Revolt (Legends and Love)

Revolt: Chapter 53

Scrambling past the men, I race after Reign. She’s facing forward in the elevator as the doors shut.

“Reign! Wait!”

I feel her eyes on me as she reaches over and presses a button, and I watch as the doors shut in my face. I slam into them before turning, looking for the stairs. We can’t let her get away.

We can’t.

“Give her some space,” Raff orders, but his voice shakes.

“Space? Not a fucking chance. You know her. She will—”

“Gentlemen, please join us.”

I look around Raff to see the board. Raff’s expression is hard and he grips my arm, dragging me back into the room, but I feel the tremor in his muscles. He isn’t as unaffected as he seems.

God, I rub my chest as I slump into my chair. My gaze goes to her empty seat and I remember the agony in her eyes as she looked at us with disbelief and then heartbreak. It killed me. I wanted to rip my chest open and give her anything just to gain a moment to explain.

How did we get to this from the bliss of this morning?

“Well, from what we just saw, it confirms a few rumors. You have crossed the line. A relationship is prohibited with a client. You are all fired,” Will states.

“Do you think we care?” Dal snaps. “How could you do that to her—”

“I thought she knew.”

“You made us sign a contract that prevented us from telling her about the stalker,” Cillian hisses. “We never reported to you about her life, but we couldn’t tell her the full truth, and now she’s alone with a stalker—”

“We’ll handle that. It’s no longer your concern.” The doors open. “Security will escort you out.”

Thrusting my chair back, I push past the muscle and hurry to the elevator, my brothers with me. As we descend, I count down the seconds I’m away from her.

“What a fucking mess,” Raff says. “We’ll sit her down and explain—”

“You think she’ll listen?” Cillian snaps. “In her mind, we betrayed her just like every other person and she isn’t wrong. We lied to her. We never told her the full truth. We should have when the stalker—”

“We had no choice,” Raff reminds him.

“Don’t use that as an excuse to make yourself feel better. We broke her trust and her heart, and Reign Harrow doesn’t forgive or forget. You know that better than anyone. We’ve lost her, and I will never forgive myself or you.”

The doors open, and Cillian storms out.

Is he right? Have we lost her?

“Come on, Havier,” I beg. “You know us. You have to let us through.”

“I’m so sorry. I can’t. Orders.” Havier winces. “I really am sorry.”

“Orders from whom?” Raff asks. “They don’t control her house—”

“From Miss Harrow herself. In fact, she told me to, uh . . .” He blushes. “To let you know your stuff will be outside within the hour and to never come here or contact her again. Her words.”

“Please,” I implore, barely able to speak around the lump in my throat, my chest aching so much I can’t breathe. “Just one minute, that’s all I need—”

“I can’t afford to lose this job. I have a baby and another on the way. I’m really sorry.”

“Was she okay?” Dal asks quietly.

She took a taxi, which we know because we came back in her car, and Raff reluctantly hands the keys over to the unsure guard.

“She was . . . She seemed angry,” he admits.

Dal nods. “Anger is good.”

“How is anger good?” I round on him. I don’t even realize I’m rubbing my chest until his eyes drop to it. Turning away, I kick the post. “Reign! Reign!” I scream, ignoring the cameras. I hear the gossip, but I don’t fucking care.

I can’t lose her.

“Reign, please!” I scream. “I know you can hear us! Just give me one minute!”

“Come on, man, this isn’t the way.” Raff wraps his arm around my chest and tugs me back when it’s clear she isn’t coming down. “Don’t make a scene that will hurt her more. We’ll find a way to see her, but not like this. I promise, Astro, I’ll fix this.”

Shrugging off his arm, I glare at him. “You can’t fix everything, Raff.” I turn and walk away, knowing if I stay, I’ll break down. I’d camp right there and scream her name until she came for me, but he’s right. That would hurt her more.

I’ve hurt her enough.

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