

She suddenly sees red as she throws her hands out toward Raglen. She realizes that she can now feel the electricity in the air around her. She guides the electricity, causing it to move towards Raglen but he dodges it. “You are getting there cousin.” He says maintaining his uncaring tone. Sahara throws her hand toward Slagwart trying to pull him away from the elf holding him and away from Raglen’s spell but as she does she sees Raglen pierce Slagwart in the heart with an electrical rod.

“NO!” Sahara’s demonic voice cries out, causing the room to shake. She watches Slagwart fall to the ground and his body becomes lifeless. She feels the anger toward Raglen building as she looks toward him and her vision becomes blue.

“There we go.” Raglen says with a smile of achievement.

Sahara causes all the electricity in the air around her to form into a large ball and she throws it toward Raglen, who tries to stop her electrical ball with his own electrical currents. He manages enough currents to prevent her electrical ball from reaching him. They struggle to hold their electrical currents for a few moments before she hears Raglen yell, “Now!”

Sahara notices the other elf that was holding Slagwart is now standing next to her, but it is too late. He stabs Sahara in the side, causing her severe pain. She realizes Raglen was just a distraction. The elf looks alarmed by her noticing him and she quickly moves the ball of electricity from Raglen toward the strange elf. The elf does not fight back as she expected and is quickly engulfed by the large ball of currents. She sees the elf disappear after a loud popping sound occurs. Just then, she feels a shock as her bracelet flickers from an electrical current Raglen has thrown at her. As she wonders what is wrong with her bracelet, she feels another sharp pain in her side and realizes Raglen has now stabbed her side again and has a container that is filling with her blood. Her blue vision fades to red and then orange as she hears Raglen speak. “Well done dear cousin,well done.” She feels overwhelmingly weak as her body falls to the ground.

“I will kill you for killing my friend.” Sahara says to Raglen as she watches him screw a lid on the container that is now filled with her blood.

“You killed my friend, too.” Raglen says with a disapproving look at her. “I think that makes us even.” She sees him move her hair from in front of her eyes, but she feels too in pain to move. She hears the door knob on the doors she entered click just before Raglen jumps back up to his feet. “Uh oh. That is my cue. I must dash.” He says just before he teleports from the room holding the container of her blood.

She sees Saitar Regald, Verdiwild, and Headoreon Shawdlortur running toward her in the grey room. She feels her vision growing dark as she tries to understand what the trio are saying to her, but their voices seem so far away.

“I have enough father!” Raglen says with a large grin holding up the large jar of Sahara’s blood.

“At what cost?” Patreek asks as his chair spins around toward Raglen.

“Only Regald.” Raglen says with slight nervousness.

“Only Regald!?” Patreek shrieks in anger. “He was vital to our plan!”

“I know but we will just have to replace him.” Raglen says shuffling around unconfidently.

“With who?” Patreek asks as he reaches over with his one hand and takes the jar of blood from Raglen. “You idiot. Regald can’t be replaced.” Patreek opens the jar of blood and sniffs it. “Ah, yes! At least you obtained her blood. It is not enough to fully revive me but it will get me to where I need to be. Unless you killed her too?” Patreek hisses at Raglen.

“No! Heltus opened the door at the perfect time to save her.” Raglen says with a nervous laugh as he shuffles closer to his father.

“And they found the other two bodies?” Patreek asks hopefully.

“No.” Raglen sounds remorseful. “Sahara caused Ragald to combust.”

“Then you need to find a way to let Heltus know we need to find a new willing subject that knows something about mystical combat to take his place. His plans need to pause.”

“I know where to meet him.” Raglen says anxiously. “I can get him a message to meet me tomorrow.”

Sahara opens her eyes and realizes she is in the infirmary. She sits up feeling someone holding her hand. She looks down seeing Brystol asleep with his head on her bed. “He refused to leave your side.” She hears a zori whisper to her. “It is good to see you awake, I will go get Verdiwild and Plansa.”

Sahara nods her head in response. She looks back at Brystol as she squeezes his hand. He looked so peaceful and handsome sleeping. “Hey?” She says trying to wake him. “Brystol.” She shakes his hand slightly until he starts to stir.

