Ryan Retribution: A Dark Mafia romance (New York Ruthless Book 3)

Ryan Retribution: Chapter 23

Dropping the weight onto the floor, I stand up and flex my shoulders. I glance up at Conor and Mikey finishing their pull-ups and stare unashamedly at their glistening bodies as their muscles flex and vibrate. Damn, these boys are fine! They have been working so much lately, they haven’t been able to fit as many gym sessions in, so I was very happy to see them stroll in halfway through mine this morning. It certainly makes pounding the treadmill more enjoyable when I have such a beautiful view.

“You going to stand there and stare at them all day, or you going to do a bit of work?” Liam chuckles in my ear as he comes up behind me.

“Actually, I’ve finished my workout.” I turn around and wrap my arms around him. “What are you doing in here?”

“Doc said I’m okay for very light cardio,” he shrugs. “Thought I’d have a very slow walk on the treadmill?”

“You want company? I can stay?” I offer.

“I’ll be fine, baby,” he slides his hand to my ass. “But some company later would be good?” he grins at me.

“Light cardio.” I arch an eyebrow at him.

“We can watch a movie and fool around. That’s light,” he chuckles and the wicked glint in his eye makes me experience an overwhelming a rush of love for him.

“You can’t. You promised Mikey that you’d finish watching that God-awful TV series with him tonight before he goes to work.”

“Shit, yeah. And Cobra Kai isn’t awful. It’s fucking epic!”

“Whatever you say, handsome.” I grin at him. “Enjoy your workout. And don’t do too much.”

Conor and Liam are between sets and walk over to us. “We’ll keep an eye on him, Boss,” Mikey says with a wink.

“Make sure that you do!” I lean over and give him and Conor a brief kiss on the cheek before I leave the gym.

As I’m walking down the hallway, I hear the ping of the elevator doors opening and I stop in my tracks. There is only one other person who has access to this apartment, but he’s not due back until tomorrow. My heart flutters in anticipation at the prospect of seeing him. I have missed him so much. I wonder if he remembers much of his drunken phone call to me the night before last. I got the impression he wanted to talk about something but he was holding back, as he often does.

He steps out of the elevator and turns straight toward me. As usual, he looks good enough to lick from head to toe, while I must seem like a hot, sweaty mess after my workout. Our eyes lock and I swallow hard as my pulse starts to race. Every single nerve ending in my body is aware of his presence. Goosebumps prickle along my forearms, and I literally stop breathing. He drops his bags onto the floor and walks toward me, and I just stand here staring at him like an idiot until he’s standing right in front of me. He glares at me with his beautiful green eyes, and I draw in a breath.

“You brothers are in the gym,” I stammer.

“They all okay?”

“Yes.” Just breathe, Jessie!

“Good. I’ll catch up with them later. You okay?”

Apart from feeling like I’m about to pass out or melt into a puddle? “Yes.”

He takes one step closer, until our bodies are mere inches apart and I can feel the heat from his body and smell that goddamn intoxicating cologne he wears. As he looks into my eyes, my pulse starts to thrum against all of my pressure points and the heat sears between my thighs. I swear this man can see inside my soul.

A few seconds pass before he slides his hands over my hips and onto my ass and pulls me against him and my entire, traitorous body trembles at his touch. He dips his head, leaning his face close to mine. His breath dances over my cheek and sends a shiver skittering down my spine. “I missed you, Hacker.”

“I missed you too, Shane,” I whisper.

With no further warning, he lifts me and wraps my legs around his waist, making me gasp, before he begins walking down the hallway. “Shane. Where are you taking me?”

“To bed, sweetheart. It has been way too long since I fucked you.”

Damn! I love his filthy mouth. I love everything about him. “But… you and me. We don’t…”

“Stop! Talking!” he orders, narrowing his eyes at me before he seals his lips over mine and silences me with a kiss. I melt into him as he literally tongue fucks my mouth, and I whimper shamelessly as I grind my hips against his cock. The waves of pleasure roll through my body as he hardens against my throbbing pussy.

I can barely think straight by the time he walks us into his bedroom and kicks the door closed behind us. Making his way straight to the bed, he throws me onto it and starts taking off his clothes. I can do nothing but stare up at him and watch the spectacle that is Shane Ryan undressing because he has the body of a Greek god. I lick my lips as I think about running my hands over every inch of it very shortly. Because maybe I was wrong? Perhaps just sex with him is better than nothing?

