Sahara Ashdell: The Son of Evil (Book 2)

Chapter 14 - Portals

No one had more questions than Sahara’s roommates when she finally arrived back at Malorsty. They had never met anyone that had to be judged by the elders. She was impatient to hear from Brystol by the time his carriage arrived two days after her own arrival back at the academy. She was at plorksol practice when she saw the dark gray carriage from the elders entering the protective walls of the academy. She feels nervous as she flies off the plorksol field toward the front of Malorsty to meed the carriage. She knew she was not supposed to be flying around on her plorboard outside of the plorksol field but she didn’t care it was faster. She jumps off her board as Brystol exits the carriage. “Hey!” She says excitedly catching his attention.

“Hi.” He says with a smile and sigh of relief as he hugs her.

“How did it go?” Sahara asks.

“The carriage ride was the worst part.” He says releasing her from the tight hug.

“I know, I felt like I was going crazy in it.” Sahara says.

“They were nicer than I expected.” He comments. “I just got scolded but nothing else.”

She notices he has no bracelet like hers. She holds hers up so he can see it. “I see you didn’t have to keep your bracelet at least.”

“What? How long do you have to wear it?” He asks taking her wrist to examine it.

“A year.” She says aggravated.

“Come on.” He says pulling on her hand to follow him up the stairs of the academy. They had drawn a large crowd of students that where speculating. He takes her into the room with the aquarium and closes the door so that they are alone and can speak more freely.

“I get to keep my magic but it prevents me from teleporting while at Malorsty and from teleporting to the human world. I also can’t use telepathy for six months. Oh! And I can’t teleport others to the human world for a year.” She says sadly playing with her bracelet.

He kisses her lips in response to her and it catches her off guard. “I missed you.” He says with a smirk.

“You have no idea how much I missed you.” Sahara says hugging him tightly. “The last time I saw you, you almost died.”

“I’m alright now.” He says holding her close.

She pulls away from him as she remembers his arm and grabs it to look at it, “How is your arm?”

“It is fine.” He says flexing his arm to show her.

“Do you feel funny?” She asks curiously, knowing that the electrical current was inside him.

“Why would I feel funny?” He asks looking confused.

“I don’t know.” She says wondering if she should tell him or if he knows and is just messing with her.

“How do you feel?” He asks.

“Bad about how I treated you. I’m sorry. About the stuff I said about Slagwart the other day.” She says feeling embarrassed. “I didn’t mean it.”

“I know.” He says. “You were just trying to hurt me, well it wasn’t you but the flamed you. It is okay.”

“Speaking of flaming…” She says remembering that he too had flamed that morning.

“Yeah.” He says looking down at his feet. “I know, I think you just bring it out of me. Or the thought of you with someone else does.”

“How did you make it disappear so quickly?” She asks hoping he could give her some insight into getting hers to go away faster when it comes back.

“I don’t know. I just thought about the truth, because I knew you weren’t being yourself.” He explains with a shrug of his shoulders.

“I had a lot of time to think in the carriage ride to the elders realm. And you were right, about me bottling up my feelings and everything. Holding them in and hiding them have made me emotionally imbalanced.” Sahara confesses.

“If you just let them out, I think you will be able to control your emotional magic better.” Brystol says wrapping his arms around her waist.

“I will try to be more open in the future.” She promises.

“And what about the past?” He asks looking at her cautiously. “Us lying to you? The cell my parents build for you?”

She thinks for a moment before she answers all his questions. “I was upset about some of the past things, but I am not mad that you lied to me anymore. I sort of understand why you did, since my parents wanted me not to know. The cell was upsetting, but I mean, you have seen me. I get crazy when I flame, so I am not upset with them. They were preparing for the worst.”

He snickers at her calling herself crazy before getting a cute playful expression. “And what about hiding your feelings for me?”

“What?” She shakes her head in dissagreeance. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“It took you forever to actually admit you had feelings for me.” He rolls his eyes at her.

“No it didn’t.” She shifts uncomfortably in his arms.

“Then tell me, how do you feel about me?” He asks.

“Obviously, you know because I am your keeto.” She tries to move out of his arms as she replies but he prevents her from breaking free from him.

“You promised you wouldn’t bottle up your feelings anymore.” He says in a scolding tone.

