Ryan Retribution: A Dark Mafia romance (New York Ruthless Book 3)

Ryan Retribution: Chapter 24

As I reach for the jar of peanut butter on the top shelf, the pain shoots through my neck and shoulders. “Fuck,” I hiss as I pull my hand back and rub the back of my neck. “Why the fuck do we put this shit up so high?” I snap.

“Erm. Because we’re all like six foot two. Except Jessie, obviously, and I like to watch her stretching for things,” Mikey chuckles as he sits at the kitchen island behind me. “And I told you I would make your sandwich, bro.”

“I can make it myself,” I snap at him, frustrated by the pain and the limits it places on my body. I wince as I roll my shoulder. I probably shouldn’t have pushed myself so much in the gym earlier, but as soon as the doctor approved me for some light cardio, I couldn’t wait to get back in there. Like I had some point to prove, if only to myself. I shake my head in annoyance. I only did a one-mile walk at the pace of a fucking limp tortoise.

“Suit yourself,” Mikey snaps.

“Are you boys fighting again?” Shane says from behind us and I spin around as fast as my body allows to see my oldest brother walking into the kitchen with the biggest smile I have ever seen on his face. We all figured he was home when we saw his bags in the hallway, and when we couldn’t find Jessie, well it wasn’t hard to figure out where the two of them were. I for one, am relieved that they have sorted their shit out, and from the expression on his face, they have been doing it all afternoon.

“Shane!” I say with a grin as Mikey jumps up from his stool and wraps him in a giant bear hug.

“Okay. I was only gone a week,” Shane laughs but he hugs Mikey back just as fiercely. We have all been through so much these past few months, it has seemed like a lifetime. Now that we are all back under the same roof, and things are good with him and Jessie, maybe things can start getting back to some sort of normal around here.

When Mikey finally lets Shane go, our oldest brother walks over to me. “You’re looking great, kid,” he says with a twinkle in his eye.

“Feeling great,” I nod.

“You weren’t saying that when you couldn’t reach the peanut butter ten seconds ago,” Mikey laughs.


Shane laughs and then he wraps his arms around me too, making sure not to squeeze me too hard. “It’s good to have you back, bro,” I say in his ear.

“It’s good to be back,” he replies as he takes a step back. “You making PB and jelly sandwiches?”

“No. Mikey is,” I wink at my twin who rolls his eyes and walks over to us.

“Out of my way then,” he says, and I shuffle over to the kitchen island.

“So, where is Jessie, Shane?” Mikey asks as Shane takes a stool beside me.

“Power napping,” he replies.

Mikey spins around and grins widely at him. “Fuck! You wore her out already?”

“Don’t be crass, Michael.” He flashes an eyebrow. “But yeah, I kinda did. So you’d better make her a sandwich too, and I’ll take it in to her. You know how cranky she gets when she’s hungry.”

Mikey laughs out loud before he turns back around to continue making sandwiches.

“You two good now, then?” I ask.

Shane turns to me and nods. “Yeah. We’re good, kid.”

“Good.” I smile at him because him and Jessie being good means we’re all good.

“You don’t mind if I steal her for the night, do you?” he says this louder so Mikey can hear him too.

“No. Not at all,” I reply.

“Your need is greater than mine, bro,” Mikey adds.

“Good. Where is Conor?” Shane asks.

“He’s downstairs meeting with some new suppliers. But he saw you were back and assumed you were going to be otherwise engaged for most of the afternoon. He said he’ll catch up with you later.”

“Oh,” he frowns.

“I’m pretty sure he won’t mind you stealing Jessie away, either. We’re all glad you two are sorting your shit out.”

“You all been talking about us then?” Shane arches an eyebrow at me.

Mikey walks over to us, carrying a plate with a sandwich on it. He hands it to me with a grin before he answers Shane’s question. “Yep. When we saw your bags in the hall and couldn’t find either of you, we figured you were fucking each other senseless.”

Shane gives me a feather light slap on the back of my head.

“Oi! I never said anything.”

“Yeah, but I can’t reach him and don’t you two feel each other’s pain or something?” he grins.