He pushes his jeans and boxers down over his thick, tattooed thighs and when he stands straight again, his beautiful cock is standing to attention.

His eyes are full of fire as he walks over to the bed and crawls over me. He sits back, straddling me with his knees on either side of my hips, and I shiver in anticipation.

“Just so we’re clear,” he growls as he reaches down and pulls my sports vest up before dipping his head low and planting soft kisses over my stomach. “You own every single part of me, Jessie Ryan, and you always have. I am completely and undeniably yours. But I’m done talking, sweetheart. We always seem to screw everything up when we talk. So, I just want to fuck you until the sun comes up tomorrow. Okay?”

The heat sears through my body as wetness pools between my thighs. “Yes,” I groan as he pulls my vest up and over my head and tosses it onto the floor. He sucks one of my hard nipples into his mouth and nips me gently as he lifts his hips and begins to tug down my yoga pants. I moan loudly when his fingers slide through my slick heat and straight to my dripping pussy.

“So fucking wet,” he mumbles against me as he moves lower, trailing kisses over my hot skin. “I need to taste you.”

I pull his head away from me as he starts to work my pants off down my legs and I remember that I have spent over an hour in the gym this morning. “Shane, don’t,” I gasp.

He looks up at me with a scowl on his face. “Why the fuck not?”

“I just worked out. I should take a shower first.” I say as the blush creeps over my cheeks.

“You got any of my brother’s cum in you right now?”

“No.” My blush deepens.

He pulls my pants off my legs, along with my socks and sneakers, and throws them across the room. “Then why would I give a fuck that you just worked out, sweetheart? I’ve already had my tongue in every part of you, and I am desperate to taste you.” He dips his head low and runs his tongue along my pussy as if to prove his point, and the loud, animal-like growl that rumbles in his throat makes me giggle.

He looks up and winks at me. “Fucking delicious. Now what did I tell you about not talking,” he says as he wraps his arms around the back of my thighs and lies down on the bed, sniper-like as he pulls me down towards him until my pussy is practically pressed against his face. “The only words I want to hear from you are, oh. God. Fuck. Me. Shane. Any combination, in any order will do fine,” he winks at me again before his head disappears between my thighs and he swirls his tongue over my clit before moving lower and pushing it inside me.

“Oh, fuck! Shane!” I groan loudly as the warmth rolls through my abdomen.

“Good girl.” He lifts his head and chuckles, and the sound vibrates through my whole body.

His warm breath skitters over my skin and I squirm as he starts to tease me, peppering the top of my thighs with kisses and tiny delicious bites. “Please, Shane?” I whimper shamelessly.

“Damn! I love how you say my name, Hacker,” he growls against me. His kisses move closer to right where I want him until he seals his mouth over my clit again, grazing it gently with his teeth and making my hips jolt off the bed as I feel a rush of wet heat. He presses the flat of his tongue against it and sucks softly, sending endorphins charging around my body. Every hair on my head tingles with electricity and my thighs tremble as he grips them tighter and holds me tighter to him.

“Oh, God, Shane!” I shout as my orgasm crashes over me in wave after delicious wave. I rake my fingers through his hair as he keeps on sucking. My whole body trembles and instinctively, I pull at his hair, trying to pull his head away, but he has his powerful forearms clamped around my thighs still and his head buried in my pussy and I am powerless to move him even an inch. I close my eyes and push my head against the pillow because I realize what he’s trying to do. When the sensitivity passes and I stop struggling, he releases one of my legs and runs his warm hand from my knee up my inner thigh before pushing two fingers deep inside me, and I swear I almost pass out. I groan so loudly and so wantonly that it makes him growl loudly. Curling his fingers deep inside, he pushes against my G-spot and I feel the intense pressure building in my abdomen.

“Shane!” I breathe as my orgasm rushes out of me in an intense rush of fluid that makes him groan in appreciation.

“I love how hard you come for me, Hacker.”

I manage to look down as my head spins and I pant for breath. “You’ve soaked my bedsheets.”

“No, you’ve soaked your bedsheets, sweetheart.” He wipes his jaw and mouth with one swipe of a large hand as he moves up the bed. “With your sweet cum.”

Heat flushes over my chest and neck as he slides his fingers out of me and the wet sound echoes around the room.

“I’ve thought about this every day since you left, Jessie. About seeing your body. Touching it. Tasting it,” he says as he stares down at me as his face glistens with my arousal. His hands slide over my breasts and he squeezes them hard, making me moan again. “It feels even better than I remember.”

