Rise of The Fallen

Chapter Ch 51- Sin of Pride

--3 days after the storm–


"Are we really going to your village?!" Kora exclaimed excitedly. 

"Yes" I answered for the fourth time with a sigh. 

"Do I get to meet some of your tribe mates?" She questioned.

"Oh! Can I show her my sleeping quarters!? And the underground hot springs!" Kion budded in excitedly. 

"What ?! you have a hot spring! Elazar you never mentioned that!" 

"Yeah! It's in a cave really close to the village! I can show you once we get there and we can go swimming! Then we can go to the sensuka tree and make a wish!"

Groaning out of frustration I stopped in my tracks, halting our advance to the tribe to face both kora and kion. "No! There will be no swimming or running around the village grounds this trip is not one of fun and childish games! You cannot simply go to an unfamiliar place and run around freely like a crazed kit!"

Kion sulked as Kora crossed her arms over her chest unimpressed and muttered something under her breath. "Obviously someone's never been on a field trip."

Running my hand over my face I looked at them seriously. "We may  have rid ourselves of the issue with the humans but that's no reason to think that our troubles are over. Our people may not see reason when it comes to letting a human join us so I cannot simply walk you in there and introduce you as a new member. We must take things slow."

The duo seemed to understand what I was trying to express but still didn't seem too happy. I understood their frustration, they were excited, but it was still too dangerous, we needed time. Stepping forward I placed my hand on Kora's cheek.

"As much as I want this to be done, we need to stay cautious. The only reason I'm bringing you with today is so that you will be close to me. too many times have you fallen into danger when left alone. The forest is a relentless beast that will attack at any moment of weakness. I brought you here so that you will be close enough for me to protect but you still must keep your distance."

"I understand…" her gaze lowered in disappointment as her hand joined mine and I felt a pang in my chest. I wished for nothing more than to have kora with me in the village but that had to wait just a bit longer. I needed to speak to Roku and the others I needed to make sure things were settled down first.

"When we get to the village you will stay hidden in the forest at a distance so that no one sees you." I adjusted koras hood to cover her face a bit more and tightened the rope around her waist to make sure it was secure. The disguise would work well from a distance. As long as no one gets too close they won't realize she's an intruder or a human. "You will stay hidden and wait for us." I stared hard at her.

She lifted her head a bit to look me in the eye and I could already see the spark of mischief in her eyes."but what if-"

A low growl rumbled in my chest quickly cutting her off. "Kora."

"Okay okay I was just joking, I promise I'll stay hidden. No one will see me! Out of sight out of mind!" She raised her hands as I gave her a hard look before nodding. 

Turning to kion he straightened himself immediately and gave me his full attention. "You and I will gather the things we need first then find roku and paku to speak with them. You still have all the stuff?" 

"Of course!" Kion removed the human weapon he had been carrying over his shoulder and handed it to me. The weapon kora referred to as a 'Rifle' one of many kinds of 'guns that the humans use. 

After the scalworg swarm took out the human Bounty hunters we went back and tried to scavenge items from them as evidence. Kora stated that this weapon was broken and would not fire again but it should be sufficient enough to show off to the others and convince them the humans who killed paku's brother are no more. 

Doing this and returning the knife should put everyone at ease. That's the first step to introducing kora into the tribe. Next we will speak to roku privately and come up with a way to introduce him to Kora alone. He will be able to help us show the others she is not a danger. Slinging the broken weapon over my shoulder I held out my hand to kora who then handed over the knife. 

"I promise you will not have to hide in the shadows much longer. Just allow me a bit more time." Kora simply smiled and nodded in response as we continued our walk forward until we lay just outside of the village. 

Finding a spot for Kora to hide out was simple enough, no one should be venturing out at this time of day nor should they come in her direction soloing as she's quiet and hidden. This shouldn't take very long.

Leaving her behind outside the village me and kion both steeled ourselves and stepped into the open. As we came out of the treeline and walked towards the cavern a number of tribespeople watched us and muttered words under their breaths but I paid them no mind. 