“Sahara?” Brystol says as he rubs his eye. “Sahara!” His tone changes to excitement before he moves up and kisses her. “You’re awake.”

“How long was I out?” Sahara asks remembering the last time she was wounded she missed a few days.

“Um…” He looks over toward the large clock in the room. “About six hours.”

“That’s all?” She asks in surprise.

“Fixing your side was not a large procedure. The two wounds were clean and you didn’t lose too much blood. We do want you to stay here and rest tonight though.” Plansa says with a smile as she begins to check Sahara’s temperature. “How do you feel?”

“Alright.” Sahara says with a shrug of her shoulders.

“Aranel!” Verdiwild says excitedly. “You woke sooner than we expected.”

“Thanks for saving me.” Sahara says playing with her grey bracelet. “I am not very good at defending myself with this on.”

“Then, perhaps we should start focusing on learning how to control your powers with your new accessory, instead of the emotional magic. I have taken you as far as I can on controlling your emotions.” He says patting her on the hand.

“I thought I had a better handle on my emotions, but Raglen made me blue flame.” She says looking up at Verdiwild as tears build in her eyes. “He killed Slagwart.”

“We found him. It is a great lost.” Verdiwild says remorsefully. “I am sorry. I wish I could have been there to stop it.”

“I was so angered, I killed the first elf that stabbed me.” Sahara says covering her face in shame as she feels pain in her chest. “I didn’t mean to.” She cries more as she remembers her ball of electricity destroy him.

“He hurt you. You were just protecting yourself. ” Brystol says sounding concerned.

“Or maybe I did mean to kill him.” She says wiping her cheeks. “I consumed him with a ball of electricity, while I was flamed and he never had the chance to defend himself. He just…”

“You did what you had to.” Brystol says taking hold of her hand again.

“Who was it?” Saitar Regald asks, who is standing just behind Verdiwild. She had not noticed him standing there.

“I don’t know. I had never seen him before.” Sahara says trying to remember what he looked like. “He had dark hair and a limp but Raglen never said his name.”

“I have something to attend to. I am glad you are better Aranel.” Saitar Regald says before abruptly turning to leave.

“He got what he wanted.” Sahara says sadly as she notices Headorean Shawdlortur enters the room just after Saitar Regald exits. “He got a good amount of my blood.”

“We know.” Verdiwild says. “Aran Rayterbay has called a meeting with the other kingdoms and leaders to prepare.”

“Prepare?” Sahara asks nervously.

“We have prepared for years for his return but we can never be too prepared.” Verdiwild says.

“And we are adding an extra protective wall to the academy.” Headorean Shawdlortur says as he arrives to the side of Sahara’s bed.

“Will he have my powers now that he has my blood?” Sahara asks.

“Not exactly. He needed your blood to become a whole elf again.” Verdiwild explains. “He can’t steal your powers unless he kills you first and takes all of your blood. And to do that, he will have to be stronger, so he will most likely start collecting powers from other elves first.”

“That could take some time. Even if he has willing elves.” Headorean Shawdlortur adds.

“I am sorry.” Sahara says looking down at her hands that are twisting nervously.

“You have nothing to be sorry for.” Headorean Shawdlortur says. “The Zelphite box was a portal.”

“Then, why did it not suck any of the other student’s in?” Sahara asks in confusion.

“We assume it was linked to you, though we are not sure how the Zelphite’s box was compromised.” Verdiwild looks towards Headorean Shawdlortur.

“It is nothing to worry about now though.” Headorean Shawdlortur says. “We should go and let you rest.”

Verdiwild nods to Sahara, “I will check on you tomorrow.”

“Alright.” Sahara says smiling a goodbye to the two ellons.

“Brystol, dinner will be served in the hour.” Headorean Shawdlortur says motioning to him and Sahara realizes they want him to leave with them.

“Right.” Brystol says sounding reluctant as he stands from his chair.

“He could eat in here, with me. I really don’t want to be alone.” Sahara says hopefully and she sees Brystol smile as he sits back down.

“I don’t see any harm in it.” Headorean Shawdlortur nods to Brystol in approval. “Don’t miss curfew.”