“Are you forgetting I almost died a week ago,” I say, rubbing the spot dramatically.

Mikey rolls his eyes. “How much longer are you going to dine out on this almost dying thing? It’s a good thing you’re back, Shane, because Liam has been doing some major slacking off. Lying around all day, eating Cheetos and watching Netflix.”

Shane shakes his head in mock disgust. “Disgraceful,” he says as he takes one half of my sandwich from my plate and takes a huge bite.

“Actually,” I say with a dramatic sigh. “I’m feeling kind of dizzy after that nasty blow to the head. I think I might need Jessie to look after me tonight, after all.”

Shane turns and narrows his eyes at me while Mikey howls laughing in the background. “You wouldn’t?”

“You’ve just assaulted me and stole my fucking sandwich. Watch me, bro. All I’d have to do is tell her I’m not feeling too good and she’ll be in my bed all night long.” I wink at him.

“If you weren’t still recovering from your near death experience, I would kick your ass right now.” Shane scowls before he shoves the rest of my sandwich into his mouth.

“Jessie!” I croak, and Shane glares at me.

“What?” she says as she strolls into the kitchen, taking us all by surprise. She walks straight over to me and drapes an arm around my shoulders, and I can’t help but grin at Shane. Before she walked in here, looking good enough to eat in just one of his t-shirts and probably fuck all else, me talking about making her spend the night with me was just a joke, but now he’s not sure if all bets are off. Because every single man in this kitchen would fuck her where she stands given half the chance.

She traces a fingertip over the fading bruise on my cheek. “Are you okay?”

I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her close to me and I can sense the frustration coming from my older brother in waves now. “I’m fine, baby. I was just playing with Shane,” I say as I brush her hair back from her face before I look past her and wink at him.

“Don’t upset him. You know how he gets,” she whispers, but clearly loud enough for him to hear.

Shane stands up and pushes his stool back. Standing behind her, he wraps her hair around his fist and tilts her head slightly. “I’m going to make you pay for that later, sweetheart,” he growls in her ear and she shivers against me making my cock twitch in my shorts.

As Shane moves closer to her, he presses her body further into mine. “Jessie,” I groan as my cock stiffens. “If you don’t stop pressing up against me like that, I’m going to have to make you do something about this situation you’re causing here.” I glance down at my groin.

She opens her mouth in surprise, but she knows exactly what she does to all of us with her hot little body. “I only just walked in here. I am not responsible for that,’ she says as she looks down too.

Shane peers over her shoulder, glancing down at the outline of my hard cock in my shorts, still with his hand fisted in her hair. “Well, I’m certainly not responsible for it, sweetheart,” he laughs softly before he releases her hair and checks his watch. “I’m going downstairs to check in with Conor.” Then he places his hand under Jessie’s chin, turning her face slightly until she’s looking directly at him. “I’ll be back up here in one hour. I want you in my bed. Naked,” he orders and then he glances back at my cock and rolls his eyes. “And showered,” he adds before he kisses her softly.

Shane takes the other half of my sandwich and winks at me. “Thanks for the food, boys,” he says before he walks out of the room, leaving Jessie alone with us — for one whole hour.

I pull her between my thighs and wrap my other arm around her too. “So?” I arch one eyebrow at her.

“So, what?” She bites her lip, and I want to bite it too.

“You know what, baby.”

“You’re supposed to be taking it easy, Liam,” she breathes. “You already did too much in the gym this morning.”

“I will take it easy, baby. I’ll fuck you real slow,” I say as I drop my head and trail kisses along her collarbone and onto her neck because it drives her crazy.

“Liam,” she pants, and it has been way too long since I heard her say my name like that. I stand up and lift her onto the counter, ignoring the searing pain that shoots through my arms and torso when I do. She places her hands on my shoulders and looks at me with those beautiful blue eyes as I slip my hands beneath her t-shirt until I reach her panties. “I’m surprised you’re wearing these,” I say softly as I pull them down over her hips.

She wiggles her ass to help me get them off easier and shakes her head. “I always wear panties around the house.”

“Oh, so it’s just when you’re lying in bed watching movies with me that you don’t, then? Don’t think I haven’t noticed you teasing me this past week, baby.”

