Run With The Wolves

Chapter ☾ XVI ☽

Ty has been stressed out more than usual, and that’s not a surprise because I know everything that’s going on. He can’t be with me every night which is one thing that tends to bother him a lot. When he’s near me, he tries not to leave. He’s clingy, in his own little way, but I know he just wants to make sure I’m doing fine. I want to help, but everyday he seems more adamant about me being in a safe space and not getting in trouble.

I don’t know what’s happening besides everything on the news. I want to say things are improving, I want to say that it’s not as bad as it was before. The Martin brothers are controlling the vampires that are killing people, and it seems like it’s getting better. What Ty mentions is that the vampires are turning their attention towards the wolves. They’re constantly having to watch themselves to make sure they don’t get ambushed.

They have to watch their loved ones.

Ty is so stressed out.

When it’s a couple days of not seeing him, I can somehow feel he’s in distress. Not only does he have to worry about me, but also his brothers who are also overworking themselves to make sure their home stays protected.

It’s important to them.

I knew that from the beginning.

So whenever I get the chance to see Ty, to even have five minutes with him, I don’t take it for granted.

He was in school today, which made me feel better to see him walking around normally as oppose to some of his brothers who were limping from being injured. He got really antsy in the morning, so during our lunch period we decided to go out to his car so we could be alone.

What was supposed to be a harmless hour turned out to be much more.

He was kissing me roughly and I knew he was itching to do something. I was lucky to get a second to breathe, but I know it wouldn’t last long. My hand was pressed against his cheek, and he was extremely warm.

I think he had a fever. It’s been a while since he’s been sick.

He breathed heavily against my lips. Although we were still close, I opened my eyes to look at him. That’s when I moved back just a bit to see his eyes a cold blue. He was trying to hold back, and it looked like he might not make it. My thumb traced over his bottom lip lightly. When I pulled down on his lip I could see that his teeth had sharpened too.

We can’t exactly have sex in the backseat of his car, mostly because it would be very uncomfortable and we actually planned to go to our next class.

I just don’t think he can make it the rest of the day.

He was slightly dazed, even as I kissed him again. A quiet moan came from between his lips while I moved closer to him. My hand dropped from his face, trailing down his chest and moving to his lap where I felt the obvious bulge of his crotch. Usually he would get a little hesitant at this moment, even when he wants to do something. Now, he was still in a daze.

I shifted closer to him and undid his belt so I could get inside his pants. His lips had stopped moving, but I didn’t stop kissing him. He was slightly trembling beside me. I wasn’t sure if he was nervous or just taken over by the heat, but it seemed like he didn’t have that much control.

I wanted to help.

I definitely wanted to take care of him.

So I did.

My fingers pulled down on his underwear to let his cock free from the restraint. When I touched him, he moaned quietly again, slumping back in the seat more. My thumb gently rubbed over the tip, and I heard his voice again, this time louder. My heart always flutters at the sound of his voice. I was glad that I didn’t have to strain my ears to hear him.

I had just barely moved my wrist and he tensed up. He let out a heavy breath as he pulled away from me, another moan leaving his lips. I opened my eyes to see his expression, as if I hadn’t seen him before, as if this would be my first time. There was this feint glow to his cheeks, he was blushing. His eyes were still a powerful blue, but they were almost hazy. My hand pumped him slowly and I kept my gaze on his just to see what he would do.

Sometimes he looks away. Sometimes he stares back, having this gaze like he would risk it all for me. Right now he was distracted, like his mind was elsewhere. Was it the heat? His cock was throbbing excitedly in my hand. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me, just as roughly as before. I didn’t mind. I can handle him when he goes into heat.

It was hard to hide my smile. I was enjoying this moment, but it’s always fun to do dirty things with my boyfriend. It wasn’t too long ago that he always wanted to have sex. Hopefully we might be going back to that, but I wasn’t going to ask.

Though, there is a chance he might not be able to wait right now.

He was trying so hard to hold himself back. I could tell he wanted to move on top of me. Now he was leaning more towards me, and I had this feeling like if he was really unhinged, he would go for it and we would definitely have sex in the car. The thing about him though is that it doesn’t happen just once. He has the stamina to continue and he will if given the chance.

He has a test next period.

But I was just falling so much deeper into the idea of having him touch me.

When he gets excited, he gets more clingy, his hands hold me tighter, he kisses me more. I can feel him wanting to go further. Right now was no different. As I moved my hand on him, he kept me close to him. One hand was resting against my cheek, though he did hold my head up so he could kiss me. The other was gripping my thigh. If he moves that hand any higher, he’ll start to get my pants undone.

Once he breathed harder, I knew he was close. He was shaking again and small whimpers left his lips while I stroked him. My lips pressed against his cheek, and his jaw widened more as he moaned. My hand moved faster and he got louder. The hand that was on my thigh gripped my wrist strongly but he didn’t stop me from pumping him.