“Eh!” She grunts in frustration. “You know.” She says uncomfortably because she has never told anyone she liked them before.

“How would I know if you don’t tell me?” He asks innocently.

“I never had anyone show me love before. I guess I just, I didn’t know what it was or what if felt like. So, how I have always felt about you, scares me. And if I am being honest I am not entirely sure what I feel for you. I know I like the way my heart jumps when you’re around me.” She says feeling vulnerable.

He smiles with a nod of his head, “You make my heart jump too.” He reaches out and takes her hand and she feels the heavy bracelet on her wrist, reminding her of her punishment.

“That is why I have to go alone.” She says remembering the future she saw of them next year at Malorsty when it was under attack. She remembers Brystol telling her he couldn’t go back to the human world with her. “The bracelet sonly lets me go. We have less than a year to figure out how to stop them. I have to save Bularia.”

“What?” Brystol seems overly confused by her random thoughts.

“If Raglen could not teleport through the protective walls, then there is no way he could use telepathy through them either!” She says realizing she had to find who was helping Raglen get to Bularia. “You helped him get into my dreams.” She says.

“I am not helping him anymore! I swear!” He exclaims.

“I know. You are not telepathic.” She says recalling Saitar Regald is the only telepathic she knows. “How does vessel swapping work?”

“I don’t know. That is forbidden to be taught to us and you won’t find it in any of the books.” Brystol replies.

“Then, how do I find out?” Sahara asks anxiously.

“Some of the older elves would know. My father.” He says.

She waves her heavy bracelet at him. “I can’t teleport to ask him.”

“Verdiwild?” Brystol sounds more like he is asking than suggesting.

Sahara nods her head in agreeance. “It is a start and he knows practically all my secrets anyway. I have to go.”

“Yes Sahara, I would love to help you.” Brystol sounds agitated and it causes her to stop and look back at him. He sighs before speaking again, “You don’t have to do everything alone, you know.”

“I don’t want anyone else to get hurt because of me.” She says knowing that if she had him help her it could put him in danger.

“And who will be there to protect you if you are alone?” He asks.

She realizes he has a good point and that it might be helpful to have him involved. “I am sorry I keep excluding you. You are one of the only elves I trust. You are right. We should work together from now on.”

“I accept.” He smiles and moves past her toward the door. “Now, let’s go find Verdiwild.”

It doesn’t take them long to locate Verdiwild because he was already waiting for Sahara in their usual location to practice her emotional magic. “Cundu! Happy to see you back and looking better.” Verdiwild bows slightly to Brystol as he and Sahara approach him.

“Thank you Verdiwild.” Brystol responds politely to him.

“You are not going to try and get out of your lesson again are you?” Verdiwild asks scolding Sahara.

“No. Actually we had a question.” Sahara says glancing around them to see if anyone was close enough to hear their conversation.

“Alright.” Verdiwild says with interest.

“How is vessel swapping conducted.” Sahara asks quickly.

Verdiwild looks surprised by the question as he glances around in alarm. “Why would you ask such a question?”

“I need to know how it is done, so I can stop it from happening.” She replies.

“Stop it?” Verdiwild says stepping closer to her. “Why would you think it was happening?”

“I just know it is going to happen to someone and I want to know; how it is done, how long it takes, and how to stop it.” Sahara says.

“That is not something I can answer. Nor is it something the two of you should be trying to learn about. You have been in enough trouble lately..” Verdiwild says looking concerned. “Now, let’s work on your lesson for today.” He says to Sahara and signals with his eyes for Brystol to leave them. “Cundu.”

“But you know how?” Brystol insists and Verdiwild appears to be angered.

“Leave us!” Verdiwild yells alarming the two young elves.

Brystol stumbles backwards before speaking nervously, “Alright. I will see you tomorrow Sahara.” Sahara nods at him in agreeance before he walks back to the Academy.

“Come.” Verdiwild says to Sahara and as she turns to see him, she notices he is already halfway to the back side of the Academy. She races up to catch him as she stays silent. She wants to ask where they are going but she did not want to anger him more than he appeared to already be. She assumes they are entering the Academy through the back door but Verdiwild passes the door and walks along side the entire back side of the Academy until they reach the other side. He progresses toward the wooded area that lays inside the protective walls of the academy and her curiosity is getting the better of her.

