Rise of The Fallen

Chapter Ch 52- true family


"Elazar has a new mate!"

I almost couldn't believe what I was hearing. What is he thinking?! Announcing koras existence in front of so many-

My eyes looked at all of those who were watching. They all heard it, they were all whispering and speaking about it. They are going to start asking questions they are gonna find out. It's too soon!

"You're lying…" My gaze returned to my opponent as he narrowed his eyes at kion. 

"I am not! I've met her myself! She's stronger, prettier and way better of a mate than ratha!" Kion spoke confidently. "That is why you should listen to us! Elazar never laid a finger on her." He pointed towards the offending female. "She lied and said he touched her because Elazar told her to leave him alone!"

Hearing this must've set her off as she pushed past the crowd to step towards us. "You shut your mouth! You are spewing nonsense once again! Why would anyone believe your lies?!"  Ratha voiced, trying to denounce Kion's statement.

Talok and I pulled away from each other. Kion openly glared at Ratha. "I saw the entire thing! You were angry because Elazar hardly gave you a second glance! You thought he would be forlorn over losing you still but when he told you to leave you couldn't accept that he was done with you!"

This only made her angrier. "You are only defending him because you're a kit who doesn't know any better, you never had a mother or sire to teach you so you cling to the leg of a mad hunter who spends his days roaming about the forest Sulking over the shame he bears! Had you a real kinship with someone who could have properly taught you then you would not be interfering and disregarding our traditions!"

I held Kion back as he snarled at Ratha and stepped towards her. "I'd rather spend the rest of my life as an outcast than have any sort of kinship with the likes of you!" He snapped back.

"Enough! This needs to be settled!" Roku spoke up, coming between the four of us.  Kion had Elazar laid his hands upon taloks mate then talok has every right to enforce punishment to him however he seems fit. It's the way of our people and no one should undermine our way of life! You say Ratha does not speak the truth that Elazar did not do such because he has a mate but no one else has seen or heard of such." Roku's eyes moved from kion to me. "If this is true what proof is there? Where is your mate? Who is your mate…"

I balled my fists and felt my mouth go dry. What should I say? How am I supposed to tell them without then turning on us? We aren't ready for the truth to be exposed. Not yet.

"None of you know her because she's not from this tribe! She's an outsider, that is why Elazar has been spending so much time in the forest, because he's been with her!" I looked to kion wanting to stop him but I was at a complete loss on what to do. 

"Kion! That's enough-" I grabbed his arm, making him look up at me. 

"Just trust me." He whispered under his breath and gave me a quick  reassuring smile before Facing talok and ratha. What is he thinking?!

Hesitantly I let him go. "If you want proof, eleazar is carrying her mark right now! He has her braid and her scent is all over him!" They all looked at us surprised.

I grit my teeth feeling completely cornered but held my head up high. Even if they discover the truth I will not regret my choices. I made my decision to stay with kora and protect her, long ago. "What he says is true. Turning my head to the side I moved my hair to show kora's mark and Both roku and talok stepped closer to look at the braid and tolok even took it a step further taking in Kora's scent.

Once he caught a whiff of the scent he backed up, lowering his head ever so slightly. "So it's true…"

A few murmurs were passed around the onlookers and Ratha silently fumed on the sidelines. "Why haven't you brought her here Elazar?" Roku questioned. 

Because she's human. 

Those three little words weighed heavily on my heart and mind. Those simple little words could mean the end of us…


"Because she's sick!" Kion cut in quicker than I could open my mouth and utter a single word. "Elazar has been taking care of her because she's frailer than most and can't travel right now! Especially with the drakov lingering around!" 

I watched Kion dumbfounded. "If you require help moving her you need only ask Elazar- the danger of being spotted by the drakov should be all the more reason to bring her into the tribe where she could be safe!" 

"If this female is so weak, why should we bother? The last thing we need is to bring in someone with weak blood…" Ratha sneered only for Talok to turn on her and growl, taking each of us by surprise, especially her.

"Enough of that. You don't seem to realize you are in danger of being punished for the problems you created today by lying to me and the entire tribe. You should be mindful to keep your comments to yourself if you do not wish to make things worse. You seem to think that because I am your mate that you are above the consequences and punishments clearly you are the one who has lacked proper teachings." Talok warned. Ratha took a step back looking mortified, as if her own mate just slapped her. 

She opened her mouth to say something but quickly shut it and turned her head away in shame.

Talok faced me once more and although he wasn't as angry as before I could see in his eyes he didn't fully believe me, he was still skeptical. "Where is this mate of yours?"

"Her whereabouts do not concern you." My tail flicked around behind me showing my agitation. I did not know what talok wanted but I did know I couldn't let him near kora.

"You say she is from another tribe but why is she out here, how did you even find her?"

"I found her while hunting. She was injured and I saved her, you should be more focused on your own mate talok, mine is of no concern to you."

"Enough! There has been too much bloodshed today! Contain yourselves!" Elazar has his own rite to care for and protect his mate how he sees fit. He will bring her here when they are ready. You should go deal with your own female Talok. Her actions today have brought upon a great deal of dishonor to you both.." Roku cut in.

