
Chapter 29


The next day Jenna and I had breakfast together at a small diner in town, then she went straight to planning for the celebration later this evening. I haven't seen her since. Grace, Rem, Christie and my brother stopped by to congratulate me on my pregnancy after breakfast. Since we were all close I decided to tell them first. Everyone else in the pack had to wait, that was Jenna's orders anyway. All they knew was there was a celebration and everyone that was able to was required to come.

I tried to call Insuvai and the others to invite them, but she never picked up. I guess she was busy with Alpha Deniero. I did call my mother as well to at least tell her she was going to be a grandmother, but she never picked up either. It went straight to a voicemail so I just hung up. Chris and I talked early this morning to discuss our mother's behavior and he was angry. He said that if she didn't want me then she was dead to him.

I told him to not worry about it. It was my problem- not his- but he disregarded what I had to say. He said when it comes to family issues it's his problem too, one that he wasn't going to let me face alone. After our heart to heart conversation, Alec wanted to take me to our spot. The place where his mother took him.

We walked hand in hand through the woods until we reached the familiar lake. We sat together just staring out into the lake. The lake had a certain aura of serenity that could calm anything and fix any problem. It was like a spelled bound place to ease any problem or pain.

It made me think of my mother. How she could fix any problem when I was a young pup. When she made me cookies every day after school, or when I got hurt and a single kiss could stop the pain. When all I had to worry about was coming home when the street lights came on and I had to come home.

Those were simple days, and I regret wishing to grow up to fast. I wish I could go back and feel the love of a mother again.

Now she has practically abandoned me, but it has made me stronger. It's also made me realize what type of mother I want to be. One that never abandons her kids and instead of outcasting them for who they are, I will help them channel their ability.

"What's wrong? You've been thinking for quite a while." Alec asked. His hand brushed across mine and still, I have butterflies in my stomach.

"Just my mom," I said.

"Yeah, I've been thinking a lot about my parents too." Alec's put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.

"I just don't want to mess up as my mom did. Don't get me wrong, I still love her and she was the best when I was younger, but she never really accepted the witch part of me. Which is hypocritical, since she is a witch and she still uses her magic occasionally. But she never helped me with my magic or even taught me anything for that matter. Everything I learned is from Insuvai or Achira."

"You'll be different. I couldn't ask for a better partner to raise kids with. I know that you'll try your best to help them with their abilities. I don't think you'll mess up as much as you think." He said.

"Awe thanks. Our kids are going to be fifty percent witch and werewolf. Coming from both of our bloodlines, we are going to be in trouble." I said. We both chuckled at that.

"Indeed, a descendant from the original witch bloodline and an Alpha bloodline. We are in for a treat." He said. "On the other note, that is why training needs to be started early. At least on how to control anger, or they will be their own worse enemy."

I nodded my head in agreement.

Alec stood up and reached out his hand which I gladly accepted. With our hands intertwined we walked back to our home.

The celebration was starting soon. All Alec and I had to do was get dressed and show up. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I usually don't do this, but today I decided to go with a little bit of mascara and eyeshadow. Then I picked out a light blue dress that was tight around the torso but flowed out at the end.

I knew the celebration was going to be outside so flats were the best option for shoes.

Alec, as always, looked perfect. Even when all he was wearing was a red long sleeve shirt and a pair of dark blue denim jeans. His hair was brushed off toward the side but a few strands of hair fell in front of his forehead.

"You look wonderful." I complimented him.

"You look like an angel. My angel." He kissed my forehead.

One kiss is all it takes to make me melt.

"We're going to the park, so we're taking my car." He said.

There were multiple parks in the pack. I learned that because over the last couple of months Alec has taken me on a date every time I get done with my monthly pain, which isn't bad at all when he's with me. When Alec is with me the pain subsides.

The road to the park was about fifteen minutes long with twists and turns.

"Jenna wants to make the announcement if that's okay with you." He said as we parked.

"Yeah if it means that I don't have to talk." I chuckled.

"Yeah, I noticed last time you didn't really like public speaking." He said.

"Well I don't mind it," I replied.

I got out of the car and the cold air was refreshing. There was a slight breeze but nothing unbearable.

I could already smell the barbecue which enticed my appetite even more.

No later then five minutes after Jenna saw us, she grabbed the microphone. She was very charismatic when talking to the pack. After she told the pack the news about our new arrival, a course of claps and hollering filled the air.