“It had to be someone at the academy.” Sahara whispers to Brystol as soon as the others disappear from the room. “Someone with access to the beasts.”

“You wanted me to stay to solve the mystery.” Brystol says sounding disappointed.

“Well, yes.” Sahara replies.

“And who do you think it could be?” He says leaning back in his chair. “Verdiwild already ruled out the beast keeper and Saitar Regald. The box was moved by them from the beast dungeon on Sunday and it set in the classroom all week. He used it for all the Advanced Mystical Combat courses and it was in the corner of the room during his Basic Mystical Combat courses. All of the students and faculty had access to the box before our course this morning.”

“Too bad we can’t travel back in time and watch the box for the past five days.” Sahara says realizing it wasn’t going to be as easy to figure out as she thought.

“Time travel.” Brystol says with a laugh. “If that existed Patreek would have been killed years ago.”

“The room had another door.” Sahara says remembering the grey room she was in with Raglen. “Did they inspect the room they found me in?”

“Yes. There was no other door?” Brystol says confused. “Just the doors you went in.”

“No. They brought Slagwart in through a different door!” Sahara says remembering it was almost exactly on the opposite side of the room than the doors she arrived in.

Brystol shakes his head. “They searched that room for hours. It only had one entry. And they found no other clues of where the room could belocated.”

“What did they do with the box?” Sahara asks sitting up more in bed and looking for some shoes. She knows she has to go inspect the box for herself.

“Lay down.” Brystol says sounding apologetic.

“No. There was another door Brystol!” Sahara demands thinking he didn’t believe her.

“They already destroyed it.” Brystol says abruptly just as she stands from the bed. “They couldn’t leave the portal. Patreek’s followers could have come inside anytime they wanted.” Sahara feels suddenly dizzy as she stumbles back onto the bed. She feels Brystol catch her. “I believe you that there is another door. It just must have been a portal too and maybe Raglen destroyed it after he left through it. But they search for another portal in it and found nothing.”

Sahara lays back down trying to feel less dizzy. “So, there is literally nothing we can do to figure out who it was?”

“Not until you feel better.” Brystol replies.

Sahara hears something hopeful in his words. “So, you do have an idea?”

Brystol smiles at her before he whispers, “I have always wanted to go down into the beast dungeon.” Sahara smiles excitedly until she sees Brystol’s expression straighten along with his body. Sahara looks towards the door and notices Plansa is now in the room with them.

“Are you planning on staying all night Cundu?” Plansa asks surprised to still see him.

“Just until curfew.” He says politely.

“Well, I need to check the Aranel’s side, so could you step out for a few minutes?”

“Sure. I can go get us some dinner. I will be back.” He leans down and kisses Sahara’s forehead before leaving her with Plansa.

Sahara feels much better the following day. Her dizzy spells are gone and she is up and ready before Brystol even makes it down to the infirmary. “Finally!” Sahara says moving quickly to meet him at the entrance. “If we hurry, we could make it before the course starts.”

“So, we don’t get to eat breakfast?” Brystol asks rubbing his stomach.

Sahara tosses him a fruit she had saved from their dinner last night as she passes him to exit the infirmary. The pair sneaks out of the back of the academy and quickly make their way towards the wooded area where the beast dungeon is located. “Do we even know where we are going?” Brystol asks following closely behind her.

“It can’t be that hard to find. We just need to find Saitar Hove’s cottage.” Sahara says trying to whisper.

“Look!” Brystol says sounding excited. Sahara turns in the direction he is pointing and notices smoke rising from a small chimney.

“That must be his cottage!” Sahara says excitedly as she moves quickly and quietly towards the smoke.

“It isn’t much to look at.” Brystol says sounding disappointed by the size of the small run down looking building.

“Come on.” Sahara says pulling on his arm. “The entrance to the beast dungeon should be around here somewhere.”

They look around the cottage for a clue of where the beast dungeon entrance is located but find nothing at first. “It must be hidden with a spell or something.” Sahara says feeling defeated just before she sees a large tree with an odd looking knot on it. She curiously moves over to inspect the knot and realizes it is a door knob. As she turns the knob, a golden light spirals from the knob and creates a beautiful design that Sahara realizes has now become a door. “I think I found it.” She says quietly calling over to Brystol, who is a few trees away from her.

