Run With The Wolves

Chapter ☼ XV ☼

I had to walk back home after the little adventure in the woods this morning. I have no idea where Henri brought me, but we weren’t close by that was for sure. This walk was taking a while. I didn’t exactly know where I was going but I had Ty walking around near me and he was leading the way. I tagged along as fast as I could, though I believe he forgot that I’m not going to know the area as well as he does. I haven’t been this deep in the woods, so it’s definitely an adventure. I also don’t have four legs so there’s that.

It wasn’t unbearably cold, which is a good thing cause I’m not exactly dressed for a day of hiking.

My shoe got caught on a branch, and it wasn’t till after I started falling that I realized my mistake. It was a good thing that my arms broke my fall. And I was incredibly thankful I didn’t hit my head. My hands moved in the dirt just as I was about to push my weight up, but I stopped. I was just still on the ground, listening to the almost near silence of the woods.

There were birds chirping.

And other animals were running by. I could hear leaves being crushed under their small weight.

I didn’t realize how long I was on the ground until something brushed up against me. I was buried in white fur, a massive amount of warmth engulfing me for a few seconds. The wolf was walking around me and rubbing up against me, too.

“I’m okay.” I said to him, though he continued to put his weight on me until I fell over in the ground.

I didn’t get up, mostly because he was still over me and he wouldn’t move. I lifted my arm in his fur rubbing him gently, although I wasn’t in the most comfortable position. He got down next to me, although it felt like he was laying over me. I can’t complain. I figured he thought I wanted to rest a bit since we’ve been walking for some time and I haven’t had breakfast yet.

As hungry as I was, I had to admit that it was nice being outside.

I also like laying next to Ty no matter what form he’s in.

He whined quietly beside me, still sounding sad like before.

A while ago, he was about to get into it with Henri. I was going to stop a fight regardless of who started it, but I think Ty is upset that I got in the way. He may really want to kill Henri, and me getting in the way isn’t exactly a good thing to do.

“I’m sorry.” I apologized to him quietly. I’ve been doing that for the past ten minutes.

I was sorry. I didn’t want to scream at him to stop but it seemed like he wouldn’t stop if I hadn’t gotten his attention. Still, it hurt to do it. I’ve never had to do it before and I would hope that I never have to do it again.

I just want everything to go back to normal.

Well, as normal as things can be.

“I don’t want people to get hurt.” I said, more so to myself. I feel like there’s no obvious way to prevent that. Henri did mention that the vampires will continue to have their fun as long as they’re here. “I don’t want you to get hurt.” I rubbed Ty’s fur.

He’ll protect me. I know that.

I just...I don’t want him to hurt himself for me.

I remembered the story that Orca told me, and even now it doesn’t make me feel good. I want Ty to be with me more than anything. But I also want him to be safe.

“Let’s go home.” I patted him gently, and he moved off me.

Though he continued to rub up against me as I tried to get to my feet. To make him feel better, I did my best to hug him. He is a beast sized wolf after all. It felt like he calmed down a bit more when I did that, which made me happy.

He already has a lot to worry about. I don’t want to add to that by making him upset.

“I’m really glad you know where we are because I don’t.” I said as I walked with him. “I should take you for walks more often.” I ran my fingers through his fur and I heard a low rumble come from him. I don’t think he liked my joke very much, but I smiled anyway.

When I walked in the house, my mom came out of the kitchen to see who it was that just came in. She was not happy to see that I was covered in dirt, leaves, and twigs.

“Gabriel! Where were you?” she rushed over to me, pulling leaves out of my hair and clothes. I wasn’t dressed to be in the woods so it looked like I just ended up there by mistake. “You didn’t pass out, did you?” she asked, her hands holding my face.

“No, mom.” I said calmly. “I was playing with the wolves outside.” It’s technically not a lie, but it’s definitely not the whole truth.

She closed her eyes and sighed heavily. She dropped her hands from my face as she looked at me again. She didn’t look mad, I’d say more worried than anything. “Why are you like this?” she shook her head, though she asked it with love. “It’s dangerous to be outside right now, Gabriel-”

“I know.” I didn’t want to worry her. “I was just bored, but I’ll be more vigilant.”

She gave me this look like she expected to have this conversation with me again. So for her, I was going to do my best to stay inside the house.

“You’re supposed to be grounded, you know that?” she ruffled my hair a bit, then squished my cheeks between her fingers. “Your dad is not happy about this.” she was looking at the piercing on my ear.

“I...uh...” I don’t have a good enough excuse for why I have an ear piercing. I didn’t think of one yet and I need to.

