Roses's Dark Knight

Chapter 22 - The dress, The party, My best-friend

„Hey there love birds. Are you decent? I have arrived in peace and have an offering for the goddess.” Lucian’s mother is so funny sometimes. I like her sense of humour. She is ready to lighten any mood.

„Yes mother. You may enter the palace of my goddess.” I guess Lucian takes after her humour wise.

Abigael comes inside and behind here are the most beautiful dresses floating. Next to her sense of humous I guess she has a taste for demonstrations.

„This dress is amazing. Thank you so much.” She lays a dress in front of me on the bed.

This amazing dress is floor length, it is a wonderful green colour, more emerald then green, and on the top part it has lace. I do not know much about dresses, but when I tried it on it was like it was made for me. It hugged my breasts, and it was fitting but not too tight around my waist. I actually have a nice waist. Who knew? And it shows just an idea of my hips.

„I am not fine with you going like this.” Lucian looks at me with lust in his eyes.

„What do you mean?” I had to ask, even if I saw it in his eyes and felt it within our bond.

His eyes were getting darker.

„You are MINE!” he whisper-yells at me.

„Yours! I promise I will not leave your side.” I go to him and place my hands on either side of his face.

„My dear. He is not allowed to attend. And neither am I. At least not in physical form.” Abigael tries to explain to me.

„Oh …” I have no words, I am not sure what to say and honestly, the fact that he will not be holding my hand or touching me makes me tear up …

„Have you children completed the branding ritual?” Abigael asks both of us.

„You are a very perceptive woman, and smart. But one thing I am curious about.” I tell her, and take this opportunity to find out more about myself and Lucian.

„Yes, I am that and more. Ask away my child.” Abigael smiles, I think she likes how curious I am.

„Is it possible to have been able to communicate telepathically before the branding?” I ask Abigael.

„This is interesting. It is very rare. But yes, and this could mean only one thing. And that is you and my son are true mates. You two were fated to be together. Not just now, but throughout time. This could explain why he has been stable for so long. Your soul was calling for him. You see my dear, a demon loses its mind if he does not find its mate before reaching maturity. He has been alive for so long, looking for you.” She responds looking between Lucian and me.

My eyes water and I do the only thing that can show how much I appreciate her. I give her a hug. And whisper sweet nothings to her. She is so good to me.

„My dear, be careful with those hugs. I mean, give me more. But you know that you give energy to those you give that kind of hug?” Abigael tells me.

„I know so little about myself and this whole world I never knew existed until a few weeks. But I will be careful in the future. Thank you so much.” I tell her and hug her again.

„May I have one more of those hugs?” she asks me.

„Of course!” I am happy to oblige.

She leaves Lucian and me to get ready for the ceremony. He only has to take a shower, shave and get dressed. Lucky him.

I, on the other hand have to take a shower, get dressed, do my hair and make-up. It will take some time, and maybe some help from Abigael.


We arrive in front of the pack house of Blood Moon Pack. He opened a portal for us, so long and sayonara car ride and plane rides.

I do like me some portals.

They have to go, and leave me alone here at the ceremony. Even if they will be not too far away, I still feel like I am a lost puppy.

„I do not want to let you do this alone! Mother is there anything that you can do?” Lucian tries one more time to convince his mother into letting him attend with me.

„I am sorry. But rules are there for a reason. It will be fine.” She answers a little annoyed by him.

„Really Lucian. It will be fine. I am fine.” He gives me a sweet kiss and whispers in my ear.

„I will be with you in your head.” He whispers to me.

„That is a frightening thought. What if I picture you naked?” I ask him, trying to make him and myself relax a little.

„Then I will have to take care of that as soon as we can!” Lucians smiles at me and gives me one more tiny kiss.

They leave. And behind me I hear a screech. A screech I could recognise anywhere.

„RRRRRROOOOSSSSSSEEEEE!” Blanca yells my name.

I wince and turn around to face the music. To face Blanca. I have a lot to explain to her.

„Where in the world have you been?” Blanca asks me with anger and concern laced in her voice.

„Nowhere. Like literally nowhere in the world. I was in another dimension, and on a short trip to hell. I will tell you more when we get a chance to talk, alone.” I am trying not to ruin her moment, her day. I just hope she understands and lets it go for a better moment.

„What?” she asks me, with a little high-pitched voice.

„I promise to tell you everything after your ceremony. And I hope you don’t hate me too much.” I tell Blanca and hug her, sending positive thought and energy through her.

She turns away pretty fast without saying a word. I was starting to feel hurt but I noticed that she was crying, her breathing was fast and tears were rolling from her eyes and hitting the stairs. I go and hug her from behind.

„Please Blanca. I am fine now. Something happened, and I needed some time. I am so sorry. Please forgive me.” I whisper to her so that she is the only one to hear me.

She answers me between the crying hiccups.