Sahara pushes the newly displayed golden door open and all they can see inside the tree is darkness. “That seems too easy.” Brystol says looking into the darkness. “I know this is off limits to students but, you would think they would have some sort of obstacle.”

“You mean like that?” Sahara says nervously pointing inside the tree that is no longer dark. A fire is glowing inside the tree and Sahara can see the large monkey-like face inside the fire. The fire lit creature appears to have some wings and eight tentacle looking legs that are attached to it’s spiker-like body.

“What is that?” Brystol asks sounding just as nervous as Sahara.

“I have no idea, but it doesn’t look very happy to see us.” Sahara says swallowing hard.

“You first.” Brystol says holding out his hand towards the door with a forced smile towards Sahara.

“What a gentleman.” Sahara says sarcastically.

“A what?” Brystol says looking confused by her use of a human word.

“Oh, I mean gentle…elf? Or ellon. Just forget it.” She says rolling her eyes at herself. She had been there almost two years and still would slip up and use human terms every now and again.

She takes a deep breath before she steps inside the door. The fiery beast roars at them after Brystol also enters and is standing next to Sahara. It’s roar is so loud and long that Sahara has to cover her ears. “I think this is a bad idea!” Sahara says grabbing Brystol by the arm after the beast finishes it’s roar and is crouching down as if it is about to pounce on them.

“No it isn’t.” Brystol says pointing towards a door that is behind the creature. “We just need to get to that door.”

They take a step together to the left and the creature steps the same direction with them. Then, they take a few steps to the right and the creature again mimics their movements. “Is there a reason we have never seen this kind of creature in any of our books?” Sahara asks.

“If they taught us how to fight this creature, then how would they protect the dungeon entrance?” Brystol asks pushing Sahara slightly behind him as if he is protecting her. Just then, the beast leaps towards them and Sahara screams in fear as she feels the heat from the fire.

“Lore!” Brystol yells as he throws his arm out toward the creature, but nothing happens.

“Perhaps we need to put the fire out?” Sahara suggests as she steps out from behind Brystol and stretches out her hand toward the beast. She tries to feel the water in the tree they are inside but she has a hard time feeling it with the bracelet on. Brystol is struggling to stay away from the creatures fiery tentacles as she feels her frustration grow with not being able to sense the water around them. “Make me mad!” Sahara says over the loud creatures humming as it continues to hit Brystol with it’s fiery tentacle.

“I am a bit busy, if you didn’t notice.” Brystol says as he uses a fallen tree branch he grabbed from outside to push back on the creature.

“I can’t sense the water with this stupid bracelet on.” Sahara says aggravated. “I need to be angry.”

“No you don’t.” Brystol says confidently as he dodges a fire ball the creature spits at him. “You are just as powerful when you are not angry, you just have to focus.”

“Like I am not trying.” Sahara says annoyed more with herself than anything else at the moment. She closes her eyes and tries to block out the sounds of the beast and Brystol fighting. She focuses on the tree and attempts to think about the water inside its veins, but Brystol’s screech breaks her train of thought. She glances over at Brystol and he is slapping at his pants that have a small flame on them. He quickly puts the flame out and casts a small spell towards the beast that just seems to make it angrier. Sahara shakes her head trying to go back to focusing. She knows Brystol can’t make a water spell big enough to put out this large beast and that she is their only chance at extinguishing it. “Alright.” Sahara says trying to clear her mind again.

“Any emotion taps into your emotional magic. Sadness, pain, or joy. Not just anger.” She hears Brystol yell to her and she remembers how she thinks of how he makes her feel to calm her anger down. She had been hurt by her pain from missing the Craig’s when she attacked Brystol that one time.