It took a while for everyone to settle down, but eventually, the wine bottles began to open and the food was served.

Alec placed a hand on my shoulder, "You should go sit down. I can get you a plate."


I walked over to the table that had our names on it. It was just going to be family sitting with us. Xena walked over to join me since Alice was making her plate too.

"This pack is so different, but at the same time it's a lot like ours." She said.

"Yeah, it's probably not what you expected either," I said.

"It's definitely not. It's so loving here. More than what I expected it to be."

"You showed up at the right time." I laughed.

Chris and Christie joined us at the table. "Remember what I use to tell you when we were younger?" Chris asked.

I glared at him, "You are not putting my child in a cannon and shooting him off a cliff."

"No not that. The other one." Chris said.

"You're not hanging him from the ceiling fan either," I said.

He laughed, "Dang it."

Christie's eyes went wide, "Oh my god. Remind me not to have children with you."

Xena laughed, "You should have seen what he did with the simulated babies from health class."

"I'm not that bad. In all seriousness, I'd be a good dad." Chris tried to defend himself.

"You threw the baby out the window," I said. "Which is why you're never watching my children."

"Okay well, that was fake. I wouldn't actually do that to a real baby." He clarified.

"I wouldn't put it past you," Christie said.

Chris rolled his eyes will a smirk.

Alec handed me my plate and took the seat beside me. "Thanks hun."

"No problem." He replied.

As we were all eating in silence I noticed Chris take a couple of glances toward Alec, well more like his scar across his eyes.

This moment was perfect. Surrounded by my new family. The only thing that could make this moment more perfect would be if my parents and my other two brothers were here. Then perhaps I would feel less guilty about me having fun when my mother was getting sicker to the point where she would eventually die. But it wasn't my fault. I want to be there for her but she doesn't want me too. Maybe I should try giving her a call later this evening and see if we could work out our differences. I'd hate for her to leave this earth without at least trying to be on good terms.

After eating, that's when the celebration really started. This pack really knew how to through a party. Most of the adults and some of the teenagers were drinking wine and dancing to the music. There were groups of small children who played in the dirt and mud. I couldn't wait till I could watch my child do the same.

I sat in my chair watching the little kids play. The sun was about to set and the wind settled for the most part. All I could think about was the family I always dreamed about. Children that I would protect and never let down. The anticipation of being able to hold my own child in my arms for the first time was eating me alive. I don't know how I could survive waiting this long. It hasn't even been a month of pregnancy yet, and I was already wanting to skip the wait. I just couldn't wait for the cute baby clothes, the first steps, and the first words.

It was all flashing through my mind at once and I couldn't contain my excitement. Motherhood was waiting for me and I couldn't accept it more than I already have. I was ready for this.

One of the best parts would be planning the nursery and the baby shower. I almost squealed with excitement at the thought.

When I got up to refill my drink Alec rejoined me when he was finished talking to one of the pack members. Alec and I made our way around the pack mingling with all the members. It was a large crowd as always, but we had all night.

Taking a quick breather to ourselves, Alec straightens his stance and sniffed the air. His body went stiff. "Something isn't right. The smell of a rogue and..." He took a deep inhale of the air again, "Gunpowder."

All a sudden, a loud gunshot echoed throughout the night, silencing everyone. All the pack members looked around shaken, trying to figure out what happened. Alec scoped the area, but his eyes widened when he looked at me. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me toward him as we stepped out the way. I looked at where I was standing and gasped.

A bullet stopped in mid-air. A bullet that was going to go through the back of my head if it wasn't stopped. It surely would have killed me. This was an assassination attempt, and whoever this was has made it personal to Alec.

Around the same time Alec shifted, Velvezhi stepped out of the woods. My eyes widened in surprise. She stopped the bullet from killing me. She saved my life. Out of all people, she would be the least expected to save me. Her hands were still in the air as she was walking to the bullet. Chanting to herself, she put her hand under the bullet and it dropped in her palm.

Alec's ran past me so fast that it almost made me fall over. His wolf headed straight for the woods along with many other wolves in the pack. A wolf hunt.

"That was a close call." She raised the bullet up between her thumb and pointer finger.

"I thought you hated me."

"A thanks would suffice." She scowled. "Where are your manners. I could have raised you better than her."

"Thanks," I said completely shocked at the turn of events.

"After all, I couldn't let my great-grandchild die so quickly. What kind of great grandmother would I be?"


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