Roses's Dark Knight

Chapter 11 - A demon is a bad sign

One demon is a bad sign but a hybrid one? What does that tell you?

A demon is a child of the night, they are powerful. A demon hybrid comes from one demon parent and one other than a demon. Sounds about right, nothing new here.

Sometimes I can be captain obvious but bear with me.

Demons and others do not mix, which is why their children are rare. Demons in general do not like to mix with others, even with other demons. The power a demon comes from dark elements, in general. Imagine a hybrid that has both their parents’ powers and inclinations. Powerful, right? They could have the power of water, fire, earth or air mixed in with dark powers.

We only know of one such hybrid, a demon hybrid, known to be all powerful because he could control all elements and had some of his father’s demon powers, but not much is known of him, because there are so few writings about them. And even if there were they are probably so old that they might have been destroyed by different elements or humans. All that is known about this demon hybrid is the fact that he is the most powerful and ancient.


I am with Santo in our interrogation room.

Maybe you were expecting a dungeon, at least that is what others have told me they expected. But come on, we are not Neanderthal people and ice age is now a movie. We should at least consider more modern ways.

Before my parents died, we tried to catch up with war technology. So, after a few failed attempts to find a company that could help us. We managed to get information and make our own company, and now we provide intelligence and equipment for other packs. That is where a large amount of my money comes from. My money and the pack money are separate. That is how I like it, even if the norm is to have it in the same place. That is how other packs do it. Let’s just say that I like to be free. Be my own man. You never know …

Our interrogation room is state of the art. The building is a short walk from the pack house, connected with underground tunnels, there are plenty of rooms at semi-basement level, soundproof, airtight, almost like a bunker. I can say that I am very proud of my parents, it is their plan, they designed it.

„Santo, bring our captive to the interrogation room.” I have no time to be polite. My wolf is itching to find out who or what would dare threaten his pack.

I am not known to being polite. Everyone knows me for being ruthless, a bloody killer. It has to do with the fact that I am connected with my wolf so much that sometimes we share at the same time, one eye is blue and the other is gold, and this is very rare for wolfs. We usually have separate times to share the same body, the wolf spirit does not link with the human one like I have.

„What is your name?” I ask.

„That is not important. I do not care what you do to me. My life is not my own. I came here just to deliver a message to you.” She said without any fear present in her eyes. It is like there is nothing to see. She is blank.

„Who sent you?” I am trying to get something out of her. Maybe if I am a little less demanding she will give me something.

„He said he was your friend and that there is no need to tell you because you know.” She feels like a robot. Like everything she said was programmed and there are no other answers she can give me.

„Tell me the message.” I have resigned. There is no need to tear her apart after giving her the serum cocktail. My own invention and very handy in an interrogation like this.

„My dear friend. I will have what is mine. I know you are keeping my beloved mate, the wolf-whisperer. Faith has it that you have a crush on her and think that she is your mate. It is false. She is no mate of yours. I have waited to long for a mate, and my time has come. I am not going to hurt you or her, I am going to hurt your pack if I am not given what is mine.” This is all she said, and like a switch was hit, she lost consciousness.

I left the room with anger seeping through my skin. As soon as I was out the door, I could hear Santo running after me. But I was lost. I shifted in Daemon. I needed to run and let loose, calm myself. Santo took full control, and I was left in the dark, not even able to see what he is doing. I hope no one comes my way, not even Rose. Because I don’t know what he is capable of doing when he needs to protect his pack. My duty is to protect the pack, at all cost. That is how I was raised, that is the way of the alpha. To sacrifice himself for the good of the pack.


After I finished everything in the kitchen, I felt something was off. So, I decided to go for a walk. Maybe it will make me feel better. Today is such a lovely day, it would be a shame to waste it without a walk in the forest, or a little picnic by the lake.

I took my sandwiches, my water, some fruit and headed to the little lake. It was about 15 minute walk from the pack house. I started thinking about Matteo, about everything. Good thing is that I took with me a book I found in the library. It is about time a start learning their history.

The walk to the lake is wonderful. The trees are tall and protect you from the hard sun, because well it is summer. The smell of pine tree, or redwood, I can never tell them apart. But this is not a problem because I love their smell just the same. Maybe, if I am lucky, I might find some berry-bushes.

It took me some time to get there because I get distracted like a lot.

Near the lake there is a sleeping wolf. The only thing my body does is freeze. I do not know who it is from this distance. Where is my overprotective mate when I need him? I promise Goddess if you help me, I will never argue about Matteo being overprotective, like ever.

My luck that day has it that a trip over the root of a large tree and fall flat on my face, on the ground. I am sure the wolf heard me now. I am such a klutz.

The wolf did not growl. His head was low, a sign of submission. Maybe he knew who I was.

„Good wolf! Can you shift? I did not want to disturb you. I can leave if you want. Or we can share some sandwiches.” I start talking, maybe this will help me get out of this situation.

The large black wolf sneezed and muzzled under my arm.

„Do you want me to go with you?” I ask the large wolf.

He sneezed again. Maybe he does want me to follow him. This would be much easier if he just shifted. And that is when it hit me that he will be naked. Maybe that is why he doesn’t want to shift.

I grabbed a large chunk of his fur and let him lead me to where he wanted.

This is weird, why do I trust these big wolves. I do not know. But I do feel connected with them because in some part I can sense their feelings. And this wolf was sad, worried …

He led me to the lake, I placed the blanket, opened my backpack and took the sandwiches out.

„I have plenty. See? Here. Have one. It is good, made it myself.” I am talking like a school-girl with this wolf. He does look like Daemon, but I am not sure.

But the black wolf just looked at me. His golden eyes. Wait a second …

„Daemon?” I try my luck at finding out if the wolf is Matteo.

I think it is him because as a response he whimpered and just cuddles next to me and started eating the sandwich.

„Is Matteo, ok?” I ask Daemon because it seems that he is in control now.

But I did not get to hear anything because the soft snoring came from my big black wolf. He was so exhausted he fell asleep.

I guess this is romantic. If you have a weird sense of romantic like me.

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