Roses's Dark Knight

Chapter 3 - It is good meeting you.

„Hey, Blanca, are you sure we have a ride from the airport?” Little did I know she was not listening to me. Because she was checking out the cute flight attendant named Mark. At least, that is what it said on his name tag. I mean seriously, I should have insisted talking to her because nobody was picking us up from the airport.

Why you might ask, why isn’t someone picking us up? Well, because Blanca forgot to ask her parents so they assumed we had a ride or a cab.

In about 2 hours, plus the time it took us to retrieve our luggage I would say we were waiting in front of the airport.

„So, Blanca, when do they pick us up?” I ask her a little to angry, but I soon regret it after I see the look in Blanca’s eyes. She might be absent-minded but she is my absent-minded sister.

„Uhm, actually, well …. Please forgive me?” she had puppy-dog eyes. As she usually does when something stupid happens. And somehow, she has the luck of a leprechaun when fixing things.

„I might forgive you. But how do we get to your parents’ house? I mean no car, no money for a cab …” I felt relaxed, maybe it is the Italian air doing this to me. But I did not feel scared or worried like I usually do, I felt like somehow, something good is going to happen and we will be okay.

„Rooose?” Blanca asks as she started to get worried about me being calm.

„Yes Blanca.” I let her know that I am listening to her.

„Are you okay? I mean, do you have a fever or took something to relax? Did you take something on the plane or before we got on? Cause I sure do want to try it!” Blanca is the one that is calm and collected but somehow today, now, the roles got reversed.

„NOOO, you know I don’t like taking stuff like that, or anything to make me feel relaxed. You know what happened the last time I drank some tea made by Omama.” But she was right, I do tend to panic. And my Omama did try and help me, but the effect lasted to long and were too strong, and I ended up sleeping a whole day and night. To make things worse, it was only herbal tea, the one you buy from the store with melatonin. Must be the air or the freedom that is making me feel more relaxed, or helping me change for better.

„Rose, I know you love me, so remember that before you try to kill me!” and she started to run. Where, I have no clue. I was just watching her go. I just stood there. Did not know what to do. Sure enough, 5 minutes later she shows up. And there is a guy next to her. Sexy, tall, dark, and handsome. Prince charming here to save us in his white car? Am I funny or what? I might have drooled a little but I will not admit it even if you torture me.

„Hey Rose, so, I love you! And you definitely love me. Right?” Blanca started talking but I was only half paying attention.

„Blanca …” I had no words; I was just looking in his eyes as he was looking into mine.

„Shit … shit … shit …” that was all I heard Blanca said.

„Hey, Blanca, aren’t you going to introduce him?” As the initial stare session ended, I wanted to know who he is.

” Yes, sorry, Alp … alright, so Rose, this is my cousin Matteo. Matteo this is my best friend and blood-sister Rose” said Blanca. But at the end when she said I was her sister it was like his neck snapped and he looked like he was going to eat Blanca alive.

He was her cousin. That makes sense. I can see some resemblance. Both have dark hair, a little curly, tall and very beautiful. I wonder if being beautiful runs in the family.

To clarify some things out …

Yes, Blanca and I are blood-sisters. We took it a few years back, when we were children. Because we did everything together and we shared our stories. She was lonely, and often had really bad outbursts of anger. If her temper was a mountain then I climbed Mont Blanc mountain at 4810 m (15780 feet). It was easy for me, maybe because she felt like she needed to protect me. So, we made a blood pact to protect each other, to be sisters.

„Matteo, the gift of God, beautiful name.” Can I be more of a geek? How is it that hard to remember all the names that have a translation to the gift of God?

They just stared at me for a couple of seconds. Before Blanca released that I had a thing to know names that translated to that meaning.

„Uhm, yes… Yeah, that is actually why my parents named me Matteo. Because I was their gift. I am an only child. And I guess you do not need to hear how they struggled to have me. I like you! You are smart!” said Matteo looking at me with a sparkle in his eyes and a half grin, can he be more handsome?