My lips trailed his jaw line and down his neck. I was so turned on just by listening to him and I couldn’t hide it. If only I could take off his shirt. I mean, I definitely could but I shouldn’t. It was already risky doing this here.

He cursed under his breath as he tensed up again. This time the grip on my wrist stopped my hand from moving. His cock was pulsing in my palm. It was only a few seconds later that I felt his cum over my knuckles and fingers. I opened my eyes to see. As I moved my hand down again, another thick stream of white came out of him, and he jerked his hips into my hand. My head rested on his shoulder and I continued to move my hand slowly on him. His grip was beginning to loosen on me, his fingers shaking and trembling.

He let out a few soft whimpers as well before relaxing again. Although, he was still pulsing in my palm. I can’t be surprised, yet here I was amazed that it seemed like he could go another round.

Should we?

I shifted upwards so I could look at him. He was still flustered and had this hazy look in his dark eyes. At least he’s controlling himself better now.

“Better?” I asked, smiling triumphantly because I knew the answer. He nodded though, closing his eyes as he let out another heavy breath. He seemed better, yet still on edge. “Again?” I asked, this time curious if he wanted me to keep going.

He opened his eyes to look at me and I got much closer to him so my forehead would press against his. “Yeah...” he whispered before he kissed me enthusiastically. I was still smiling even as his lips pressed against mine.

Well my lunch period was eventful.

If my parents aren’t home by the time I get there, I’m pretty sure Ty will show up.

I didn’t want to skip another class today so I went to my sixth period class. It was the end of the day, and all I had to get through were two more classes. Then I’m done. Today should be an easy day in my sixth period class since there’s an exam tomorrow and we already covered the material. It would be a great chance to catch up on everything I haven’t learned since I have not been paying attention to my school work for the past few days.

I was actually surprised to see Henri in class, too, considering that he has a whole family of vampires coming after him. He seemed just as happy as usual talking to the others. When he saw me, a big smile spread on his lips and he waved his arm to get my attention.

I should be glad to see that he was okay. I think I was expecting the worst since that one time he helped me. He did say there was a target on his back. I didn’t want it to show on my face that I wasn’t expecting to see him...ever...but it was probably too late for that.

I took the seat next to him and set my bag down.

“Been a while.” He said to me.

It’s been a week, which isn’t that long, but after what he did to the other vampires, I thought he got killed. I can’t say that out loud.

“Are you...okay?” I didn’t know how to ask if he was safe. He really...isn’t safe.

“Definitely!” he smiled widely again. Then he leaned closer to me, “mostly because I have to disappear from time to time so I don’t leave a trail.” he added.

I sighed and brought my hand to my forehead. Henri really does stress me out.

“You don’t have to worry though.” he said more quietly this time. “I can handle my own.”

“How are you...” Again, I wasn’t sure if I should ask my question but I was curious. “How are you always so happy all the time?” I asked despite being hesitant.

His smile didn’t fade. “It’s just easier.”

Henri is genuinely a good person, I can tell. He decided to protect me when he could’ve sided with the vampires. I wasn’t expecting that, but I’m so glad he did it. I didn’t realize that I was staring at him until he touched my shoulder. For a second I thought he was controlling me, but then he was quick to pull his hand away because of the pain.

My ear piercing...

Does he know?

He just shook his hand a bit.

“Anyway.” he turned to me and smiled again, just as big as before. “How have you been? I hope no one has made any attempts on your life.”

Well I can’t say that no one has.

“It’s been...” It’s been a lot of things. Stressful. Terrifying. Draining. Inconvenient. I turned away for a second, and I heard the second bell ring. Class was starting, and it was a great excuse for me not to answer the question truthfully.

Though I had a feeling that we were going to talk about this.

Nothing was going to happen in class today, probably just some group work and going over the study guide.

When I could collect my thoughts, I looked at him again. “I want to know more about you.” I said abruptly.

He didn’t know how to answer to that. “Like...what?”

“Like what happened to you. How’d you get this way?” I remember him saying that he’s been alive for about two hundred years, but I want to know how it happened.

“To be honest, I have absolutely no memory of my past life or how I ended up like this.” he answered sheepishly, rubbing behind his neck as he looked away. “It’s all a blur really.”

“You’re joking.” I flat out said.

“You can ask me about everything after that though. I remember that my first couple weeks like this were not pleasant.” he laughed, though he sounded a little nervous. “Let’s just say it takes some getting used to.” He didn’t say that cheerily either. There was a graveness to his voice, like he did things he shouldn’t have done.

I was expecting that.

“And the others are your family?” I asked.

“Well...” he was slow to answer. “Kind of...We’re more like a society in some sense. There’s smaller families within the group but we all migrate together.” he explained.

