Returning With A Thousand Favors By Flora Isabel

Chapter 452


Chapter 452 

Chapter 452 

Marina looked at Sharon, who was unconscious in her arms

Marina’s gaze became a little complicated

Sharon, I’m sorry. I know this is unfair to you

*I also know that if you were given a choice, you definitely wouldn’t be willing to let me take away the memories you have of 


But if you don’t forget Lambert, you won’t be able to live either

I will do what I promised Lambert. Although Marina’s voice was very low, it was extremely firm

Sharon lay quietly on the experiment table

Marina looked at Sharon with a solemn expression before picking up an instrument beside her

When Sharon woke up again, it was a sunny afternoon

The moment that Sharon opened her eyes, she saw sunlight dancing playfully on the curtains like a mischievous sprite, making people happy just by looking at it

Sharon liked the sun. She liked the warm feeling of the sun shining on her body

Almost instinctively, Sharon got out of bed and stood under the sunlight

Sharon raised her head and closed her eyes, feeling every pore in her body relax

This feeling was so comfortable that Sharon couldn’t help but stretch

At this moment, a sound suddenly came from behind Sharon

You’re awake? Come and eat something, then.” 

Sharon heard the commotion and turned around

Sharon saw a beautiful girl, and her eyes immediately lit up before she sized up this person before her with a curious expression

What’s wrong? Don’t you recognize me?Marina smiled at Sharon

You’re really pretty.” Sharon’s eyes were dazzled by Marina’s smile

Is that so?The smile on Marina’s face deepened

I like you!Sharon said word by word

Although Sharon had no impression of the person in front of her, Sharon liked the way she smiled

It was as if she was someone familiar

However, Sharon could not remember who this person was

Even so, Sharon didn’t dwell on it. Since Sharon couldn’t remember, she put it aside

I like you too. Come here and eat,” Marina greeted

Sharon immediately walked in

Sharon’s footsteps were very light, and she made almost no sound when she walked

Sharon clearly hadn’t noticed it herself

Marina had prépared milk and bread for her

Sharon took a sip of the milk in her glass, and her eyes closed gently in satisfaction

I like this, Sharon confirmed

Drink more if you like it.Marina looked at Sharon as if she was looking at her own child

Sharon smiled again, then picked up the milk and drank it in one gulp

Sharon then tasted the bread on the plate tentatively

Obviously, Sharon liked this taste too

Marina looked at Sharon, who was focused on enjoying the food

Marina felt that her decision to remove all of Sharon’s memories was right

Previously, Marina had only wanted to remove the memories of Lambert from Sharon’s mind



Chapter 452 

However, the moment Marina was about to take action, she suddenly recalled what Sharon had said

Even birds had their own families

Hence, Marina erased all of Sharon’s memories

Sharon had been in the laboratory since she was young, and those memories would only be an endless burden to her

Since Marina had already decided to give Sharon a new start, they should let her start all the way from the beginning

That might be better for Sharon

Now, looking at Sharon’s pure appearance, Marina’s heart sank again

Marina noticed that Sharon’s actions were now more animalistic

Animals had much shorter memories than humans

Even if they had lost their memories, it was not that difficult for them to accept

In the following days, Marina told Sharon about her new identity as Marina’s younger sister

Marina told Sharon that she had fallen ill and had lost her memories of the past

Sharon accepted this almost immediately and did not raise any objections

Sharon answered, I like you, so I believe everything you say.” 

When Marina heard this, a hint of helplessness appeared on her face

You can’t be like this. If you go out and like someone else, will you believe everything they say too?” 

Can’t I?Sharon cocked her head to the side, looking like an ignorant kitten

Of course not, because not all the people you like may be good people,” Marina said

But I won’t like bad people,” Sharon said with certainty

Marina could not help but laugh

Alright, I believe youMarina did not say too much to Sharon about this

Anyway, Marina would keep an eye on Sharon and let her continue to live a simple and pure life like this

This was also Lambert’s wish

Sharon adapted very well to the environment

After merely a week. Sharon was already wellliked by everyone in the manor

What Sharon loved most was finding a sunny place to bask in the sun, and she would sleep there for the entire afternoon

When Sharon took an afternoon nap, the servants in the manor would be careful, trying their best not to make any noise that would wake her

Sharon, who had always yearned for family, had finally found a family who truly loved her

After Marina finished with Sharon’s matters, she finally had a short break to rest

Marina’s leisure activities were similar to Sharon’s since Marina just stayed home and slept

Simon also respected Marina and stayed home with her as she slept for about three to five days

During this period, Simon had Gavin send all his work to the house

Mr. Hernandez, we’ve been searching for the last key

However, so far, there has been no accurate information. It’s almost as if the key disappeared, Gavin said with a frown

They had sent everyone out to investigate but had yet to receive any information

Simon couldn’t help but frown after hearing this

Expand the area of the investigation, Simon said after a moment

Yes!Gavin immediately replied

Which places have you searched in?At this moment, Marina walked out of the bedroom

Why are you awake? Did we wake you?Simon immediately stood up and asked

No, I’ve had enough sleepMarina shook her head and sat on the sofa

Let’s continue what you were talking about.” 

Chapter 452 

Gavin glanced at Simon as if asking for his opinion

Simon nodded

Gavin then continued. The people we sent out have spread out across the world, but so far, there’s still no information about the last key’s whereabouts

You still haven’t been able to find it?Marina frowned

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