Roses's Dark Knight

Chapter 23 - Who are You?

„Listen, I know you are having a moment right now. But who the hell is he?” Alpha Marco was getting angrier by the second.

Luck has it that Blanca being his mate and my best friend, ahem, only friend, calmed him by touching his shoulder.

You see, that is the magic of one’s true mate. They have this effect on you that no one else has. They can give you the slightest touch and make you calm, or feel better about a situation.

„Honey-Bear, please, this is Rose we are talking about, and apparently her true mate.” Maybe a bit too much information with the honey-bear. It is funny, and his wolf thinks so too.

„I do not give a rats ass who he is. And she should be ashamed of herself, for what she did to my best friend!” rage was clear as light in his eyes, and something else I cannot read. But his wolf, Storm, tried to make him listen to me and his mate. Sometimes I feel like the wolf is smarter than the humans. Because every wolf-spirit is paired with his human at birth and to keep them safe the wolf is aware and older than the human part.

I did the only thing I can think of. I got into his face.

„Listen here mutt.” His wolf bowed his ears, showing a little faith in what I am about to do. And that was putting an alpha male in his place. And showing his wolf what I can do, and that is to make a wolf put his tail between his legs and listen. Given their nature, they are hot-headed, and let’s not get started on alpha wolf temper.

„I am an alpha, you cannot …” Marco started talking but I interrupted him.

„I talk to you as I please. Show me respect. YOU ARE NOT ABOVE ME. And your best friend is a coward for faking a mating bond. Is he still your best friend and the hero now?” Alpha Marco looks at me carefully, like he is measuring his next words.

It might have helped the fact that I was using my powers on him, and because I felt Lucian grow into his beast. Just waiting for him to come closer or touch me.

„I am sorry to hear that. He has a different story from yours. I admit it was hard to believe him, but I did because I trusted him.” Alpha Marco spoke with a calm voice.

I was no longer looking at him but at Blanca who was crying.

„I am going to hug Blanca. If you dare stop me, I am going to bite your ear to show dominance.” I said it more as a joke than I threat. Because of a movie I loved watching with Blanca about sled dogs. In that movie if you wanted to show dominance you bit the dogs’ ear. Stupid I know but it was funny.

I hugged Blanca and she hugged me back. Crying on my shoulder.

„I should have been there for you. I kind of felt your pain. But I ignored it. I am so sorry. Forgive me?” Blanca is sobbing, I guess it has to do something with the hormones now that she is …

„Shhh my sister. You are mine, and I don’t have anything to forgive you for. It was not your fault. Please stop crying, it is upsetting the baby.” I tell Blanca smiling sheepishly.

„What baby? Are you?” Blanca looks at me with wide eyes.

„Not me.” We were looking at each other, waiting for Blanca to stop crying, I was looking at her belly, you couldn’t see her baby-bump just yet. But he was there, and his wolf is strong.

„But I can’t smell it on her.” Marco was looking weird at me, like I had gone insane.

„I know, it is still too early to tell. It will be a month before you could smell him on her and hear his heartbeat. But I can feel his souls and his wolf-spirit. Congratulations Alpha and Luna, you will be having a strong baby boy alpha.” I tell them both and let them enjoy the moment.

„Thank you.” Said Alpha Marco.

Blanca has a look on her like she wanted to eat me or hug me. I hope she chooses to hug me.

„Rose?” Blanca says.

I hummed a response that I was paying attention.

„When will I see you next?” She is a little sad and know that we will not be spending that much time together now …

„Hey, stop it with the puppy eyes. You know I can’t resist them. I am not sure your mate is very happy with me being around you.” I tell Blanca while I was looking at Marco to see his reaction.

„When it comes to my sister, he has no say in it.” Blanca says smiles at me.

„Ok, well, all you need is to call me.” I tell Blanca and hug her one more time.

I gave her my necklace, it is a moon-stone, beautifully crafted gold chain.

„Elegant, beautiful, and fitting because it is a moon-stone. You just have to think of me. Because we have a bond of blood. We are forever connected. And one more thing …” I whisper in her ear so that no one hears us.

I leaned and hugged her. This is something only she needs to know. It is up to her if she wants to tell her mate or not.

„Your baby boy is special, he has alpha blood, a strong wolf spirit but also some of my blood. I can’t wait to see how much more he can do. He will be a good child. That is all I know from Moon-Goddess.” I tell her.

She looks at me wide eyed.

„You can talk to her?” Blanca asks.

„I am after all one of her daughters that has a demon for a mate, whose mother is a fae of nature. Like, why not?” I tell her knowing that what I tell her stays between us.

Marco taking the que, me leaving her side. Comes back to Blanca and scents her. So sweet, the big bad alpha is a puppy.

„This leaves only one question. Who is your mate, Rose? Your true mate.” Alpha Marco asks me.

„Lucian Belphegor, demon hybrid, is my one true mate.” I tell him, turning and looking at Lucian after that.

This sentence made me stop. I realised it was the acceptance of the bond. Even if me branded each other and made a telepathically connection. We have yet to let it known to the goddesses.

„Rose Jamgocian, daughter of the Moon-Goddess is my one true mate” Lucian said the same words as me. And in one second, he was by my side looking into my eyes and into my soul.

I mouthed I love you so much to him and he kissed me. One small kiss, making me get on my tip-toes for another one, a little longer one.

„I see no threat from you. You are invited and welcome on pack territory. Because your mate, Rose, has a blood-oath with my Luna.” Alpha Marco says.

„Thank you, Alpha.” And he bows his head in respect. Marco does the same for Lucian.

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