I wanted to ask if he had anyone. The question was right on my tongue, but I figured that if he did he would’ve said something to me about it least I think so...

So I decided to ask something else. “Where are you from?”

“I literally have no idea.” he answered plainly. I closed my eyes and took a quiet breath. Does he really not remember anything? I wasn’t going to press him to answer it. He laughed when he saw my expression. “The earliest thing I remember is being in a part of Canada. One of the others saw that I was traveling by myself so she let me migrate with them.”

“You say migrate like you don’t stay in the same place for long.”

“We don’t.” he said. “The longest we’ve ever stayed in one place is probably fifty years, and that’s pushing it. The only reason we came up this way was because there’s a family that was from here.”

Well...that’s interesting.

He took out a piece of paper and put it on the desk as he also took out a pen. He drew an asymmetric shape on the paper and then drew a line.

“This is Canada.” he said.

I don’t think so. “Doesn’t look like it.”

“Anyway.” he ignored my comment. “This is the border.” he drew another jagged line underneath, “and this is where that one family is from.” he said after he drew an X. Then he drew another line, starting at the other edge of the paper, that lead up to the X. “We migrate clockwise. So when I was found, their next destination was Greenland.”

“ the world?”

“Well, when you have to survive on people, you wouldn’t want to stay in one place forever.” he said quieter to me. I had to admit that made sense.

I looked at the awful drawing that Henri made. It really isn’t a good map of the northern region, though I shouldn't be complaining since maps aren't my strong suit either.

“You said a family was from here.” I pointed to the X.

“It might be distant relations, but there’s a few of us that really wanted to be here for some reason.” he glanced at me. “Legend has it that there was a family of vampires that were completely slaughtered by wolves, and the young ones were taken in by an Indian tribe.”

I instantly became interested in the subject.

I’ve heard a similar story before.

Orca told us about the first encounter between the wolves and vampires. When the vampires appeared, the wolves defended the land and kill every one of them to protect the tribes. When people found children that were left behind, they took them and raised them.

It wasn’t till awhile ago that we realized those children belonged to the vampires.

“Once those vampires started to mature, the wolves were able to sense them so they were ran off the land, right across the border.” Henri said. “I don’t know if that’s ‘factually’ correct. It was way before my time.” he shrugged.

I thought it was true.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that any of this happened.

I just didn’t say that out loud though.

I wonder if I can find a book on that legend. Should I go to the library and check? It’s not like vampires have been on my to-read list. Maybe I should call Orca and ask if he knows more about that story.

“This picture is awful.” I gestured to his paper before I picked it up to look at it.

“The only thing that matters is that it’s fit to scale. Tell me that border for Canada isn’t drawn perfectly.”

“Doubt it.”

I shouldn’t underestimate him. I folded up the piece of paper, making it look like I was going to throw it away after class, but I wanted to keep it. I had an idea and I wanted to see if it would work. I didn’t have high expectations, but again I reminded myself not to underestimate Henri. He is a vampire after all.

I told Ty that I had to go to the library really quickly so I could pick something up and that I would meet him at my place. I had this idea that I wanted to try out but I didn’t want to tell Ty just in case it was a complete bust.

It’s just that vampires and werewolves are real, so I can’t be out of my mind.

I went to the nonfiction section to find a book that had a map inside it. I didn't need a large world atlas, one of those history books should suffice. I had to go through quite a few books to find one that would work. Some were too big, some weren't as detailed as I needed it to be. I was mostly looking for a better map of northern America with the Canadian border.

One thing that triggered my idea was that Henri said his drawing was made to scale. He seemed pretty adamant about his "line" that represents the Canadian border was drawn correctly. It's not like I would be able to tell on first glance, but I was curious.

Could I place his drawing over a map and get an exact location to the X?

I found a book with different portions of the map of American that spanned a few pages. Lucky for me, there was one that was mostly northern states. I opened up the piece of paper that Henri drew on earlier and placed it over the map, trying to get the lines to match up.

To my surprise, it actually did.

Henri had drawn the border exactly like how it was on the map. Everything else was slightly misshapen, but I was staring at the Canadian border. Just below it, he marked an X as the location where the original vampires were from. I wanted to know if this was the actual place they were from.

I did my best to read the smaller print on the map, hoping to get a better idea of where the X was placed. It was close to this town, I know that. It was on the other side of a main river, so probably thirty minutes to an hour away.

I'd have to reference the state map to get a better idea.

I stopped everything and looked around. I shouldn't get ahead of myself.

Maybe I’m just making stuff up. Maybe I’m just reaching for an idea to hold on to so I can be helpful. For all I know, I’m just chasing thin air trying to make this theory work. Even as I told myself this, I still didn’t doubt my idea. There was this strong feeling in my gut that told me I might be on to something.

So I decided to check the history book out so I could take it home with me.

If I’m wrong, then I’m wrong. But if I’m right, I want to have proof.

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