Rogues Revenge

Chapter 4

A soft moan escaped my lips as I leant into Milly’s touch. I loved when she woke me up this way. The fog of sleep still clouded my mind leaving my arms and legs unresponsive.

I felt her soft body move up mine as her lips released my hard member. Sharp fingernails dug slightly into my chest as I felt her raise above me positioning herself to take me whole.

My cock twitched with anticipation. It had been a long time since it had felt her warm flesh gliding over it, encasing me right to the base.

A soft sob rang from above me as I thrust up hard, filling her totally. My eyes snapped open only to see the small female from the forest I had been hunting. Tears stained her face as she continued to ride me. My body continued to move without my permission.

A low snarl built in my chest; my eyes locked on the female still rolling her hips at a steady pace.

“What the fuck are you doing? Get the hell off me.” I growled still unable to move my arms or legs. Whipping my head to the side I realised I was strapped to the floor of a cell. Wide think iron plates, bolted to the ground, held down my arms and legs. A chain rattled in time with the female’s movements. My body continued to move as the beast in me enjoyed watching how the females naked body giggled.

A voice entered the room even though we were the only two in the small space. “Ah Mitchel, your awake finally. Lizzy here has been doing all the work, why not help her out a little?” Laughter rang in the air before abruptly cutting off.

“Please,” Lizzy’s small voice begged. “Just do what they say, the punishments are a lot worst.”

Her body began a faster pace making me groan. “You need to stop. I won’t do this.” I argued through gritted teeth.

“I will do all the work; just pretend I am someone else.”

“This is to boring, bite him or slap him or something.” Came the voice again.

I could feel Lizzy clench around my shaft, causing me to thrust upwards harder. A surprise gasps came from her right before she lent forwards and bit my peck. The pain was all I need to became undone. With a loud grunt, I pumped into the warm slippery cavern with Milly’s face pictured behind my closed eyelids.

I felt her teeth release my flesh before she withdrew my spent length from within her. I heard the rattle of the chain again as she moved away from where I was strapped down.

Not willing to open my eyes, I just laid there, disgusted with my bodies reaction to what had just happened.

I had not taken a female since Milly was murdered, nor had I wanted to. The monster inside of me was always fighting for control. He needed to mate and he wasn’t fussy with whom he mated with. He was an animal and from what I have learned, this animal was only after two things.

A mate and Bloodshed.

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