Walking inside the cavern I shared a look with kion and he nodded before rushing towards my den to gather the materials we planned to take. I on the other hand started looking around until I found the person I needed to speak with. 

"Paku!" I called out to the younger hunter who stopped eating and stood up to greet me, surprised and confused. The others who were around stopped what they were doing to watch us as I walked over.

Removing the broken rifle from my shoulder and holding the 'lost' knife out as well I presented the weapons to him and his eyes widened. Hesitantly paku reached out and took the knife. "This is-" he stared at the knife then looked to the other weapon. 

"Your brother's killer is no more." I confirmed paku stood there seeming unsure. 


"I found them while roaming the twisted trees there were a number of humans there. They saw me and attempted to use their weapons but the noise drew the attention of a swarm of scalworg. The humans were quickly taken down by the creatures in the end. I recovered these two items in the aftermath. If you go to the west past the crooked hunters cave and to the twisted forest you will find their bones and what remains of them within the forest.

Paku let out a heavy sigh of relief and closed his eyes with a small prayer to the seven. Taking both weapons he  looked to me and gave me a bow of acknowledgement and thanks. "I can reason easily now and my brother's soul can be at peace. Thank you Elazar." 

I nodded in response and let paku leave to take care of the knife and burn the human weapon.

Turning away I rejoined kion as he came out of my den with the items we came for.  A familiar figure approached as we looked up to see none other than roku. "Where have you been!?" He quietly scolded me. 

There was much for us to talk about and I planned to tell him everything but found myself keeping my mouth shut as I noticed all the eyes watching us. "I shall tell you but first we should go outside. I do not think this is a place for us to speak."

He looked between me and Kion and glanced towards the people watching us. Roku seemed to agree and we made our way outside of the cavern.

As we stepped out I looked towards the forest and could see a small figure hiding among the bushes watching. Kora! She was supposed to keep her distance.

I took a step in her direction only to stop as my name was called out. Stopping me, roku and kion looked back to see none other than talok emerging from the cavern. His chest heaving and tail slicing through the air behind him wildly and he went from a stride to a stalk. 

Instinctively I already sensed what was coming. I could see it in his posture and movements. He was angry, we wanted to fight, but I had no idea as to why. "How dare you show your face so shamelessly after what you did!!" He snarled and lunged at me with a fist. Roku pulled Kion out of the way and I quickly blocked Talok's attack with the staff of my spear.

"How dare you touch what is mine!" He snarled and swiped at me with his claws. I narrowly avoided the hit aimed at my face as he sliced my cheek. What is going on?! Me dodging only seemed to make him angrier as he attacked again and again.

As he swiped at me with his claws I did my best to block his attacks with my spear but as his tail wrapped around my weapon I couldn't block his next kick to my stomach. He tore the weapon from my grasp and found it away as I stumbled back holding my abdomen. trying to steady myself as he came in for another attack I quickly rolled out of the way.

Looking over Talok's shoulder as I faced him once more I could see Koras' figure in the tree's watching the fight anxiously. She doesn't understand what is happening should she try to interfere and expose herself-

I can't fight talok, not here, not now. He is a warrior who knows more about combat, I am a hunter. Things could end very badly if this goes on.

I can't fight him.

"Talok! I do not know what you speak of or what I have done wrong!" He snarled and stood up straighter. 

"You know our laws yet you dare insult me by pretending you did no harm!?" There was now a small crowd watching us as we faced off against each other. Amidst the onlookers was Ratha watching with a keen eye. "You lost to me and your right to be with my mate yet you still dared to lay your faxing filthy hands on her!"

What?! "I never!-"

"Do no lie! She told me everything! You brought her into your bedchamber and attempted to lay your hands on her!  Multiple people saw you both leaving your den!!" 

My gaze moved to the female who looked completely unphased and uncaring. My blood boiled at the sight and I growled in her direction. Ratha. What have you done.

Talok drew my attention back to him with a snarl. "You suffer the consequences of your actions!"