“Shane!” I pant as he keeps kneading my soft flesh in his hands and tugging my nipples.

“Do you have any idea how cruel it is to have a taste of this body, and then have it taken away, never knowing if you will ever get it again?” he growls as he stares down at me, his eyes roaming over my body like a hungry lion about to feast on his kill.

“Yes,” I pant. “Because I had a taste of yours too.”

He leans down, resting his weight on his forearms as he nestles between my thighs and nudges his cock at my dripping wet entrance. “Were you a good girl while you were away in Arizona, Hacker?” he arches an eyebrow at me.

Arizona? What the hell? That seems so far away now. “Of course I was,” I blink at him.

“Good. Because if I ever find out anyone else has touched you, I will skin him alive.”

Fuck! His possessiveness is so hot! “Have you been good too?” I groan.

He cocks his head to the side as though he’s thinking about his answer.


He grins at me and then with a roll of his hips, he thrusts his cock inside me, so hard that I shift a few inches up the bed. “There’s been no-one but you, Hacker,” he growls, taking my wrists and pinning them down as he nails me to the bed. “Because you and this cunt have ruined me.”

I suck in a sharp breath as he slams into me. “Damn! You feel so good. I’ve missed your cock.”

He buries his head against my neck and slows his pace. “Just my cock?”

“Hmm, and your mouth. And maybe your fingers too. But that’s all,” I breathe as I wrap my legs around his waist, drawing him closer and deeper.

He sucks on that sweet spot on my neck that he knows drives me crazy and slams into me again. “You sure?” he growls.

I experience another sudden rush of wet heat and tears prick my eyes as another orgasm threatens to overwhelm me. “You know I’ve missed everything, Shane. I love you so much.”

“Fuck, Jessie,” he hisses as he drives harder and I wonder if he heard what I just said. “I can’t get far enough inside of you, sweetheart. Your pussy was made for me.”

I rake my nails down his back as my entire body screams for release. “Please, Shane,” I beg him even though I don’t know what I’m begging for. I have never been fucked harder in my life. Our breathing comes hard and fast. Sweat slicks our bodies as we clamour for each other, desperate to sate the insatiable craving. Stars flicker behind my eyelids as he brings me close to the edge of complete oblivion. And just when I am about to tip over, he lifts his head from my neck, pinning my hands beside my head and lacing his fingers through mine. He presses his forehead against mine as he slows his pace, making me groan loudly in frustration.

“Not yet, Jessie,” he growls.

“You are a devil,” I pant as I gasp for breath. I squeeze my legs tighter around his waist as my walls squeeze his cock, but he continues his delicious torment, fucking me so slowly but somehow reaching even deeper than before, until every cell in my body trembles with the need for some release.

“You have fucking destroyed me, Hacker,” he groans and his hips drive deeper inside me, hitting that perfect sweet spot at the exact angle with the perfect amount of pressure and my climax tears through my body like black powder. He seals his mouth over mine, swallowing every moan and whimper as I ride the waves of euphoria. When I feel like I might pass out from lack of oxygen, he throws his head back and shouts my name as he finds his own release and then he kisses me again as we take everything from each other, kissing and grinding our bodies until there is nothing left to give.

He pulls back, and we stare at each other, panting for breath. “I think I just blacked out,” I breathe.

“You only blacked out? I think my soul just left my body,” he pants, making me laugh.

He pulls out of me and rolls onto his back, pulling me with him so that I am lying on his chest with his arms wrapped around me. He runs his fingers gently up and down my back, and his heartbeat thrums against my ear. I sigh contentedly as I snuggle closer to him.

“Did you mean what you said before, Jessie?” he asks softly.

I tilt my head to look at him. “That I love you?” I whisper. I wasn’t sure if he’d heard me over the sound of his growling.


I shift my body slightly, so I can look directly into his eyes. “Of course I meant it. I never stopped, Shane.”

His eyes narrow as they search my face. He opens his mouth to speak but then he closes it again.

“It’s okay,” I say as I brush his hair from his face. “You don’t have to say it back.” I am so desperate to hear the words, but even if he is not ready to say them, I feel it anyway.

“Those three words,” he breathes, and my racing heart stops beating.

Please don’t fuck this up after what we just did, Shane!

He brushes his fingertips over my cheeks. “They don’t feel like enough. For this. For you.”

“But they are.”

“Then I love you, Jessie Ryan,” he whispers.

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