„I …was … con …cer… ned … for …you… I … love …sister.” It is hard to understand everything, as she is crying but I get the important parts.

„Please forgive me!” I ask her to forgive me because I admit that I forgot about her, or at least texting her. And letting her know that I am fine.

She looks at me, wipes her tears away.

„I should be the one asking for your forgiveness. Because I was not there for you.” She has the same problems, almost the same. I can understand …

„How about we forgive each-other and be here and now for one another?” I tell Blanca with honesty and hope that she says yes.

„Deal!” she smiles at me with mascara going down her face.

„Now, let’s get you dressed and ready for your ceremony.” I am not one to tell a woman that her make-up is ruined. I mean, I should, but she was crying because of me. I made her cry. It is bet to cut the losses and help her do her make-up again.

„Love you sis.” Blanca tells me.

„Love you more Blanca!” I reply.

„Not so sure about that. Because you might love Bianca’s fur better.” She is trying to let me know that they forgave me.

„I love all of you. You two are the same.” I tell her and her wolf.


^She is the most beautiful Luna. And do not dare contradict me Abigael. ^ at the ceremony I started to get bored, so I began trying to communicate with Abigael.

^You are amazing. How are you able to talk with me telepathically? ^ she replies.

^I have no idea. But I am willing to find out more and more about what I can do. ^ I tell Abigael.

„Rose? Who are you talking to?” Blanca asks me because I was not paying attention to her asking me something. I still don’t know what she asked me. Ops …

„Goddess of Nature. Did you know her name is Abigael?” I tell Blanca, but I think that she doesn’t believe me.

„I did not know. And she and I have concluded that you are the most beautiful Luna ever.” I smile at Blanca. She is so beautiful in her dress and that natural make-up just accentuates her features.

„Oh, shut it. That is not true.” She tells me.

„It is! Now stop arguing with me about this topic.” I smile at Blanca.

The ceremony went by fast because I was mostly talking to Lucian about nothings. Just to pass the time. I love Blanca, but this kind of ceremonies are long and full of speeches. It was beautiful, I like the part where Blanca got a blessing for good fortune and fertility from Abigael.

What I was not expecting was Matteo.

„You look so beautiful in that dress. I wish I could tear it off you.” Matteo has such balls to come here and face me after all he did.

I had my back to him as he was whispering in my ear. One thing I realised from this was that he did not have any effect on me anymore and another thing was that I was no longer afraid of wolves.

I turned and looked at him from head to toe, and back into his eyes.

„You lied to me, there was attraction but I am not your mate.” Please attack me so I have motive to banish you. I know that I am mean right now but I will not forgive him.

„Yes, it is true. Not a real mate but you have to admit that there was something there.” Matteo tells me with an evil grin on his face.

„What did you have to gain from lying?” I ask him, even if his answer does not interest me.

Blanca must have seen him and me. Because I felt her approaching behind me.

I extended my hand to the back and sent her a message.

^It is ok Blanca. I can handle him. Trust me. I need to do this on my own. ^ I tell he telepathically.

She must have heard me because she stopped. And was holding Marco back as well.

„I see. And where is your precious demon mate?” Matteo asks me.

„I will tell you this only once. So, listen carefully.” I am done with games.

„This is sweet. The little bitch has a voice now that she has been fucked.” Matteo yells at me, making Blanca and the others that gathered behind me gasp.

He reached for his head, cupping his temples. Blood leaked from his ears. I can talk to wolves telepathically but I can also cause pain if I scream into their heads. Sometime you just have to learn on the job.

„I am a banshee. You will not disrespect me mutt!” I yell at him. I have no intention in causing him pain.

I stopped my mental assault on him so he could listen to what I have to say.

„You will not come near me, Blanca or anyone I hold dear, for as long as you shall live. If you do, you will have a punishment worthy of an alpha.” I tell him, as I feel my eyes burning and my hands feel like they are floating.

„I am happy to be rid of you all, especially of you miss mighty shit. And I do not need any mate, I am free to have any woman I wish. In fact, you did me a favour. So, thank you.” Matteo spits at me with anger and hatred. What have I done to him to make him so angry at me?

„It is understandable that you thought I was your mate. But I am not. Wolves are naturally drawn to something like me, still finding out who and what I am. So, I understand your confusion.” I tell Matteo and everyone here that knows me.

„I WILL KILL YOU BITCH…” Matteo spits anger at me.

He did not get to make another move because Lucian had him by the neck.

„Please teleport him some place far away.” I ask Lucian. even though I know that he wants to kill Matteo. Better he does it someplace else.

„Yes love.” Lucian understands me and doesn’t need to look at me to know how serious I am.

Everyone was looking with wide eyes at my handsome and elegant mate as he opened a portal and threw Matteo in.

He turned to face me, engulfed me in his arms and started kissing me like a mad man.

And I mean everyone was looking at us, no reaction, not one word …

Marco had to go and be the alpha and interrupt our moment.

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