Ryan Reign: A Dark Mafia Romance. Book 4 of New York Ruthless

Ryan Reign: Chapter 21

My head throbs as I blink in the dim room.

My vision is blurred.

I am naked.

I shiver from the cold and instinctively pull my arms to my chest to warm myself, but I can’t move. Cold metal cuffs bite into the skin on my wrists.

I pull harder but all I hear is the dull clinking of chains.

Where am I?

The Wolf!

He took me. I look around the room but my head is swimming and the fog in my brain is making it hard to think.

He walked into the hotel suite.

He had a key.

Shane gave it to him. That’s what he said.

Bile rises in my throat.

Where is he now? The Wolf? Shane?

I close my eyes and try to shift the fog.

It’s helping. I seem to be able to think more clearly with my eyes shut. The Wolf was in our hotel suite. He grabbed me and then I woke up here.

No. I woke earlier too. He was talking to me. Telling me how much he loved me. Talking to me about how his nephews had defiled me. He was disgusted in me. The dull ache in my abdomen reminds me what he did afterwards, though I think I passed out halfway through. He used a condom. I remember that. He said that I was unclean. Disgusting, evil prick! Like he needed protection from me!

I feel a wet sticky substance between my thighs and my cheeks burn with shame. He must have made me climax. Bile surges up again and this time I can’t stop it. I retch, managing to turn my head to the side so I at least manage to puke on the bed and not myself.

Icy fingers trail along my calf. Am I imagining this now?

I open my eyes and see his face staring down at me.

He shakes his head. “Well, don’t you look a sight,” he sneers at me.

“Please!” I croak the word but no sound comes out of my mouth.

“Time to go back to sleep, little bird,” he croons as he brushes my hair from my face. I turn my head away from him and then I feel his fingers grip my arm. I buck my whole body, trying to get away from him, but he holds my arm firm in his grasp, his fingertips digging into my soft flesh.

I feel a sharp scratch on my arm.

Then nothing.

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