“You’re turning out more like me every year.” she sighed. “Though, I have to say the piercing looks a little too edgy for you.” she laughed a bit. “I expected something more...normal.”

That’s interesting considering the old photos I’ve seen of her. “Didn’t you have a nose ring?-”

“Ah!” She had to stop me there. “Let’s not go into the possible things I did when I was your age.” she turned away quickly, but I tagged along because I had more questions to ask her. “You smell awful, Gabriel. Go take a shower and I’ll make you something to eat.”

I forgot that I spent a good chunk of my morning in the woods. I was also rubbed up against by a giant wolf. I can’t be surprised that my mom shoved me away when I tried to get close to her again.

Breakfast did sound nice though so I went to take a shower.

I wanted to think about other things at the moment. Not about the war happening between werewolves and vampires. When I think about it, it sounds serious. But it’s not like I can talk about it out loud.

As my mom placed a plate of pancakes in front of me, I realized that she didn’t know anything about what’s going on. People that are going missing are just being kidnapped by predators, not supernatural beings that are feeding on them or hunted down for fun. What’s happening isn’t going to have some wild answer.

She’s not expecting monsters to be real.

“What happened here?” She held my hand, flipping my palm over to look at my wrist. The scars from Henri biting me were dark. “Did this happen that one night?” She asked, referring to that night when she and dad found me randomly laying in the dirt.

That’s a convenient excuse. I can use that as a cover up for what really happened. However, I don’t remember anything that happened until after “waking up” so I can’t be sure.

“All I can say is that I’m happy I’ve already had a rabies shot.”

My mom sighed, putting her hand to her face. She had to take a few seconds to think since she remembered clearly why I had to get a rabies shot before. Everyone knows about my habit of playing with random animals. And even I expect that I would learn from my mistake. But I saw a chipmunk and it didn’t move away when I got close.

“You know, I think I want to be a vet.” I told her seriously. “But for only exotic animals. I think working with cheetahs would be fun.”

“Oh my God.” She covered her face with both hands. I laughed at her reaction, mostly because I was just teasing her. “I knew you weren’t going to end up at some corporate job like your dad, but I don’t know how I’d feel knowing you’re working at some exotic zoo.”

“I could be working with endangered species, you know, helping the planet.”

“I guess.” she wasn’t going to stop me. “No one will say no to someone who’s interested in getting close with dangerous animals.” She was not excited to say that. I could tell she was worried about me. “If you go to business school, you’ll be safer.” she tried to get me interested, not that hard, but she still tried.

“Dad would love that.” I rolled my eyes.

“And as always, I will tell you to do what you love. Your dad will tell you to do what puts food on the table, which he isn’t wrong.” she shrugged and moved away from the counter, going to the coffee pot to pour herself a cup.

Just as I was eating, I got a question I wanted to ask her. It might seem personal, but she’s better able to answer questions like this better than dad can. “What made you two stay together this long?” I asked her. “I mean...” I didn’t want to come off as rude about it. I know my parents are complete opposites, but I think that’s why it’s important for me to know how they made it work. “You told me you’ve been together since your freshman year.”

“That’s true.” she said easily. “To be honest, the only reason your dad ever spoke to me was to tell me to stop cheating on his math tests.” she laughed quietly. “He wouldn’t have talked to me otherwise. He was so focused on just doing what he’s supposed to that he doesn’t notice anything else.”

That sounds like him.

“I’d have to say I initiate everything in the relationship.” She thought about it for a second. “For me it was fine, I guess. I’m more out spoken than he is so if something was wrong I made sure to tell him and he would fix it.”

That also sounds like him. He wants to do his job, be a father, and be a husband. That’s it. Those are his three rules. If he can’t do that then he gets stressed out. Mom always helps with those things though.

“So to answer your question, we stayed together because we compliment each other. Don’t tell him I said this, but if he wasn’t such a hard-ass, there’s a strong chance I would be living in the forest and picking flowers because I thought I could be one with nature.” She smiled sheepishly. I had a feeling she still thought that. “But also...” She mumbled something just before she drank her coffee.

I heard unplanned pregnancy and I just knew she didn’t want to say that any louder so I could confirm it.

“Is it finally my time to give relationship advice?” she asked, this kind of excitement in her eyes.

That’s right, she knows about me and Ty.

I just filled my mouth with pancake so I wouldn’t have to speak. I don’t want to say it’s awkward talking to my mom about the relationship - though it feels like it would be- but I want some insight and I don’t know who to ask.