“Where are we going?” She finally asks as they travel down a beaten path of the woods.

“Be silent. Students are not to be back here.” Verdiwild quietly demands without turning toward her.

She wonders if there is some threat in this area that she had not heard of, she certainly had never been to this side of the academy because it was off limits to the students. She knows the dungeons are out this way, where the beasts are kept and she wants to ask so many questions. She is surprised to see nothing but woods as Verdiwild comes to a halt a few feet in front of her. He whispers something Sahara cannot make out before a large wooden door appears in front of him. It is only a door that appears to be floating and is attached to nothing. Sahara stops in surprise wondering where the door leads before she decides she wants to get a better look and moves around Verdiwild so that she can she the back of the door. She notices Verdiwild take out a large key and slide it into the door. She hears the door creak open as she look to the back side and sees nothing. No door. No Verdiwild. It was as if the door was not even there. “Hurry!” She hears Verdiwild say causing her to look back toward him. He is motioning for her to enter the door as he looks around the woods as if he is afraid someone is watching them. She dutifully scurries inside the door and is surprised to find herself immediately in a small room that looks like someone’s home.

“What is this place?” Sahara asks as she curiously dusts off a table sitting in the middle of the room. She turns toward Verdiwild as she hears the door creaking shut. To her surprise Verdiwild does not enter the room with her and she realizes he just shut her inside. “Verdiwild?” She runs back to the door and bangs on it after she realizes it is locked. “Verdiwild?” She feels fearful at what is happening, before a voice behind her startles her.

“He cannot hear you.” She turns to see Aran Rayterbay standing in front of a door she had not seen moments ago on the other side of the room.

“Aran?” She asks looking around the small room again.

“You see,” The aran holds his hands up as he speaks, “teleportation is not always required.”

“Where are we?” Sahara asks wondering if the door had been a portal device. “What was that door?”

“Just a secret room that was created years ago. My father had it created so that when I was at the academy, he and I could meet without me leaving the academy.” He explains.

“Is it a portal?” She asks.

“Not for you.” He points to another door behind him. “That door is a portal from Holestroy. You see this ring,” He holds out his hand to show her a ring she had always seen him wear, “this is not an ordinary ring, it lights up when the door you entered is uncloaked.”

“Do you meet with Brystol in here?” Sahara asks curiously.

“No.” The Aran says sorrowfully. “He does not know of this room.”

“Why not?” Sahara asks not hiding her surprise.

“When your father and I were here at the academy, I would bring him with me to meet with my father. He and I were the only two elves aside from my parents to know this place ever existed.” The Aran says running his fingers along some old books in a bookshelf. “As part of the plan to protect you, your father and I decided that this would be kept secret in case you and I ever needed it. I did not know you would have teleportation abilities and now that you do not, I informed Verdiwild of the room and to deliver you if you ever needed to speak to me.” He shrugs his shoulders towards her. “So, now Verdiwild, you, and I are the only living elves to know this exists. I do ask you keep it that way.”

She remembers promising to let Brystol in on everything she was doing, so she make sure to include him in the question. “Brystol and I were both asking about how vessel swapping works, so I can’t hide this from him.”

“Vessel swapping again, huh?” He sits down in a large burgundy armed chair and points to a chair across from him for her to sit in. She sits in the chair as he continues. “Is this about saving your friend again?”

She looks down at her hands knowing he does not approve of her trying to change the future. “Yes.”

“Will this information save the entire elf world or just the one elf?” He asks and Sahara swallows hard knowing that it is more about just saving Bularia. “Or are you wanting to vessel swap yourself?”

“What!?” Sahara shakes her head vigorously. “No! I would never think to vessel swap! I was just hoping that if I knew how vessel swapping worked I would know what to watch for in my friend or maybe, I could change both futures I saw because neither are idyllic.”

“I see.” She hears the disapproval in the Aran’s tone before he changes the subject. “So, you and Brystol have become closer of the past few months. That is good.”

“We have.” Sahara smiles at the thought of her and Brystol.

“And what of the betrothal? Are you still on a mission to destroy it as well?” He asks point blank and Sahara’s smile quickly fades.