"Talok calm yourself! I did no such thing! I would never betray you or our traditions in such a manner! I've nothing to do with her-"

"More lies! Everyone know you covet her! Even after you lost our fight you still yearned and lingered after her!" He lunged at me again and I blocked his attack with my arm, his claws slashing across my skin.

"Things have changed, I want nothing of her!" I tried to reason with him but my words were falling on deaf ears. Talok refused to listen in his rage.

As I attempted to strike back, talok was quick to change from offensive to defensive. I managed to slash him across the chest with my claws and tackled him to the ground with a snarl. In a flurry of punches and bites we started tearing into each other. As he dodged one of my blows he used my momentum against me to flip us over and pin me down with his arm against my neck and a tight grip on one of my horns. 

"I'll tear your horns from your head!" He snarled.

"Stop!" Kion rushed over to try and stop talok but was knocked back by the aggravated male's tail. I snarled and tried to break free but one of my arms was pinned down by his leg and the other was unable to remove his hold from my horn.

"Stay out of this kit!" Talok warned kion. "He's had this coming!"

Kion got back to his feet and growled again before rushing back over to try and stop talok again. This time Talok released his hold on my horn to stop Kion again and I took the chance to break free. 

Using the distraction I stabbed Talok in the side with my tail and pushed him off of me. He snarled as he fell back and I stood up, backing away in a crouched position ready for him to attack again, while Kion ran over to me.

"Kion! Remove yourself from his fight!" Roku shouted but Kion merely glared back. 

"No! Elazar is telling the truth he's innocent! I saw the whole thing! Ratha approached him in his den! He told her to leave!" 

Talok got back to his feet staring us down. "Elazar wants nothing more to do with her!" With another snarl, Talok stepped towards us glaring at Kion and I quickly put myself in his path to defend the youngling.

"Kion I will handle this…" I whispered just low enough for him to hear. I knew he wanted to help but I could not let him get involved any further. Talok would not listen to reason and the rest of the tribe believes he has the right to punish me. I can't let kion suffer harm as well.

"No! You do not deserve punishment, you've done nothing wrong!" The youngling bit back.

"He disregarded our traditions and dared to seek out another's mate. I am the one who decides his punishment! You're a fool for defending hi-" kion growled back at talok, cutting him off.

"You're the fool you're not listening! None of you are!" Kion snapped. This took all of us by surprise, especially me. I looked to the boy beside me seeing just how angry he truly was. He was locked in a heated stare-down with talok, our tribe's strongest warrior, and still refused to back down. Despite knowing he could not win, he was willing to stand up for me. He was the only one who would stand up for me…

"If you do not leave this fight I will not hesitate to put you in your place alongside him." Talok warned, talking another step closer. I got back into a fighting stance ready to defend kion at all costs. I will not let harm come to him.

Ratha stood by watching the entire conflict with amusement. She did not speak a word as Kion called out her blatant lie. She wanted talok to humiliate me just as he had done before. It sickens me to think I had once seeked her companionship.

"Your very presence here taints the mind of our future Elazar, now your lies spread and corrupt others. " Talok spat. "Have you no shame?"

I merely glared back at the enraged warrior. He may be the better fighter but he is letting himself be blinded and easily manipulated. Allowing his pride and anger to rule his thoughts and actions. He was strong in body but weak in mind.

"I carry my burdens and shame as I should but if this is your idea of honor… then I am glad that it is my influence shaping the next generation. Had your twisted ideals and blind rage infected all of our young, then our future would no doubt be very bleak."

At my remark, Talok snapped and rushed towards me with his claws extended. No matter the outcome of this fight today I refused to back down and lower my head in submission. No longer will the shame I carried from our previous duel, rule over me.

Once more we clashed, our tails became entangled as I gripped taloks arms to hold them back. We both faced each other with unflattering determination, ready to end this fund once and for all.

"He is courting another!"

Time seemed to come to a screeching halt as Talok and I both froze. I hesitated as we both looked at kion. Him in confusion, and me in disbelief. 

Kion straightened himself looking Talok dead in the eyes. "Elazar does not covet Ratha because he has someone else occupying his mind!"

"He has a new mate!"

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