Ryan Reign: A Dark Mafia Romance. Book 4 of New York Ruthless

Ryan Reign: Chapter 20

I close the safe in Shane’s office and walk down the hallway to my brothers’ room to find them frantically packing. As soon as we got off the call with Shane, I started to look for flights while they made arrangements for the club and the businesses for the next few days. It was good we all had something practical to focus on because it prevented us from spinning out worrying about what the hell has happened to Jessie. Walking inside Liam and Mikey’s bedroom, I toss their passports onto the bed.

“Alejandro’s plane is at LAX and it will take at least six hours to get here and refuel.”

Liam frowns at me. “That’s too long.”

“I know, so I got us on a flight that leaves in two hours. Better get your asses moving. The car will be downstairs in fifteen.”

“Thanks,” they reply in unison. I turn to go to my own room and throw a few things in a bag when Mikey’s voice stops me.

“We’ll find her, won’t we, Con?”

I swallow hard and keep heading for the door because I can’t look at them and lie. “Of course we fucking will.”

I slam the door behind me and take a deep breath as I press my forehead against the wall. My heart is hammering so hard in my ears that I can barely hear myself think. I feel so helpless being thousands of miles away from Jessie and Shane and powerlessness is a feeling I am unused to and one I do not fucking like. It brings up far too many bad memories for me. What if we don’t get her back? What if the Wolf has already taken her somewhere we can never find her? What if someone else has her and she’s already dead? What if she is out there in pain somewhere, wondering where we are?

Breathe in.


Don’t lose it now, Conor. Not when everyone needs you so much.

The door opens and I snap my head up.

“You okay, bro?” Liam looks at me, his eyes narrowed in concern.

“Just taking a breath, kid,” I reply.

He puts a hand on my shoulder. “We’ll be there in a few hours and then we’ll get her back. I know we will.”

I nod in agreement even though I don’t share his confidence. I will do everything I can to bring her back to us, but what if it’s already too late?

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