Returning With A Thousand Favors By Flora Isabel

Chapter 453

hapter 453 

Chapter 453 

“That’s right. There’s not even a single false piece of news. This made Gavin especially puzzled

There isn’t even fake news?Marina’s frown deepened

Gavin shook his head. No.” 

Marina fell silent

It took her a long time before Marina spoke again

This is a little abnormal. Things like the Akister Treasure are not particularly confidential

There are many people in this circle who know about it

Even if people don’t know the whereabouts of the real key, they will release some fake news to seek benefits

I don’t think it should be a situation like this with no news at all.” 

Yes, I also feel that this is very strange.This was why Gavin wanted to come over to report this to Simon first

If it’s really as you said, then it’s very likely that people don’t even know that there’s a fifth key.Marina suddenly looked up

Marina’s statement instantly enlightened Simon and Gavin

Miss Bailey is right. We’ve been searching for the location of the fifth key

I thought it might have been hidden deeper, so I spent a lot of time and effort.. 

That’s because we never thought that other people would not know about the existence of the fifth key.Gavin’s train of thought was instantly opened up

Marina looked at Simon again

How did you know there were five keys?” 

I’ve seen a copy of my mother’s notes. There’s a record of it,” Simon began

By the way, where’s the note I found in the pile my mother gave us last time?Marina suddenly thought of something

Simon immediately got up and went to look for it

Marina carefully checked the contents

Look, there’s only information about four keys on it,Marina said

Simon nodded

Simon had noticed this before

However, Simon had not taken it to heart at that time

It turned out that this was the reason why they had never been able to find a clue to the fifth key

I believe your mother did this on purpose

She only left the clue to the existence of the fifth key to you

The purpose is to wait for you to activate the Akister Treasure.” Marina’s eyes shone

Simon could not help but feel a strange feeling within him

*Think about it carefully. I think your mother would definitely have left you a clue,Marina said again

Simon frowned and carefully recalled his daily interactions with his mother

Simon wanted to find some useful clues from those few memories

However, Simon’s mother had spent too little time with him

Simon had also been a little young at that time and could not remember many things clearly

It’s alright. There’s no need to rush. You can take your time to think about it. Looking at Simon’s expression, Marina immediately comforted him

YeahSimon nodded

However, Simon could not think of any useful clues

Ultimately, he could only go with Marina to look through his mother’s belongings to see if they could find any useful clues

The two of them went straight to the attic upstairs



Chapter 453 

I was very young when my mother died. Many of her belongings were put together by the servants

Later on, my father married Ruth, and she threw away many of my mother’s belongings. These were all things I fought to keep. Simon took out a box from the storage closet in the attic

Marina looked at Simon and felt an ache in her heart

Simon must have been very helpless at that time, not even being able to protect his mother’s belongings

I’m fine.Sensing Marina’s gaze, Simon shook his head and opened the box in front of him

Simon had not been to the attic for a long time. The moment the box was opened, dust filled the air

However, the things in the box were neatly packed

Simon took out a child’s piano from the box

Is this your toy?Marina was full of interest in it

Yeah.Simon nodded, then tapped his fingers lightly on the piano keys

However, after so many years, the little toy was no longer working and couldn’t make any sound

As far as I remember, my mother played the piano exceptionally well

She also taught me how to play, but after she passed away, I never touched the piano again,Simon slowly said

Let’s see what else is inside.” It was a sad process to look through the belongings that were left behind by someone who had passed away

The memories of all those items were still etched deeply, yet the person who had created those memories was no longer around

Other than the person involved, no one else could empathize with this feeling

Therefore, Marina could only change the topic

Okay.” Simon replied and continued to rummage through the box

There were not many things in the box, and most of them were toys that Simon had played with when he was young

It was probably because these were Simon’s things that Ruth had not dared to throw them away. As such, these things had been kept safe

Apart from the pile of toys, there were not many things left that had belonged to Simon’s mother

There was only a handkerchief that Simon’s mother had embroidered herself

There was also a diary that had recorded Simon growing up and some jewelry

Looking at it, it did seem pitiful.

I’ve never checked it seriously before. Now, it seems that after being the mistress of this house for so many years, she only left behind these things.” 

Simon’s tone sounded a little bleak

I’ve heard people say before that the things used by a person when they were alive would retain some of that 


And the more that person is remembered, the deeper the bond after their death

There are even many people who are not able to move on because their ties are too deep

So there’s always been an unwritten rule that after someone dies, their belongings must be destroyed

That way, we can cut off the worldly things holding them back and allow their spirits to move on

I don’t think your mother wants to be tied down anymore, so it’s not a bad thing to have fewer things.” 

Marina had never believed in such things in the past

But now, to comfort Simon, Marina was even repeating stories she had heard when she was young

That’s true. There’s nothing to miss here. It’s good to have a clean break.Simon replied softly

But are there really hidden clues among these things?Marina looked at the pile of things in front of her carefully

Chapter 454 

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