“Ty’s nice.” She said. I couldn’t speak because my mouth was full, and that’s for my own good. “He’s very respectful, too.” She pressed her cup to her lips, but she added something else. “He’s cute-”

I choked. “Mom!”

“What?” she tried not to laugh. “Can’t I give my son’s boyfriend a compliment-”

“Mom!” My face was getting hot. Now she was embarrassing me and making me blush. “I wanted to have a serious conversation.” I groaned.

“Okay, fine.” She came over to me and took the other empty seat. “What can I give you advice on?” she made it seem like she was going to cooperate.

“I’m just...I just want to stay together.”

“If that’s what you both want then it will happen.” she smiled at me. “I’m the type that will say if it’s meant to be then it will happen.”

“So if I asked if you believe in fate...”

“You know I do, Gabriel.” She seemed surprised that I would have to ask. “Your dad, however, will tell you its crap.” she drank from her coffee mug and rolled her eyes. “Yet, I still love him.”

“Thanks, mom.” I was glad for the insight.

“My turn.” She set her cup down. “How long have you two been dating? Who asked who out? You two are actually going to prom right?-”

“Mom, no-”

“I know Manoa Martin.” She reminded me that she’s friends with Ty’s mom. “She’ll tell me.”

“You think she knows?” I scoffed. “Ty’s not exactly out spoken.”

“Yes, but you are.” She ruffled my hair like she usually does. “And at some point, you will tell me.” she said it like she was sure of it. I can’t be upset about that because there is a chance I might say something.

Ty got to come over in the afternoon, though I already knew he wouldn’t be able to stay the night. I wasn’t going to push it by asking my mom if he could stay so we just sat outside together for the time being.

The smallest wolf came by not too long ago, completely bursting with energy, so it took a lot to get him worn down enough to want to sit down in one spot. He was curled up next to me and I let my hands trace the brown streaks in his grey fur.

“One of us is going to try and stay around you every day.” Ty said. Considering what happened last night and this morning, it’s for the best. “Another person was found dead in the city this morning so Channing wants us to spread out more.”

I wanted to ask if that was a good idea, but Ty looked absolutely exhausted right now and the last thing I wanted was to add to his problems. I just agreed with what he said because it was easier than asking questions. I touched his forehead to see if he had a fever, but he wasn’t hotter than usual. That should be a good thing, but he still looked a mess.

“Orca wasn’t lying when he said there could be many vampires in one place.” he sighed again, this time heavier because he was tired.

“Do you think you’re getting somewhere?”

“Considering the multiple threats we’ve been getting, Channing thinks we are. He’s serious about taking them all down one by one if we have to.”

Again, I wasn’t sure that was the best idea, but I’m saying that because I don’t want them to get hurt. Channing is seeing this as their responsibility, and I would be lying if I said it wasn’t.

“It’s just that the more we kill, more keep showing up. And it hurts knowing there are people getting killed and we’re not fast enough to stop it.”

I could hear it in his voice. He sounded so upset and hurt by the fact that people were still going missing and getting killed. There was this instinct he has to protect where he lives, so when he can’t do that, it must hurt.

I can’t imagine how bad it is for them.

“I am tired.” He said quietly. He was staring off, his eyes just about lifeless. “I wish there could be one day where I’m not being told what to do or I don’t have to worry.”

I felt bad for him.

He hasn’t had a break in months.

None of his brothers had.

“I’m sorry.” I apologized. “If there was something I could do, I would do it.” I wanted to help him. I wanted to take away his worry. “I know this isn’t the solution you’re thinking of, but come over tonight. I’ll sneak you in my room and you can actually sleep.”

There was this look in his eyes that broke my heart a little. It was almost like he was about to cry. “That would be great.” he liked the idea so much that it was bringing him to tears. I hugged him, hoping to make him feel better.

I know Ty is more at ease when he’s near me so I’ll try to give him that more often. He’s been able to sneak in the house before, I guess we’re going back to that again. I don’t mind it.

Ty rested his head on my shoulder, and I had one hand running through his hair. My other hand was in the wolf’s fur, right behind his ear. His head was resting on my lap, and he was staring up at me with his big blue eyes.

Before I knew it, Ty actually fell asleep. I didn’t think he would knock out that quickly, but he was completely out. When I tried to move him a bit, I felt more of his weight on me. He’s incredibly heavy so it wasn’t easy to shift him. I tried to move my other hand, but the wolf that was resting on my lap pressed his paw on my arm so I wouldn’t stop rubbing his fur. I guess I’m going to have to stay like this for a while then. I just sighed quietly to myself, though I can’t say I was bothered. It was quiet.

And calm.

We all deserve some peace right now.

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