
Chapter 30


The months went on quickly after my assassination attempt. Even though Alec and his man never caught the guy, which didn't put our minds to ease, time went on.

The security for the pack was increased, whoever tried to kill me knew there way around the pack. Which means that the rogue was getting information from inside the pack. We definitely had a couple of rats in the mist, but since the pack is so big it's hard to tell who.

With a baby on the way, there was a lot to plain. Like starting with the baby room.

Alec and I completed the baby's room last month. It took longer than expected since every time Alec and I were around paint it seemed to end with a paint fight. It was hard to believe that two adults that act like children most of the time will be raising a child soon.

Velvezhi, my grandmother, has stayed with me and we've been working on our relationship a lot. She's excited about our latest arrival for our family, and she likes my viewpoint on embracing the witch side for my future kids. Velvezhi said that after the baby is born and she spends time with him or her she'll be leaving to go back home, but she will always come and visit. She said that she couldn't wait to teach her great-grandchildren the way of the witches. For the first time in my life, Velvezhi and I finally saw eye to eye, and I was happy to make more relationships.

Insuvai and Achira arrived not too long after Velvezhi. When everyone was together Alec allowed me to throw a small get together. They bought all kinds of presents with them since they were traveling overseas for a while. They even bought a present for the baby.

When we hosted the baby shower last month, Alpha's of other packs even showed up or we got gifts in the mail. Apparently, the birth of Alec Knine's was a huge deal.

Needless to say, we were stocked on diapers, wipes, and clothes for the next century. We also had a fridge full of food since half the pack members decided to make a dish and bring it to us. I wasn't complaining one bit though because these food cravings probably made me gain ten pounds just in my normal body weight alone.

The morning sickness only got worse and most of the time I was laying in bed sick as a dog. Even with the spells that Insuvai, Achira, and Velvezhi performed the pain was still there. My back and my feet ached all day. Most of the times my body felt hot to the point where it was like I had a high fever. My doctor just said it was because of me carrying a crossbreed. Usually, pregnancies of a crossbreed had heightened symptoms. He said it was completely normal for me to feel like this and that the baby would be fine.

Being on bed rest for the majority of the time wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I always had company, even Charlie visited a lot. I think he was more excited than I was.

As my due date was getting closer the days seemed to go by slower. I couldn't believe I was due now in around two weeks, but every time I looked in the mirror I believed it because I was big.

Velvezhi and I were in the room watching the television. Well, I was and she was reading a book. My concentration on my television show was lacking though.

"What's wrong child?" Velvezhi asked.

"Why did you not like us? You've always had problems with mom, your own daughter. You even hated everyone but Blake." I asked her.

She sat her book down and cleared her throat. "I never hated any of you. Maybe at one point, I didn't like you, but I want to change that now." She clarified.

"Why? What caused you to be that way." I asked. This whole time that she spent with me, all these months, she has been nothing but nice. Almost like she is wanting to correct her mistakes, but I want to know what made her that way in the first place. I want to know what made her so cold to begin with.

"Well. I never had a good relationship with my mother. She was very abusive to me and my sisters. So I killed her."

I stared at her completely shocked. "You killed her?"

"Yes indeed." Velvezhi looked off into the distance and her eyes held a lot of emotion. "She was going to kill Achira if I didn't. I did only what was necessary. I really didn't mean to kill her, but my adrenaline got the best of me. I spent the next six hundred years racked with guilt. It was a lot to deal with and during that time I became cold because I didn't want to let anyone else in. All the physical abuse and the guilt of killing my own mother was horrendous to deal with, even if she was my own abuser and tormentor."

"I can understand. I'm sorry that happened." I apologized.

"When I met your grandfather. It took me a century to finally allow him into my life. He only lived so long because I put a spell on him, but he really did try to win me over. Eventually, I got pregnant and gave birth to Laura, your mother." She took a quick sip of water to clear her dry throat. I could tell talking about this made her extremely upset.

"My mate and I had opposite opinions about how to raise our child. So I ran away with my sisters to give birth. At the time, his pack was in a small war and I didn't want her to be in that kind of lifestyle. He swore that she'd be protected but I didn't care. She was not safe in a war zone, no matter how big or small." She explained to me.

"At first, when I figured out I was going to be a mother. I was scared and I was nervous. I knew I was going to be a horrible mother but I at least wanted to try. Laura practiced magic in her early childhood and I always told her that her father was dead so she wouldn't ask questions. Eventually, the day came where he found us and made her question everything. The night that she left me to go with her father, she tried to kill me. Then I realized that I had become my mother. I never physically abused her, but I hid her away from the world which was wrong." She opened up her book. "She said she'd never do big magic again. There are other small details, but I no longer wish to discuss this anymore."

"Okay. But you know that she is sick right. Only a couple of years left to live. Maybe you should talk to her. At least, try to make peace before she leaves us." I told her.

I could tell she was pondering over it. "Perhaps I should go. After you give birth, I'll leave." She said.

I laid in bed and just relaxed. When I almost dozed off to sleep I felt something wet between my legs.

"Um, Velvezhi."

"Yes, hun." She replied.

"I think my water broke," I said.

"Yeah, I was waiting for that to happen today. Stay here I'll be back." She calmly said and got up.

"Shouldn't we go to a hospital?" I said.

"And trust wolves with a witch pregnancy. I think not. I've delivered many witch babies, so I know exactly what I'm doing." Velvezhi left.

She came back quickly with towels, water, and other supplies. Alec was in his office working but he came in right behind Velvezhi. Insuvai and Achira also came to assist me through giving birth.

Alec held my hand and stayed by my side through all nine hours of labor even though he looked like he wanted to pass out. It was quite funny how he could kill people and be fine but childbirth made him squeamish.

Even though it took nine hours it did seem to go by quickly. Nothing mattered when I heard the first cries anyway.

"Alright, here we are. It's a boy." Velvezhi said. My baby boy wailed as he took his first breath of air. Velvezhi cleaned the blood off him and handed him to me.

Alec and I haven't picked out a name for him yet. He said I could name our first kid, but I haven't figured out a name yet.

When he was in my arms I looked at him and it felt like everything was finally complete. His big brown eyes stared at me and his little arms flailed around. He stopped crying for a minute and I began to think of a name.

His brown eyes looked so similar. They reminded me of a boy that I know. A boy failed by this world and who's life was taken so soon.

I knew what I wanted to name him.

"I want to name him Charlie."


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