After a moment the warrior finally relented and turned away to stride back to the cavern. The rest of the onlookers disbanded leaving just the three of us. Glancing towards kion he beamed at me happily before attempting to give me a strange hand gesture of encouragement that Kora had taught him. Sticking your thumb up is supposedly a good thing to humans.

"Elazar." I snapped my attention back to Roku as he gave me a hard stare. "Why are you doing this?"

"I don't follow?" 

"This! " He gestured to both of us and the supplies we came for. "All of the events that took place today could have been avoided. You keep running off into the forest disappearing for days at a time. You say it's because of your mate but that does not add up! Why keep her out there? Why not bring her here where it is safer for you both!?"

"Because it does not feel safe." I stated coldly, making Roku go silent. "Kora…she, Is different. I knew from the moment I met her we needed each other. We were both hurting and in pain. Together we found solace out there away from the places we called home. You wish to know why I haven't brought her here? It's because I do not trust the tribe. I don't see the rest of you accepting her for who she is like I had!"

"I was made into an outcast by all of you because I lost a fight that could not be won! Kora has dealt with enough pain and suffering from her own people so forgive me for not wanting to put her through such again!" I growled.

Kion sunk back watching the two of us worried.

Roku was silent as he watched me. I had always considered him a friend before but since that day it's felt like we were merely acquaintances. He may be more level headed than the rest but he sticks by tradition he never stood up for me. Never comforted me. Even today he merely watched as talok nearly tore my horns from my head because of a lie woven by ratha. The bond we once had when we were younger was little more than a thin strand that would break with the slightest tension.

He took a deep breath avoiding my gaze. "I see… I do not blame you. I simply wish things were different."

"There are many things I wish were different as well. But some things, some people. will never change."

He was silent as he refused to look me in the eye. He knew. He knew I was suffering before yet did nothing to help. 

Turning away I grabbed my spear off the ground. "Come kion." The youngling quickly rushed over to my side to walk with me as we made our way towards the tree line.

"Elazar!" Roku called after me and I briefly looked back at him from over my shoulder. "When will you return?"

I mulled over the question and looked towards kora's hiding place. "A few days. Give us some time and I shall return with kora by my side. When we are ready."

He didn't say another word and we continued on, leaving the village grounds. As soon as we were far out of sight kora ran up to me, her eyes wild with concern and confusion. 

"What happened?! Why did they attack you! What did they say?!" Kora looked over my body for injuries and Kion looked up at me curious as to what I would say. 

Kion and kora were the only people to care for me in such ways. They did not care if I was strong or weak. They did not care about the traditions nor differences between us. Dropping my bag and spear o grabbed both of them pulling them into an embrace much akin to kora's hugs. 

They were both startled by my actions but I didn't pay it any mind, I just needed to express my gratitude in a way that words could not. "E-elazar?! Hey come on, you're freaking me out!" Kora patted my arm squirming slightly in my hold.

"I can't breathe!" Kion wheezed.

Releasing them both I looked at both my companions with a genuine smile. Kion seemed relieved that I let go, whereas kora was still confused. "Everything is alright now." I moved my hand on her shoulder to cup her cheek and she merely watched me trying to understand my words."

"It's not a big deal when kora hugs me but please never do that again! I almost died!" Ignoring Kion's nonsense I ruffled his hair with my other hand before speaking.

"What you did back there was reckless and foolish…but it did work. The tribe now knows of kora's existence albeit they do not know she is human. At least they are aware of her existence. This should lighten the blow when we finally announce the truth."

They both went silent, fully understanding the fact that our problems were far from over. "We should be careful and avoid ratha and talok for the time being, I fear this will not be the last time conflict arises between us." Kion nodded in understanding while Kora seemed to be in deep thought. 

"Talok is the one who attacked you and Ratha is the woman…exactly who are they?"

"Talok is our village's strongest warrior, his father, grandfather and great grandfather were all honorable warriors who dedicated their lives to protecting our home. He is well respected and undefeated in battle."

"And Ratha? Who is she?" 

I looked back at the village briefly before turning away and grabbing my discarded items to start walking. "She is nobody."

Kora crossed her arms over her chest as she watched me. "That's a great way to say she's your ex-girlfriend."

"Oh, no Ratha is no friend! She is as vicious as a xioth and conniving as a haisu that has snuck into the winter's food storage! They are so slippery and clever that they are hard to get rid of so you often lose a lot of precious resources making everyone mad! Most the time people start to argue and fight because of it!"

"Are we still talking about ratha?" Kora questioned kion as we started walking back towards camp. 

"Ah well- what I meant is Rathas is not a friend! She was Elazar's mate but now she is Taplok's!"

Kora stopped and stared at me surprised but I did not react to those words. The mention of ratha and talok did not bother me anymore. After a few moments Kora ran ahead to stop and face us with a serious look in her eyes. "I think we need to talk." 