“Joy?” Sahara says trying to think of something that makes her feel the happiest she has ever felt. She reels through some happy moments she has had in her life: Christmas, her first present, winning her first plorksol game, laughing with her friends, kissing Brystol and then remembers how she felt when Brystol told her he loved her. She feels her insides jump at the way he made her feel. She focuses on that feeling and again tries to sense the water in the tree. She finally feels the water as she smiles. She tries to draw the water out but realizes she has to cast a spell, since her bracelet is preventing her from using her telepathy. “Ovanta.” She says aloud, instructing the water to come together. She feels the water grouping together and opens her eyes. To her surprise there is not a large ball of water in front of her like she had been trying to create, instead there was a large growing knot in the tree that begins to drip with water.

“Uh? What is that?” Brystol asks unimpressed trying to hit the beast with the tree branch.

“Water.” Sahara says trying to figure out how to make this work. She looks at the tree branch Brystol is holding and wonders if there is a way to stab the knot where the water is still growing in size.

She runs over and takes the long stick from Brystol. “Can I borrow this?” She asks without giving him time to respond. She hears Brystol cast another spell towards the creature as she pulls back holding the stick to throw it like a spear. “Lintie!” She yells as she throws the stick towards the large bubbling knot she created in the tree. As soon as the stick pierces the knot, it explodes and water gushes out filling the room they are in. The fire of the creature goes out immediately and Sahara grabs Brystol by the hand and pulls him with her around the creature toward the door it was protecting. She assumes it is locked as they get closer to the large metal door so she throws a spell at it hoping it would unlock it. “Findelaenca!” She says over the creatures roar. She glances behind them, noticing the beast is shaking off the water and turning to run after them. She looks back at the door noticing it didn’t open. “Latin i nastos!” She yells as she throws her hand out toward the door again.

“Nastos mellyn enin edhellion!” Brystol yells as he points to the door and it flies open. They race through the door and it takes both of them to shut the door as the creature tries to enter the hallway, they are now inside. One of the creatures tentacles gets shut in the door and cut off as they finally are able to close the door. They pant heavily against the door as they drip with water. “Your bracelet is becoming annoying.” Brystol says as he wrings out his shirt.

“I know.” Sahara says also wringing out her dress.

“What exactly are we looking for here?” Brystol asks looking down the long low lit hallway.

“I am not sure.” Sahara says kicking the tentacle that is still moving away from her. “You think we will get in trouble for that?” She asks looking at the tentacle.

“Yeah.” Brystol says walking away from her down the hall.

They walk past many unique looking beasts as they progress down the hall. The roars and cries of the beasts are quieter than Sahara expected them to be, she assumes the cells they are in are sound proofed some. Then, she hears voices in the distance. She grabs Brystol by the arm in alarm. “Do you hear that?”

“It sounds like someone talking.” Brystol says cautiously as he looks down another hallway that has a small light at the other end.

“It is Raglen.” Sahara says in a whisper as she pushes around Brystol and quickly moves down the hallway toward the voices and light.

“Sahara!” Brystol says in an aggravated whisper. All Sahara could think of was Raglen killing Slagwart and the promise she made to kill him. “Stop.” He whispers catching up to her and grabbing her by the arm. “What are you going to do with your bracelet on?” He says flipping her arm up so she can see her bracelet.

“I am going to kill him.” Sahara says boldly in a whisper as she rips her arm from Brystol’s grasp. “You can either help me or go get Verdiwild.” She says throwing her arms up in the air at him as she walks backwards so he can see her determined face.

“Fine.” Brystol says reluctantly catching up to her as she turns to look where she is walking. “What is the plan?”

“Kill him.” Sahara says plainly.

“What about who he is talking to?” Brystol asks anxiously. “Maybe we should just spy on them and figure out who is helping him.”

“And do nothing?” Sahara asks annoyed.

“I don’t know that we are powerful enough to stop them alone.” Brystol says and Sahara shushes him because they are now turning the corner and the voices are growing louder.

They move closer to the opened door where the voices are coming from. Sahara accidentally kicks a loose screw that is laying on the floor and it makes a clanking noice against the metal door. “What was that?” Raglen asks in surprise. “Go! I will take care of this.” He says and Sahara looks through the crack of the door in time to see the back side of an ellon disappear through another door of the room. She sees Raglen come into view as electrical currents vibrate from his finger tips. “Come out. I know you are there.” He says in a teasing voice.

