Roses's Dark Knight

Chapter 4 - "Knowing you, Knowing me"

„Is Matteo really your cousin?” but something in Blanca’s eyes made me think that she was not telling the whole truth. She might have a reason. When she is ready, she will tell me. I do trust her. It is just hard to wait, and I am that good in this department. The department of patience.

I trust Blanca with my life.

„Yes, he is a cousin. But tell me. You know I can see it. I just want to hear it from you. So do not dare lie to me. Do you feel something for him?” Blanca has a look of determination in her eyes but mixed with something that looked like worry or maybe scared?

„Yes. But it is weird …” Blanca interrupted me with a feeling I can’t read but felt it like a truck had hit me with anxiety.

„How weird? Like electricity going through your veins or is like when we have a moment where we think the same thing?” Blanca started talking fast ans it is worrying me.

„It feels like a warmth that goes from the place our skin touches, and the last time it spread through my whole body. And it makes me feel safe, it makes me relax. Something like when we were little and you helped me with my anxiety attacks.„ I told Blanca in as much detail as I could, just watching her eyes go from listening to glazed over.

When Matteo touched me, I felt a tingle on my hand. It felt so good and warm. But enough of that. We have a plan. And a boyfriend would only distract. Right?

Blanca gave me no answer. Instead, she was miles away. Day-dreaming, eyes glazed over. Great, just great, she did not even listen to me.

Just then Blanca and I hear a shriek outside, maybe in the living room downstairs.


Someone was shouting, it was really loud and after we managed to hear because of the volume. What came next I can only describe as a dying hyena, followed by the slamming of a door.

I hope Blanca knows who she is or what is going on. Because I am getting a little scared. And when that happens Blanca tends to be a little more protective than usual. She once told me that when she gets like that it feels like a different person takes over her and she is left looking at everything from a dark room with a screen.

„Do you know who that is?” and sure enough, my question gets answered when that creature enters our room with a bang of the door. The door took most of the impact, probably making a hole where the handle is.

„You! I will kill …” the plastic creature shrieked, but she did not get to finish the sentence because Blanca got in front of me and from the top of her shoulder, I saw Matteo grabbing her and taking her away from us. If my heart was not beating so fast, I could have sworn I heard growls and felt Blanca vibrating.

But with any excitement I have. Inevitable I get lights-out. I have a condition, not sure how to call it. The doctors told me I have a hole in my heart, it is not serious, not life threatening, that I should live normally, and have an active life-style. But that hole also got me black-outs sometimes, when I get too excited or have a shock like the one I had before.

Blanca knows about them. Guess she did not tell her parents or Matteo.

They were all looking at me when I opened my eyes. Matteo was on the bed next to me, holding my hand, which also gave me warm tingling feelings.

„Hi.” I was looking in Matteo’s eyes, they are blue, with tiny specks of brown.

„You scared me.” And he started tracing the back of his fingers on my cheek.

„Sorry! Didn’t Blanca tell you about my heart?” with this they all looked at Blanca who had a sheepish grin on her face.

„I am also sorry?” said Blanca.

„Are you asking or telling?” was all Matteo said with a voice that made generals bow to the king. Even if he was looking at Blanca I could tell from her eyes and the fact that she dropped her gaze that his gaze was dangerous.

„Hey, don’t get angry at her!” I told Matteo, not sure where this boldness is coming from.

„She was just as startled as I was. Who is that crazy girl and what did she want with Blanca?” at this point they were all eyes on me.

Soon they shifted from Matteo and me. Not sure on who to settle. If I was not that scared, I would have found it funny.

„She is just that. A crazy girl. Now rest! We will talk and I will explain everything to you tomorrow. Okay?” was all that Matteo said. Not leaving room for any discussions. Of any kind.

„Promise?” I just had to add it. Can you blame me? I felt like a small child being cared by all around me. Helpless …

„Yes!” Matteo smiled. He has such a warm smile, but that half smirk at the end makes me think he looks like wolf ready to bite me.

My eyes started closing and soon I was sleeping. Lucky me I had no nightmares that night.