“No. I had misunderstood the futures I saw and I was being selfish. One could call it dangerously stupid and I am sorry for all the problems I caused. I see now the it is for the best and I intend to follow through with it.” She says, keeping her eyes on his in hopes it will help prove her honesty. The Aran just looks in thought and she realizes that maybe he needs more convincing so she continues, “As long as I can keep Brystol from dying.”

Her last words cause the Aran to quickly meet hers. “You said it was an elleth that Heltus vessel swaps with.”

“It is. But in a different future I saw, Brystol is dead and I am married to another.” She says looking down at her fingers again as they twist in a knot. “Holestroy is burning and falling apart. I just know that it has to be connected somehow to the other futures I saw with the vessel swapping. So maybe, if I can stop the vessel swapping, I can stop Brystol from dying too.”

“I don’t think that is how that works.” The Aran says consolingly.

Sahara holds up her wrist with the grey bracelet on it. “It is already coming true. In less than a year, I will be forced to leave everyone because I can’t teleport anyone but myself by that point. I don’t have it in me to kill my friend.”

“You almost killed Brystol last week.” The Aran says coldly.

“That was an accident.” Sahara says clasping her eyes shut as she wipes a tear away. “But in the other futures I saw, when Brystol was dead, Trylla was mad at me because she said I abandoned them. So, if I leave next year to save everyone, Brystol dies in my absence.”

The Aran leans over onto his fist in thought before he speaks, “alright.” He shakes his head in agreeance. “If you think it will help in your decisions, I will tell you what you ask because I think your father would want me to.” He moves over to the book case he had ran his fingers over a few moments before and pulls out a small dusty book. “I still ask you keep this room a secret from Brystol, just for a time. He was helping the enemy and I don’t want him thinking I have forgiven him for that just yet.”

“Then what will I tell him?” Sahara asks knowing she will have to tell him how she learned about vessel swapping.

“Tell him Verdiwild got in contact with me and you were told.” He says sitting back down in the chair and opening the small book. She decides she could tell that version, because it wasn’t a complete lie. “Vessel swapping is no easy feat, unless you have a willing subject. Most are unwilling.” The Aran says something she does not recognize in the elven language before a hologram projects up from the pages of the book. She sees an green faceless elf making a potion in a cauldron-like pot. “If unwilling, it takes months to complete the process. The first step is that the vessel to be taken must consume a potion that is made from part of the swapper’s body. Usually an ear or finger, unless the process needs to be quicker then a larger part is used, such as a leg.” Sahara cringes at the thought of such a potion as she sees the green elf pour the potion into a glass and serve it to an unsuspecting blue faceless elf. Then, she sees the blue elf sleeping and begin to flop around in bed as if they were having a nightmare. “Then, the vessel begins to experience intrusions of their mind.” The Aran continues as Sahara gasps at the realization that Bularia has already made it to that stage. She then sees the blue elf running from the green elf but the green elf over takes the blue elf and the green elf body collapses to the ground. “Then, after some time the mind of the vessel deteriorates enough so that the swapper can completely take over their body.”

“What happens to the body of the swapper?” Sahara asks curious as the hologram disappears.

“The swapper places what is left of the vessel’s spirit inside it and because it is so weak from the swap and months of deterioration, it dies.” He says closing the book.

“And if they are willing?” Sahara asks wondering if a swap would make an elf capable of living in the other body.

“I assume the willing elf would live in the other body.” The Aran says placing the book back on the shelf. “Vessel swapping does cause loss of powers. Usually, the powers do not swap but stay with the vessel they originated with and sometimes, damage the powers of the vessel.”

“Once the process starts,” Sahara tries to think of how long Bularia had been having bad dreams. “Is it reversible?”

“Only if the swapper dies before the process is complete.” The Aran says sorrowfully. “And, I have two of our armies searching for Heltus, but he is no where to be found.”

Now she feels stupid for thinking Saitar Regald could have been using telepathy to control Bularia. “I thought she was being mind controlled, I didn’t realize the process had already started.”

The Aran looks up at her in realization, “Bularia.”

Sahara nods her head in confirmation, “She has been having mind issues for a while now.”

“Then, precautions must be made.” The Aran says adjusting his shirt.

“Precautions?” Sahara asks in concern.

“Of course, she can no longer be your roommate or at the academy.” He says simply.

