Rogues Revenge

Chapter 3

I stood, waiting for the animal in front of me to finish bleeding out before ripping free of my skin once again.

My back pack lay where I dropped it. I had one more beast to kill before I would need what was inside for the third. Using my snout, I shifted a little of the leaf litter, covering the pack the best I could to help conceal its presence. Satisfied, I began tracking the other two. I wanted to capture the female, hoping she would be easier to break. But I knew I wasn't picky. Whichever one was the last to live would be welcomed as my prize.

My large paws barely made a noise as I stalked my prey. I was in luck, up ahead was the female, whimpering as she licked at her back foot caught in one of the many traps I set up around the area.

I stalked out from my cover, focused wholly on my target. My ears lay flat against my head as it lowered. The females head whipped in my direction, her lips drawing back over her muzzle, flashing a set of very sharp white teeth as a warning growl silenced the forest around us. Her eyes darted to the side seconds before I was hit from the side.

She didn't know it but those few seconds were all I needed to prepare for impact. As the jaws of the third wolf tried to find purchase along my neck, I allowed my body to relax and drop to the ground. The putrid breath of the male, skimmed my body as his speed carried is wolf from past me. I rolled with the momentum of his body, dragging my claws along the underside of him.

Warm, wetness sprayed across my fur while his internal pieces made their escape. The thud of his body echoed in the quiet after math of the pitiful attempt that he made in capturing me. I didn't have to turn to know if the second beast that hunted me was dead, I already knew I could wear his fur as a coat if I chose to.

I shifted back to my human skin, not even attempting to hide my nakedness from the she-wolf still stuck in the trap. The almost fight between me and the male must have distracted her enough from the pain the trap was surly causing because instead of finding the female whimpering like before, she was now curled up in her human form, wrapped around the foot not making a sound, staring at me with her large brown eyes.

Walking until I was standing within an inch of her, I squatted down on the balls of my feet. Grabbing a handful of hair, I tugged it until I was once again staring at her face. "Don't try to run or it will make what comes next even worse for you." I raised my eyebrows in question at her, waiting for any sign of acknowledgment from her.

Her tongue darted out, wetting her lips, my eyes tracking the movement. "I'm sorry." Her ruff voice was almost too quiet for me to hear. Had I been any further away I would have missed it altogether. A snarl tore its way out of my mouth and before I had chance enough to draw a breath back in, pain erupted over my body starting at the foot closest to the female.

A dart stuck out of the back of my heal, the canister attached to the needle already drained of the strange cocktail, now floating through my veins. My fingers released the handful of hair, instead reaching for the empty dart to pull it out of my body. "They have my husband," she said almost too quiet as she stroked the hair off my face. My body collapsed to the ground just as more wolves crept out of the deep forest. My eyes only focused on the female, unsure if I hated her for helping my enemy or understanding the need to get a loved one back.

The monster himself walked up next to the female, who stood, head bowed, and patted the top of her head. "Well done, Lizzy." The drug became too much and I felt my eyes closing as blackness took over. The last words I heard, came once again from the monster himself, "Bring him."

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