Matteo's point of view

Shit! Shit! Shit!

What is Stela doing here? I thought I told her that we are over! She just can’t let go, even if I was sure to tell her a thousand times that she is not my mate and that what we have will end one way or another when I find my mate!

„Stela, what do you want?” I tell her uninterested. I was listening to Rose and Blanca’s conversation.

„I came to say hello to Blanca and her little pet.” Said Stela.

Normally I would not react in any way to her bitch-talk. But Rose is my mate and is to be respected! Even if she is a human. Come to think about it, I have a lot of talking to do with Blanca. Considering she made a blood-oath with MY MATE.

„You will leave NOW!” my wolf started to itch under my skin and my canines elongated.

„Well, well, the big bad alpha found his mate!” Stela started to get on my nerves. My wolf started to come out. We are an alpha wolf after all. Dominance is our nature and Stela was disrespecting me and my mate.

„Don’t make me use my alpha voice Stela! I will tell you one more time to leave. We are over! We have been over for some time! I found my mate and I do not need you to ruin things with her!” I was starting to lose patience with her and my wolf wanted to make her leave before she does something we will regret.

„MATE! WHAT DO YOU MEAN MATE? YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME! BULLSHIT! WHO IS SHE? I … WILL … KILL … HER!!!” her voice was like a dying hyena. There was once a time I found her amazing, she is a very attractive beta wolf. But she is not my mate.

I mind-linked Blanca to protect Rose no matter what! Just the distraction Stela needed to run to Blanca and Rose’s room.

I catch her just in time. Take her out of the house and throw her on the ground. As on cue a crown started to gather in front of the pack house.

Using my alpha voice, I tell her to stay away from Blanca and Rose.

Suddenly I feel light headed, but it was not coming from me. It must be Rose. Our bond is growing. She must feel something towards me. She must be feeling the pull.

As I reach the room, I see Blanca holding Rose in her arms.

My wolf got crazy. Urging me to shift so he can make sure our mate is safe. But I resisted the shift, instead I let him have front row in our human form. So, he can see her and inspect any injury. Surely, he can smell something. But all he said was that her heart had a strange beat to it.

As we were looking at her, she started to come around. Slowly opening her eyes.

„Hi.” She said, but my heart melted to her voice and my wolf was retreating to the back of my mind so I can talk to her. Good thing he retreated in time because I can feel that all he wanted to do was kiss her. I wanted that to, to kiss her so bad. But we must wait, she is human, I think, and we need to tread carefully with that and with her heart.

„You scared me.” It comes naturally to be protective, but when it comes to a mate wolfs are even more protective and possessive.

„Sorry! Didn’t Blanca tell you about my heart?” she said in a light voice, like she didn’t want to let Blanca take all the blame.

I looked at Blanca. My wolf coming to the surface a little and my eyes started to change because she dropped her gaze. A sigh of submission in wolfs.

„I am also sorry?” was all Blanca could say under my gaze.

„Are you asking or telling?” I was pissed off. Why didn’t she tell me that Rose has a heart condition? What if something worse has happened? A heart attack? She could have died. I don’t know anything about her heart condition.

„Hey, don’t get angry at her!” Rose has a fire in her I am starting to admire and my wolf is already smitten with her so he obeys her and so do I.

„She was just as startled as I was. Who is that crazy girl and what did she want with Blanca?” I am a little confused but I do not show her. Blanca did not tell her anything which is a good thing. It is against pack laws to reveal yourself to humans, unless they are your mate.

This means Blanca followed the rules. She did good. But this also means that I have a hard job explaining everything to her. And she might get angry with us for hiding it. I hope she understands and forgives us.

I had a small talk with my beta, Blanca’s father. I told him Rose is my mate. Making Rose a little confused about why I zoned out.

„She is just that. A crazy girl. Now rest! We will talk and I will explain everything to you tomorrow. Okay?”

„Promise?” goddess I love her voice, it calms me and my wolf.

„Yes!” I think that she can ask me to do anything. And like a puppy I would do it.

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