I merely nodded in understanding, I knew this conversation would have come up eventually, there was no better time to talk about it I suppose. 

"Kion, could you give us the night alone?" Kora asked sweetly.

"What?! But we just left the tribe! Why do I have to go back!? I want to stay with you guys!" 

"It's just for one night, me and El need some privacy to speak freely that's all." Even with koras explanation, kion still pouted, seemingly unhappy about the situation. 

Clearing my throat I spoke up. "Kion. Should you stay, you will be forced into joining each time I wish to embrace or give 'hugs'. The boy stumbled back to get a safe distance away from me. 

"F-fine I'll leave but I'm coming right back tomorrow morning! And you will both owe me!" He turned back towards the village and ran off leaving me and kora by ourselves. 

Shaking my head we continued our walk towards the camp. "I thought your kind mates for life?" Kora questioned.

"We do, for the most part. But me and Ratha did not complete our courting. Multiple males may attempt to court a female at a time but the female always has the choice as to who may court her. Ratha chose to allow Talok the chance and in turn we were forced to fight for the right to mate." I climbed over a log in our path and looked back at kora.

"Wait so you two were already dating and she just let talok in without regard to your feelings or anything?!" Offering her my hand I helped her over the fallen tree and we continued on. 

"She found Talok to be a suitable mate. In her eyes we both were, but most males are not keen to share so we fought and I lost my rites." 

"That's totally unfair though- she didn't even consider your feelings." 

"Yes well… that is just the way of things for our kind." I spoke solemnly. "But I do not regret what happened. I do not regret losing because the fates brought us together and today I saw how ratha truly is. I should have known back then but I was too overwhelmed with shame to see it."

"I just don't understand these traditions, allowing another male to court you basically inviting someone to come in and destroy your family at any time!"

"There are rules in place to prevent such, once a pairing finishes their courting they go on a hunt. Males may not court a female who is with child or has children with another, the hunt is meant to secure a male's claim over their female by ensuring she is with a kit by the end of the night. It is strictly forbidden for others to even lay a hand on a female who is carrying. That is why Talok attacked me today. There is a chance ratha is carrying and she lied to make it seem like I had assaulted her during such an important stage. Me and Talok do not get along but we still respect each other to some degree. It's his duty to protect everyone. He will do whatever he deems is necessary to keep the tribe safe."

Kora was silent for a while after hearing my explanation. It didn't take long for us to reach the stream close to the camp and kora paused before going over to the bank, Instead of continuing along the path. I watched her curiously before looking around the area. We were close to camp so I didn't worry too much about us being seen here. She often uses this stream to wash off any charcoal dust or grime when we return.

 She started washing herself clean and removed her outer layers of clothes as she cleaned the charcoal from her skin. I watched from close behind and leaned against a tree waiting for the female as she cleaned herself off quite aggressively. 

It was interesting how she handled things roughly whenever she was upset. She has a tendency to accidentally break things when she's frustrated and it only makes her angrier. One would think after breaking one thing she would realize her anger is getting the best of her and she should calm herself before continuing but instead she just continues with the destructive cycle until she's too exhausted. 

"She doesn't deserve you." Kora finally spoke up, but her eyes didn't meet mine, she was staring at the water intently. "What she did was wrong, tradition or not she should've known better than to court Talok. The fact that she did means she didn't care about you therefore she doesn't deserve you!" Kora angrily splashed the water with a huff. 

I watched her closely before setting my items down and walking up to kneel down beside her. "Your kind, funny, smart, handsome-" she turned her head seeing me beside her and stopped. I could practically see the anger in her eyes melting into sadness. "She doesn't deserve you. No one does." She stared up at me as I brought my hand to her head patting it gently. I knew she was talking about herself now she was spiraling and thinking herself as not enough. Much as I had done before.

"Nor do I deserve you…yet we still find ourselves drawn to one another. Unable to pull away."  We both sat there silently  watching the water flow downstream.

"Elazar?" I hummed in response and lowered my hand from Kora's head. Her small hands grasped mine, drawing my eyes to hers as she looked at me sincerely. 

"If things don't turn out like we hope-" her voice trailed off as she struggled to say the words but I completely understood what she meant to say.

"I will stay by your side no matter what happens." I promised.

"Then…I want to do it." She whispered. 

"Do it?" I questioned, curious as to what she meant by that.

Lifting her head she looked me in the eyes without showing the slightest bit of hesitation as she spoke. "Yes. I want to do it. I want to do the hunt with you, And I want to do it tonight."


(Note: thats right it's party time! Yall can celebrate now! Don't ask me why it takes me 50+ chapters to get to the smut cause I don't know why either! That being said I'm happy to announce that this story is coming to its end and the next one is soon to start!!! Horray! But before we do that I need EVERYONE'S help I need to come up with a better title for this story other than symbiotic, I want something that that fits with last to fall and first to rise, not only that but I also need a title for the next story! 🫠 I can't finish this one or start the next one without a better title so PLEASE give me some suggestions guys! And I promise the next chapter will be 🔥 🔥 🔥 😘)

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