Sacred Sorcerers of Virtue Vault

Chapter 10 –– Mysterious Attack

After the sudden appearance of an orc in the middle of the attack, the Sacred Guards escorting the Premier and the Advisor became panicked.

The orc was an A-class monster. It was not supposed to appear in a place with such densely concentrated crowd. That meant, someone sent it here.

The square was in chaos. The citizens were panicking, running everywhere, trying to escape. The Military Police worked together with the Sacred Guards in creating an evacuation route for the citizens.

After a quick analysis of the situation, the Military Police informed the Sacred Guards that there were 3 orcs in the festival. One was close to food and beverages area, attacking the nearby citizens. Another one was at the souvenirs area, in which the ministers and state governors were at. The last one was at the spot where the fireworks came from, in which the Premier and his Advisor were currently at. Aside from those 3 orcs, there was an unidentified individual approaching the Premier.

Meixia wanted to go to the source of the fireworks, but seeing the food and beverages area was being attacked by an orc without anyone fighting against it, she stopped by to fight and protect the citizens from it. She couldn’t stand seeing the orc attacking the citizens and seeing the Military Police struggling to fight it, so she joined to help.

Meanwhile, the minister and governor team was fighting another orc at the souvenirs area. Bing and Dasom were fighting against the orc, while Kogane was keeping an eye at the ministers and state governors. Some of them got hurt by the stuff that the orc threw at them, so Kogane healed them. Some of the Military Police also joined to help them.

Haru was the only person not involved in the fight, as he was with the Holy Monastic at a nearby shrine. It was the only place that is not get attacked, as it was quite far from the square. Haru hesitated whether he should join the fight or stay with the Holy Monastic to guard him. In the end, he chose to stay.

At the shrine, the Holy Monastic had a conversation with Haru.

“Boy, come here for a second.”

The Holy Monastic asked Haru to enter the shrine barefoot, leaving his shoes behind. Haru then walked closer to the Holy Monastic, just as he asked him.

The Holy Monastic asked Haru to stick out his hands, which he did. The Holy Monastic then held both of his hands solemnly, sensing his energy.

The Holy Monastic closed his eyes and asked Haru to close his as well. Both of them then started meditating, trying to sense each other’s energy.

Suddenly, a surge of energy radiated from Haru. Both of them were surprised by this, not knowing why it was happening. Haru then started seeing visions in his head.

He suddenly had a vivid vision of the Premier, his Advisor, Saaya, and Zum fighting some kind of mysterious figure in a cloak at the centre of the square. An orc also appeared in front of them and growled loudly at them.

Shocked by the loud growl, the two of them returned to their consciousness and stopped the meditation. Haru was surprised by what he just saw.

“Just now, what was that.....?”

“Boy, where did you say you were born and raised?”

“In a monastery in Rhea Town, Your Holiness.”

“That means.....”

The Holy Monastic was thinking. He was trying to figure out something about Haru.

Suddenly, another louder growl was heard at the shrine, interrupting the two of them. They immediately stopped what they were doing in order to be aware of the situation. Haru stood up and got ready on his guard, trying to protect the Holy Monastic.

At this moment, Zum was occupied with fighting against the orc, while Saaya was fighting against the mysterious man.

“Host of Sparrows!”

Zum conjured a host of sparrows around the Premier and his Advisor as a barrier to protect them.

“Get out of the way,” that man said.

“Over my dead body,” Saaya replied.

The man shot a ball at Saaya, which exploded right in front of her. Saaya conjured a shield of light and protected herself from it.

Zum was keeping an eye at them while fighting against the orc. He noticed the way the man fought.

“His fyx skill is fireworks. Don’t get too close to him, his attacks have a wide range,” Zum exclaimed, while jumping from one roof to another.


The mysterious man tried his best not to show too much of his fyx skill, but Zum was quick enough to figure that out.

Suddenly, there was something crawling on the ground. A shadow was moving at a very rapid speed.

Since Saaya and Zum were too busy fighting against the enemies, the Premier decided to take matters to his own hands. He shot blasts of light from his palm, trying to target the moving shadow on the ground.

The shadow noticed his attacks and avoided it very swiftly. It moved unpredictably, going from the ground to the walls, trying to penetrate the defence made by Zum’s sparrows.

Right when the Premier was about to hit an accurate shot at the shadow, the man threw some firecrackers at them, destroying the sparrows whilst distracting them.

“Your Divinity!” Saaya shouted.

Suddenly, someone appeared out of the shadow. Another mysterious figure in the same exact cloak, but with a different mask. The man was holding a knife coated in shadows, trying to harm the Premier.

Suddenly, an arrow passed by right in front of the man’s face, prevented him from getting close to the Premier. His face got electrocuted and stunned him.

“Yara!” Zum and Saaya exclaimed.

Yara came to the rescue.

Coming from the roof, Yara shot an arrow at the orc and another one at the mysterious man who tried to harm the Premier. He then got stunned and fell on his knees.

Before Yara got close to them, the man in shadows did something to the Advisor’s shadow. He then plunged into the ground, hiding in his shadow once again.

Immediately after the man plunged himself to his own shadow, the Advisor fainted. The Premier caught him before he fell to the ground and tried to wake him up. The Advisor could not wake up.

Yara was so close in capturing the man in shadows. She tried to shoot some more arrows at the shadow, but it was so fast and swift that it disappeared right away.

Nobody saw what the man did. Due to multiple distractions going on, they couldn’t see clearly what just happened. All they knew was that the man did something to the Advisor and he fainted.

The man in shadows reappeared once more, but now, next to the other mysterious man. The two of them were standing side by side.

Right when they were going to fight together side by side, someone swung a photon saber at them. They dodged it immediately by reflex. The saber was so long from the handle, being swung from a yard away.

The one who did that was Arudo who just arrived along with the Lord Commander. They came to secure the Premier and his Advisor.

Seeing that the two of them are outnumbered, they decided to retreat.

“We’ll meet again, Your Divinity.”

The man threw some dynamites on the ground. Instead of exploding like firecrackers, it exploded smoke and blinded their vision.

Saaya tried throwing lumina handcuffs at them to capture them. However, after the smoke disappeared, the two of them were already long gone, without a trace.

“Are you alright, Your Divinity?” Lord Commander asked.

“Yes. Don’t worry about me. Please, take care of him.”

The Premier plead to have his Advisor aided immediately. All of them quickly moved him to get him to a healer.

Even after the two mysterious figures were gone, the orcs were still wrecking havoc at the square. Saaya and Arudo were now helping Zum fighting against the orc that was close to them, trying to dispel it.

A few minutes later, Meixia arrived to the scene. She saw Saaya, Zum, and Arudo fighting an orc; while Yara, the Lord Commander, and the Premier were holding the Advisor. She realised that she was one step too late. Meixia then joined to fight against the orc.

Soon after, Exorcists from Monster Dispulsion Corps came to help dispel the orcs at the festival. Half an hour later, all the orcs were dispelled and the festival was disbanded earlier than scheduled.

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