“That was one time because I’d just got out of the shower,” she says as her cheeks flush pink. “I have not been teasing you.”

“Hmm?” I shake my head. “What do you think, Mikey? Is Jessie a tease?”

Mikey walks around the kitchen island to where we are with his plate and sandwich in his hand, and takes a seat. “You’re both teasing me right now,” he says with a flash of his eyebrows. “Because you know I gotta get to work soon. So, hurry up and fuck her, bro, so I can at least watch the whole show.”

Jessie’s cheeks turn an even deeper shade of pink, which only makes me laugh because me and my twin have fucked her together, and watched her being fucked more times than I can count, but I love that it still makes her blush.

“And take off her top. Amateur,” he shakes his head and takes a bite of his sandwich.

I wink at Jessie as I reach for her t-shirt and she lifts her arms obligingly, allowing me to pull it off and over her head before I throw it at my annoying brother. Once she is naked, I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her toward me. “How long has it been since I fucked you?” I whisper in her ear.

“I don’t know. A little over a week?” she offers.

“Almost two weeks, Jessie. So this is way overdue,” I groan as I line my cock up at her wet entrance and she moans softly. Her body is flush against mine and her nipples are hard against my chest as I run my hands over her beautiful soft skin. I am so hard for her, I’m not going to last much longer.

“Liam,” she groans as she rocks her hips against me.

‘You want fucking, baby?”

“Yes,” she gasps as I thrust my hips forward and drive my cock into her tight, wet pussy and my balls immediately draw up into my stomach and I have to grind my teeth together and think of anything but her to hold off from blowing my load in her right now. Her walls squeeze me tight and I moan into her neck before I drop my head lower, sucking one of her pebbled nipples into my mouth as I slide one hand from her back and down to her clit and rub — slowly but with plenty of pressure because that is the quickest way to get her off. If I’m coming fast, then so is she. I keep sucking on her nipples, holding her tight to me as I rail into her. I tried to go slow but I can’t help it. I can’t get deep enough inside her.

“Oh! Liam!” she groans as she rakes her nails down my back, somehow managing to avoid my stitches because she knows where all of my wounds are. She has taken care of me so well this past week. I don’t know what I’d have done without her.

“I’ve missed this sweet pussy, baby,” I mumble against her skin.

“I’ve missed you too. You feel so good,” she pants as her walls tighten around me and I feel her on the edge and thank the heavens because I am about to come and I can’t stop myself. I empty myself inside her while she teeters on the precipice of her own release. I suck and rub and fuck her harder until she moans my name loudly, her legs trembling as she comes for me.

I press my forehead against hers. “That was incredible, baby,” I pant, even though every single part of my body is aching and sore. But it was so fucking worth it.

“It was,” she smiles at me and I kiss her softly and then have to force myself to pull my dick out of her because as much as I enjoy pushing Shane’s buttons, I wouldn’t deprive him of a night with our girl after everything he’s been doing for us these past few weeks.

“That was quite the show,” Mikey nods his approval as I help Jessie down from the counter. He takes the last bite of his sandwich and holds out her t-shirt to her.

“Thank you,” she whispers.

“My pleasure, Red. Now come here.”

She pulls on her top while I pull up my shorts and she takes the few steps toward him before he pulls her into his arms and kisses her softly. I watch as he slips his tongue inside her mouth and then he just kisses her with his arms wrapped around her waist. When they finally come up for air, he stares at her. “I love you so fucking much. You know that, right?”

“Yes,” she breathes. “I love you too.”

His smile takes over his whole face and I realize I am witnessing my idiot twin completely and utterly in love for the first time in his life. I mean, I already knew he loved her, but fuck, he really loves her. The moment is broken when he catches me staring at the two of them and rolls his eyes before slapping her on the ass and making her squeal. “You’d better go take a shower before Shane comes back.”

She nods. “Yeah. I will.”

“There’s a sandwich on the counter for you.”

“Thank you.”

“And don’t forget, you and me got a date in the gym tomorrow morning. I’m gonna have you bench pressing your personal best before the week is out.”

“I won’t forget,” she smiles at him.

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