„So, love-birds can we head home? I am starving!” As on cue, Blanca did have a way in ruining moments. Not that I think I was having one with Matteo. Was I? He is so good looking that thinking about it makes me reconsider. I don’t think that someone like him might be interested in me. He was a gentleman. He put our luggage in the trunk. And opened the front door of the car for me, and the back one for Blanca. The drive was silent, I was too scared to turn on the radio. Scared I would offend him? Or he would not like me to touch his car. I mean, is it true that a man’s car is his baby and that he will protect it at the cost of his ego?

Blanca and I were looking at the scenery and occasionally looking at each other through the mirror.

It is a beautiful place. The forest has a fresh green, rejuvenated from the winter and not yet burned by the sun. I rolled down the window of the car just to get that smell. And to stop thinking of Matteo’s smell. It did not help me one bit. He smelled like the forest, fresh, musky and a tint of redwood. That just translates to a masculine smell, I wonder what is the name of his cologne or is it his natural smell …

After an hour drive, we finally arrived and we’re greeted with open arms by Blanca’s parents. Even if they have yet to meet me. They were very happy to see her and me. Her mom hugged me, and it only brought tears to my eyes. Which I blinked out so that no one sees how affection starved I am.

„Hey honey, how was the trip here?” Blanca’s mom had a sweet voice, warm.

„And how is our second daughter?” Wait what? How did they find out? Maybe Blanca told them. Relax, I am sure they will not have a fit about it like my mom did. She did not like the idea of what we did. For the longest time, meaning one entire summer, she did not allow Blanca to come near me. I was in home arrest. Worst time of our lives so far.

„Rose, I told them. Sorry I did not tell you!” Blanca was quick to answer my thoughts.

„It is okay, please don’t be ….” But I was interrupted by her parents.

„Hey don’t be scared, we want to thank you! Blanca told us how your mother reacted. We know about how bad it was to not see each-other. We only want to thank you! What you did for my baby …” Blanca’s mother started to get teary eyes and hugged me.

„Thank you for taking care of her!” her father said it one more time.

„I love her. She is my sister!” I was looking at Blanca over her mom’s shoulder because she was still hugging me and I was holding her.

We started to head towards the house, but during our hugging I did not even notice that Matteo left. Maybe he just does not like sappy, emotional women.


Oh, my strudel.

The house is SOOO big.

Do they live here alone? I mean hello, HUGE.

The architecture I cannot place. It has 3 stories from front and there might be a second building added in the back that seems to be at least one story higher.

The entrance is proportionate, it has 6 windows on each side. The windows look thin enough that they might be for one room. It looks old, maybe because of the faded white, but it also has a picturesque feeling to it. Like something you would see in an old Victorian movie where they had a mansion built for the whole family, for the people working for them and for guests. I bet it has a lot of rooms. I can’t wait to explore with Blanca.

But I did not get to ask anything …

Matteo, hunk a sexy, came in the hallway and I almost fell. Almost. If he hadn’t caught me in his arms. His arms. Oh, my brain is turning into a mush, hope he doesn’t ask me anything or gets mad at me for tripping and almost falling on him.

„Hey there, again!” Matteo said in a husky voice, did he change his voice? It sounds like it is rough.

„Sorry!” I just had to bat my eye-lashes at him. What is wrong with me? Oh, my gods, please help me survive this summer.

„It’s okay. I like you like this. We should do this more often” he said.

Was he flirting with me? Yes, he was. But why? He is sexy and me … Well, me is me. The opposite of sexy. Plain, curvy … I might say overweight but then sometimes I feel beautiful. I guess it depends on what day you ask me.

I just smiled and he let go of me. But not before running his fingers down my arm sending electric tingles.

„I have to go now. See you later at dinner?” was all he said. He didn’t even wait for a response.

„Earth to Rose. Come in. Are you okay?” Blanca never saw me like this. Maybe because no other guy caught my interest.

„Yes. I am okay. Can we talk?”

„Sure. Let’s go to our room.”

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