Sacred Sorcerers of Virtue Vault

Chapter 9 –– Lantern Festival

A week later, it was finally the day of the festival. At noon, Saaya gathered members of Garuda Squad at the field to have a briefing before the festival.

“Alright everyone, listen up.”

The rest of the members stood in formation, listening to her closely.

“As you all have learnt from the rundown I gave you, the festival will start at 4 in the afternoon and finishes at 9 in the evening. We will start escorting the Temple Members from here to the venue of the event at 3. I suggest you to meet them and introduce yourselves before that. Don’t try to incite a conversation unless they speak to you first. Only speak when necessary. Don’t let the crowd get near them, unless they allow it. Be focused and don’t let anything stand in their way. Is that understood?”

“Understood, Chief!”

“Alright, dismissed!”

Everyone went on their own way to meet the Temple Members they were assigned to. Haru and Meixia went together.

Within the Temple area, there was an abbey where people prayed. The place was managed by monks and nuns working at the Temple. The Holy Monastic usually spent most of his time here when he visited the capital.

After asking around and wandering about the abbey, Haru and Meixia finally found the Holy Monastic.

He was sitting on the floor, crossing his legs. Haru and Meixia saw the Holy Monastic meditating, facing the other way around.

They didn’t want to interrupt him, so they just waited for him to finish his prayer.

“You are Haru and Meixia, am I correct?”

He suddenly spoke to them in the middle of his meditation. He took them by surprise.

“Yes, Your Holiness.”

Haru and Meixia answered in unison. They kneeled in front of him and lowered their gaze.

The Holy Monastic then stood up, finishing his prayer. He then walked towards Haru and Meixia.

The Holy Monastic was the head figure of Solusia religion, the national religion of Virtue Vault Federation. Since this nation was a theocratic one, his position played a pivotal role in the government. He had a seat in the Temples Members Assembly as a representative from religious affairs of the nation. He also served as the mentor for the Premier in his religious studies.

Just like other monks and nuns, he shaved his head completely and wore the traditional monk costume. However, unlike other monks and nuns, his costume was more sophisticated and special, as he was the head of all monks and nuns in the nation.

The three of them then started journeying to the venue of the festival. The festival was conducted at Amber City’s largest square, Hanabi Square. It was just a few blocks away from the Temple. Haru and Meixia offered the Holy Monastic to go there in a carriage, which he denied. He preferred to walk instead, while observing the environment around.

The streets were decorated with festival ornaments. The Lantern Festival was a national event that’s conducted annually every ruina*. This festival was celebrated to wish the best for our loved ones whether it be friends, family, or significant other. Every region of the nation had their own way in celebrating it. In Amber City, the fallen leaves from trees were used as decoration for the festival. Thereweare vendors and stores selling all kinds of stuff, from food and beverages, good-luck tokens, souvenirs, as well as equipment for assembling a lantern. It was truly an event that could bring the all the citizens together.

Haru, Meixia, and the Holy Monastic arrived at the venue on time, at 4 in the evening. Soon after, the rest of Temple Members arrived one by one. Finally, the Premier arrived as the last member of the Temple.

After the Premier arrived, the ceremony started. Everyone, including the citizens, started assembling their lantern. They wrote a letter containing their wish and attached it to the lantern.

The Premier was the first one to set his lantern free, and released it to the sky. Afterwards, the rest of the people who were there followed his steps, and started releasing their lanterns to the sky.

The sky was filled with shining lanterns that contained everyone’s wishes. Although the Sacred Guards were not allowed to join the event, the Holy Monastic insisted that Haru and Meixia should also participate, and so they did.

Haru and Meixia wrote a wish from the bottom of their hearts, and let them fly in the sky.

After the main ceremony was over, the party finally began. Temple Members were allowed to have a tour around the festival, as long as they were accompanied by Sacred Guards. There were also Military Police patrolling the area, to make sure that the festival went as planned.

The Holy Monastic chose to separate from other Temple Members to see the shrine, a bit far away from the square. Haru and Meixia followed him.

Suddenly, fireworks just exploded in the sky. Haru and Meixia found it strange, since there was nothing said about fireworks in the rundown nor during Saaya’s announcement.

Meixia got a bad feeling about this.

Following the fireworks, they heard really loud growls coming from several parts of the square. The citizens’ screams were heard even from a mile away.

This was the attack that Meixia was told. It was happening already.

“Haru! You stay here with His Holiness, I will be going to the source of those sounds.”

Haru nodded, guarding the Holy Monastic with his life. Meixia immediately ran to where the sounds were coming from.

Meixia knew that this was going to happen, but she didn’t realise it would happen this early. She was too focused in guarding the Holy Monastic that she forgot to make a plan to evacuate the rest of other Temple Members. Meixia then called Yara for back up.

“Yara, come to Hanabi Square. There is an emergency.”

“I’m on my way,” she responded.

Meixia then ran as fast as she could to where the screams were, to meet with other Sacred Guards.

Meanwhile, Saaya and Zum were guarding the Premier and his Advisor. A mysterious figure stood in front of them.

“Who are you!?” Zum frantically shouted.

The mysterious figure was wearing a black cloak that covered his whole body and a mask to cover his face. He was getting closer to them.

“Protect the Premier and the Advisor!” Saaya shouted.

Saaya stood in front of them, trying to guard them from him.

Suddenly, a huge growl was heard right next to them. Something just appeared.

“It’s––It’s an orc!!!!” Zum shouted.

A gigantic orc just appeared, adding more opponents to the scene.

The festival was in utter chaos.

*ruina = autumn.

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