Roses's Dark Knight

Chapter 12 - More secrets


This place makes me feel like I have so much to live for. It is peaceful. From the clear water, where I can see fish of all sizes swim, to the calming ripple when something disturbs the surface of the water.

I wish I could stay here, with my mate, well … maybe in human form … I wish we could visit this place every day.

„Hello.” The voice relaxes me. I should be afraid. Who is it?

„I do not want to scare you. Sorry for disturbing your moment. But I would like to have a few words with you my dear.” From the voice it sounds like an invitation, and I am thinking that if it was a threat Daemon would react.

„Where are you?” I ask a little scared, maybe a little starting to panic because through all this Daemon is sleeping peacefully.

„First I want to see you!” I hear it clear as if they were standing behind me but there was no one there I could see.

„Maybe next time. How about that my dear?” they ask me.

„I am not talking to you. And you are so rude, you haven’t introduced yourself. And I still can’t see you.” Oh, I should be sooo scared. What is wrong with me? I admit I am a little, but not as much as you would think.

„Let’s change that. Shall we, my dear?” I hear the voice, before … I see him, he is standing in front of me. In the water, the cold water. But he doesn’t seem to be affected by the cold. Matteo, in his wolf form is still sleeping.

„My name is Lucian Belphegor, I am a demon in case you are wondering.” He introduced himself with a soft smile while holding his hand and inviting me to join him in the water.

Wait, what? Join him in the water? A demon? I must be losing my mind … but here I am.

„How do I even begin?” I am starting to get confused abut what to ask, about what I need and want to know.

„Oh, and do not worry about the mutt. He will be sleeping while we get to know each-other.” Lucian smiles softly at me.

„Is he okay?” I ask.

„Like I said. He is only sleeping. No harm will come to him, unless you wish it!” he had an evil glint in his eyes, like he wanted me to wish harm on Matteo.

„You will not touch him. And you will keep him safe. Got it?” how am I this brave?

„My dear. I only protect you! You are my one! Not that filthy mutt who thinks you are his mate. So let me make it clear to you. You are my beloved. While the mutt is only wishing you were his mate. You are a wolf-whisperer and somehow, he thinks you are his. I am not sure of his intentions yet, but I will make sure to find out, to keep you safe.”

„Hey, watch it! HE IS MY MATE! And if you claim I am your mate, prove it. How can I trust you, Lucian?” I am trying very hard to understand it all. Who do I believe? How can I tell the truth?

He was now inched from my nose; I can feel his warm breath on my lips. And his eyes, those silver eyes looking into my soul.

„May I?” Lucian asks.

„May you what?” I am angry now, he is invading my personal space.

He smiled. And this time, his smile felt warm and honest.

„May I kiss you? So, I can prove to you that I am also your mate.” Lucian said with as much honesty as he can, before he loses his temper and kissed Rose without consent.

„Uhm …” I should say no, I should scream. But every fibre in my body tells me to trust him.

„I will only do it with permission. Just say what you want!” Lucian seems to read my mind, or is it that he can see it on my face.

„Ki…” and his lips were on mine, they felt electric, like small charged grenades, exploding from that small contact.

I wanted to have more. But I stopped myself in time. It felt so out of place to be far from him. Like there was a part of me missing.

„How? Are you vampire?” I ask again, even if he told me, he was a demon. It is hard to tell if he is one. I mean don’t demons hate water and the elements of nature?

He chuckled and smiled at me lovingly. Like a mother would look at a child when learning new things.

„No. As I said, I am a demon. A demon hybrid, I am a child from a demon and a fae. Because sometimes, the sisters get bored.” Lucian said it with a smile on his face, looking lovingly at Rose.

„What sisters?” I ask.

„Fate, Moon-Goddess, Death, … plenty of sisters. But for now. I would like it if you would kiss me again. And maybe try the water with me?” Lucian is getting cheeky, but Rose doesn’t seem to mind.

„How are you so calm? Does Matteo know? I have so many questions.” I speak

„Let me tell you one thing. Your lap dog, sleeping there, is not your mate. But truth be told I do not like the way he claims to be your mate, he is hiding something and I will find out. Rose, I waited so long for you that I am willing to make sacrifices to have you in my life!” Lucian holds me in his arms and all I can feel is warmth, electricity, like nothing can happen to me when I am near him. He places feather kisses on my neck and I feel like melting, like I am floating.

„I want the truth! Please tell me…” when will there be a pause, to just lay everything down. I can feel there are so many things to learn, to find out that I am starting to feel overwhelmed. My breathing is fasted and it feels like I have no air …

„My dear. Look at me.” Lucian says

And I look at him, at his silver eyes, his pale skin, and his blonde hair, cut short … I wish I could play with his hair …

„It’s going to be fine. Trust me.” Lucian just knows what to say

It is hard to. Trust is hard to find and so very easily lost.

„You are a wolf-whisperer. Am I right?” Lucian asks

„It’s true. How old are you?” I am a little curious as to how old he is, I know he is not from this century.

„Hmmm … Does it matter? Is it that important to you?” he asks with a tiny smile that if I wasn’t looking at his face, studying it, I would have missed it.

„No. Just curious. Why didn’t Matteo tell me about you?” I ask.

„He just found out himself and went a little off the book. So, Daemon took control to calm themselves. Actually, come to think of it, the wolf spirit seemed more distraught than the man. Would you know anything about that?” Lucian asks me, but I don’t know.

„Maybe because Daemon cares for me more than Matteo?” I am starting to think that Lucian is right. I seem to have a connection with Daemon but with Matteo it seems more like a crush than mate.

„Ah, clever girl. I am starting to like you more. Now, how about that swim. Care to join me?” after everything that is going on he wants to play.

„But the water is cold … and I hate the cold.” I am sure not going in the cold water

„No problem. Your wish is my command.” Lucian said and in a few seconds the water gets warmer and warmer.

I went in the water with just my bra and shorts. I felt okay taking my t-shirt off.

„The water is nice. How is it possible? Yesterday it was cold.” I look at Lucian who has a smirk on his face, he is beautiful but there are no words I can use to describe what kind of beauty. He is different.

„Just the perks of being me. I made it better. Here, come here next to me. Promise I will kiss you only if you ask.” His smile made me feel wanted, respected.

„What if I don’t want you to kiss me?” I am only testing his ego. I do want him kissing me. Oh goodness what is wrong with me. I keep asking myself that but I get no answer. Is it possible to like both of them? They are so different. My head starts to hurt really bad.

„Are you okay? Here, let me see.” Lucian swims towards me.

„I am okay, except for the headache. Please make it stop.” I ask him like a little girl.

He leaned over me; he is taller than me. Picked me in his arms and took me out of the water. Good thing he is wearing swimming shorts. He kissed my forehead and smiled at me. I am starting to feel better but sleepy. So sleepy …

„Rest now. And we have plenty of time … rest…” he was smiling at me as my eyes started to close. And I relaxed into a restful sleep, in his arms.


I wonder what time it is. I am in my bed? How did I get …

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