“Stay here until I say.” Sahara whispers to Brystol before she moves around the door to show herself to Raglen.

Raglen immediately begins to laugh, “If it isn’t my shackled cousin.” He stops the electrical currents from his fingers as he pokes fun of her bracelet. “Come to fulfill your promise to kill me?” He asks teasingly. “What is your plan? To talk me to death? You are nothing with that bracelet on.”

“I am more than you will ever be.” Sahara says confidently. “At least I know what love is and had a father that actually loved me.”

She sees Raglen’s eyes flame from her words. “My father loves me.” He protests.

“That is where you are wrong.” Sahara says with a laugh towards him. “He is only using you until he gets better.”

Raglen’s flames grow redder as he throws a ball of electrical currents towards her with his words. “He was not happy with you for killing Heltus.”

Sahara manages to dodge the electrical ball and it hits the lantern that was just behind her on the wall. The lantern explodes and Sahara remembers how her bracelet flickered the last time he hit it. “Heltus?” Sahara gasps excitedly at the realization that she must have freed Bularia. She tries to not lose focus of what she needs to do. “Was Heltus his favorite?” She asks as she wonders if his electrical currents would be strong enough to disable her bracelet for a moment. She needed it to stop working just long enough to cast a spell toward him. She decides to provoke him more in hopes that his next electrical current would be stronger. “If you had been the one I killed instead of Heltus, he would have never even noticed.” Her words cause his eyes to flame blue and she squares her body towards him to prepare for the blow he is about to send her way. She smiles as she sees his electrical currents swirl together and hurl towards her. She throws up her wrist catching the currents with her grey bracelet. As he continues to push the currents into her bracelet, she sees the bracelet crack and she uses her thoughts of joy to channel her emotions and sense all the electricity in the air around her. She even senses the currents Raglen is casting at her. She quickly sucks in the electricity from the air and from Raglen into her body and she sees Raglen fall to the ground looking powerless and in shock for a moment. “Now!” Sahara says to Brystol as she launches all the electricity spiraling in her body towards Raglen. Brystol joins her in the room and tries to cast a spell at Raglen but Raglen manages to block it as he shields himself with a spell from Sahara’s electrical force. Sahara tries to channel more electrical currents but senses it inside Brystol, she fears if she tries to take it from him it will kill him. “Use your electricity!” Sahara yells to Brystol over the loud crackling of electricity spurring from her hands that is still slamming against Raglen.

“What? I don’t have that kind of power.” Brystol says panicked.

“Trust me. You do!” Sahara says feeling her power start to falter as her bracelet flickers back to life. “I feel it in you. It is what I transferred to you the day I almost killed you. I had to put it back inside you to save your life. Just close your eyes and feel it inside you.” She watches Brystol look back and forth between her and Raglen in confusion and she knows she can’t hold this level of electricity much longer. “Just do it! I can’t do this without you!” Sahara begs.

Brystol reluctantly closes his eyes and after a moment Sahara sees his hands flicker with sparks of electricity. “Now project it toward him!” Sahara says as she feels Raglen’s shield getting stronger and closer to her. Brystol suddenly launches volts of electricity from his hands towards Raglen and Sahara tries to gather all the electricity she can from the air to keep her powers up but it doesn’t seem to be getting better, only weaker. She tries to absorb electricity again and manages to obtain a little more strength. After a few minutes, between her’s and Brystol’s currents they manage to break through Raglen’s magical shield. Raglen tries to cast another spell but Sahara again gathers more of the electrical currents from the room into her body. She feels the electricity inside Ragland again and focuses on pulling it into her as well. She begins to feel more powerful than she ever had just before she launches the currents toward Raglen. The currents explode from her chest, arms, legs, and everywhere rather than just from her hands this time.

The brightness she generates causes Brystol to fall down in surprise and stop his flow of currents toward Raglen. Sahara only sees Raglen for a moment as his facial expresses turns to shock just before her currents hit him and he evaporates. Sahara feels dizzy as she stops the flow of electricity from her. “Sahara!” Brystol says as he catches her just before she hits the ground.

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