“But she hasn’t been swapped yet!” Sahara says in protest as she abruptly stands up. “You could still find Heltus and stop this!”

“The likelihood of that is small.” The Aran replies.

“She doesn’t deserve to be treated like she has done something wrong.” Sahara begs on Bularia’s behalf. “What will you do to her? And if you do something, Patreek will know we have caught on to his plan.” She realizes her words have caught the Aran’s attention so she continues, “This could give a chance to put us a head of him.”

“Then what do you propose we do?” The Aran asks thoughtfully.

“Nothing at the moment. It would only set alarm off to Patreek to start making a new angle or plan to attack us. At least this way, we know she is going to be part of the plan and I know her powers and that I can beat her. We can just watch her to see if we learn anything about his plan.” She thinks about the possibility that Bularia could already be Heltus. “I will try to pay closer attention to her when we are together, so maybe I can tell when the swap happens.”

“It won’t happen unless she is face to face with Heltus.” The Aran says confidently. “The protective walls keep him from getting to her fully.”

“Then, that is an even better reason to keep her at the academy. At least with her here, we know he hasn’t taken her over yet.” Sahara says feeling relieved.

“You make a compelling case. I am impressed.” He bows his head toward Sahara. “We will do it your way. Verdiwild will be watching her closely though.”

“Thank you.” Sahara says excitedly, she knew it would buy her friend more time.

He points toward the door she entered. “Next time you just say, ‘Enel la haiya.’ And the door will appear and summon me.”

“Between us is not far?” Sahara asks if her translation is correct.

“Yes. Just assure you are in the right location when you say it or the door will not appear.” He smiles at her with his goodbye, “Have a wonderful rest of your day Sahara.”

“You also Aran.” She says with a curtsy. “Thank you. For everything.”

“You could call me Ray when we are not in a formal setting, if you like.” He says just before she opens the door. She turns to look at him as he explains, “Being so formal all the time makes me feel less of your guardian.”

She smiles realizing that he cares a great deal for her. “I never knew what it was like to have parents, but I imagine you and the Tari are as close to having parents as I will ever get. Thank you for caring for me.”

“It is an honor.” He smiles at her one last time before she exits.

Verdiwild was waiting for just outside the door as she exits. She turns back seeing the door disappear and asks, “Should we have today’s lesson?”

“I think you had enough lessons for one day.” He says with a slight nod and holding out the key he had used to open the cloaked door. “You are free to go.”

She looks around the area taking a mental note of the location so she can find it again as shetakes the key from him. “Thank you.” She says nodding bye toward Verdiwild before she heads back to the academy.

Sahara keeps her encounter with the Aran a secret from Brystol but she tells him of what she learned about vessel swapping the next day before Advanced Mystical Combat begins.

“Verdiwild told you? But why did he send me away?” Brystol asks offended.

“I don’t know.” Sahara lies hoping he won’t realize she isn’t being honest.

“Today we will be learning to battle a Zelphite.” Saitar Regald announces to the room as Sahara feels her body jerk into motion as the student’s chairs move into a circular formation around the room. “Has anyone ever seen a Zelphite?” One ellon slowly raises his hand as all the other elves gasp in speculation. “Where have you seen a Zelphite, Oilkin?” Saitar Regald asks in interest.

“Just in a book Saitar.” The room feels with snickers as Saitar Regald rolls his eyes in agitation.

“That does not count Oilkin.” Saitar Regald raises his hand and causes Oilkin to move to the center of the room. “But thank you for being our first volunteer.”

Oilkin looks nervous as the Saitar causes a large silver box to move over to the center of the room also. A large rounded cage clanks loudly as it falls from the ceiling around Oilkin and the large silver box so that they are caged in. “Wait!” Oilkin says in a panic. “Why is there a cage?”

“Come now Oilkin,” Saitar Regald says in a monotone voice, “you are not afraid are you?”

“Yes.” Oilkin says with a shaky voice.

“If you have read your lesson, you should know exactly what to do when I open the box.” The Saitar says as he causes the box to shake.

“No!” Oilkin yells. “I didn’t.” Sahara knew Oilkin had not read the lesson just as well as the Saitar had, because Oilkin never read any of their lessons. “I didn’t read it.” The class laughs as the box opens and Oilkin takes cover.

After a moment, Oilkin straightens up as he realizes nothing happened. Saitar Regald causes the cage from around Oilkin and the box to go back up to the ceiling. “If you had read the lesson, you would have known that Zelphite do not emerge in day light. They only come out at dark because the sunlight burns them, which is how you defeat them.”

“With sunlight?” Oilkin asks.

“Yes. With sunlight.” The Saitar motions for Oilkin to go back to his seat. “Now do we have someone who actually read the lesson, that would like to volunteer?”

Hands fly up into the air around the room and the Saitar selects an elleth to go. “Jesla. Please come show Oilkin how it is done.”

Jesla uses her hands to pull down the eight heavy medal window coverings one at a time. Each one clanks loudly into place as the room grows darker. As the last window closes, it is only pitch black for a second before a purple glow emerges from the box. Sahara sees a the creature standing up on two long muscular legs as it’s tail swings around in the air. It’s arms are human-like but much larger. She thinks the beast must be at least ten feet tall. It is much larger than she expected. It’s head is ugly and wrinkled with fangs and two curled ram-like horns. “Do not wound her!” The Saitar shouts over the loud ear shattering shriek of the creature. “You only need to scare her back inside.” Jesla causes a large ball of light to appear and slowly move toward the creature. The creature stumbles backwards as the ball moves towards her. It only takes a moment for the Zelphite to fall back inside the box and Saitar Regald slams the large door shut with his hands. “Excellent Jesla!” He says as he causes the metal blinds on the windows to rise and light the room.

The next volunteer causes a multiple balls of lights to entrap the Zelphite and use it as a fence to force it back inside the box. The third volunteer creates a beam of light that causes the beast to jump around in fear as the students laugh. “Stop playing Demus.” Saitar Regald says agitatedly. Demus does not listen and his playfulness causes the beast to eventually fall to the ground before she shrieks in anger. The beast jumps up to her feat and lunges toward Demus almost clawing him. Demus screams in fear as the Zelphite’s face breathes against his and it’s had wraps around his body. “Fettipla!” Saitar Regald yells with his hand outstretched toward the Zelphite. The beast begins to move backwards as it fights against the spell the Saitar cast on it. The beast slowly slides back into the box still holding Demus.

“Nantheya!” Sahara yells as she moves from her chair out toward Demus, who is screaming for help. The Zelphite suddenly drops Demus and scrambles out of the box sounding as though he is crying.

Saitar Regald closes the doors to the box before he angrily opens the windows again. “Do you think beasts are toys?” He shouts at Demus who is sitting in the floor. Demus shakes his head as he clumsily stands to his feet and the students laugh at his obviously wet pants. “Go change your pants.” The Saitar points toward the door for Demus to leave. Demus quickly leaves as Saitar Regald bows slightly toward Sahara, who is still standing in the middle of the floor from helping extract Demus. “Looks like you are up, Aranel.”

As the doors to the box fly open, Sahara tries to cause all the windows in the room to close with her mind but she realizes she can’t do it because of the stupid bracelet on her wrist. “Uh!” She says annoyed as she shakes the bracelet.

“Ah, yes.” The Saitar says saddly, “I forgot, you are limited on your powers, perhaps you should sit this one out.”

“No. I can do it.” She says pointing her hands towards the windows one at a time and having to speak a spell to cause them to fall shut. She is relieved it worked but knows that the bracelet is going to be a challenge since she had apparently been using her telepathy for magic.

The purple glow of the Zelphite appears inside the box just before the box suddenly slams shut, causing darkness to fill the room. Saitar Regald speaks through the darkness as the door opens again. “You are to face the beast not just shut the door.”

“I didn’t do that.” Sahara says as a grey glow appears inside the box.

“No one else interfere. We already said this is not a game.” The Saitar says in annoyance just as Sahara sees a dark shadow move in front of the grey glow.

Suddenly, Sahara feels herself being sucked inside the box and she cannot stop it from happening. She can’t feel her body and she can barely breathe as her body slowly moves toward the box. She hears the voices of the Saitar and students but cannot make out what they are saying. She feels someone grab her waist just before her body suddenly moves faster, ripping her from their hands and she falls inside the box hearing the doors slam shut behind her.

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