
Chapter 26


The familiar burning sensation made its way up my arm. Standing in my room where I can safely practice magic. I stood completely engulfed in flames. It’s a shame I couldn’t admit blue flames at will. I wasn’t strong enough to do that yet. I think I only did that once out of anger, but I was getting stronger each passing day.

I formed a ball of yellow flame, tossing it back and forth.

I need some time alone.

I needed some time to think.

Today didn’t go as planned.

It was bound to happen sooner or later. I knew that eventually, I would lose everyone around me. I would live forever and my family wouldn’t because they are part werewolf.

I just didn’t expect to lose someone so soon.

Werewolves aged slowly, so my parents had almost one hundred more years to go. Or so I thought.

It wasn’t until earlier today that Alec had overheard my parents talking about the rare illness that infected my mom.

I was a little upset that they withheld the information from me, but everyone leaves at some point.

I just wish I could do anything to help prolong her life. She only had two years left, if even that. Apparently, the doctor said she would be lucky to make it that far.

My flame went out and it felt like a flame in my heart went out as well. Knowing that my moms final months on this Earth was going to be painful made me ache for her. At least she had my dad and my younger two brothers with her at all times.

I was angry at the moon goddess for taking away my mother so soon. It was one million in one chance that she would become sick. Werewolves hardly ever become ill, there were only a few select chronic diseases a wolf could get.

I sat down in my desk chair thinking about the discussion from earlier.


I was in my room when Alec told me the news.

I immediately went to my mom, who was in the kitchen. She knew that Alec had told me.

“Why didn’t you tell me this before?” I asked.

“I was going to tell you eventually.” She said.

At this point, I was upset with her but I shouldn’t have been because I was keeping things from her too. That was my main problem with this.

My mom and I got into an argument when I finally ended up snapping and telling her that I wasn’t a wolf anymore. She was confused at why I was so upset because she said everyone was going to die anyway. I told her that I was a full witch now and that means that I would live forever when they all died.

Of course, that earned me a lot of questions but I told them I would explain later.


A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. Alec opened the door to let me know that Blake had been searching for me.

I did agree to play out in the snow with him. It snowed a lot within the last couple of days. Blake and I had many snowball fights, but he usually wins. His werewolf strength plays a part in that because when we are done playing, I would have many bruises until I healed myself with fire.

My family would only stay with me for about two more days before going back home.

I promised my mother that I would see her more often, and Alec even agreed to bring her to the pack many times before she died.

A little while later, after I calmed down, Blake wanted to play in the snow again.

Physical activities were a good way to relieve stress, so I definitely wasn’t going to turn down the offer.

In a very intense snowball fight, Blake was using his superhuman strength to gain advantage again. So I decided to use my magic as an advantage. After all, Blake knows now anyway because he was standing right there when I told mom that I was a full-blooded witch.

Blake could practice magic if he was taught how. My mother never taught any of us magic. She always played it off as there was no teacher. I wasn’t dumb, she didn’t want us to learn magic.

Now that I was no longer werewolf and Insuvai trained me, I was very powerful. Almost as powerful as them. As long as I had my magic I was one of the most powerful creatures on this earth. The only thing that could hinder my ability is the Datura flower. The liquid from a Datura flower can paralyze me and make me vulnerable.

Not even the poison from a vampire could affect me anymore. The only reason why it affected me before was because I was part werewolf.

I got lost in my thought, and I lost focus and balance. Which was a bad move because the next thing I felt was being pushed to the ground by one of Blake’s snowballs that he threw. Werewolf snowballs hurt like hell.

Blake threw another snowball at lightning speed but I was focused this time. His snowball stopped in mid-air and dropped to the ground.

Blake sighed, “I wish I could do that, but no one can teach me.”

I told him, “Maybe I can teach you one day.”

My mother interjected, “No he will never learn.”

“He has power. You can’t keep it from him, he is entitled to it.”

“I’m his mother, and I will make his decisions. You may have this all-powerful by your side, but he is my child.”

“When he turns eighteen then.” I challenged.

“Then I will disown you as my daughter if you teach my son magic. I hate how you have become. This witch blood in us is a curse. ” She said.

Anger and rage consumed me. How dare she threaten to disown me and insult me. This was not the time to sprout hate when she had a limited time left.

My mother turned away and dragged Blake with her.

I stood in the same spot and tried to control myself. Bad things happened when I became this angry, but it’s like I can’t stop myself. Anger fuels me and it consumes the darkest places in my mind. I had to keep my anger in check, I learned a long time ago that witches are dangerous when angered.

I tried my hardest to keep my anger at bay before it surfaced and erupted.

So far I haven’t exploded into a ball of fire yet, so that was good. Slowly, I closed my eyes and tried to forget about it. My emotions, that were magnified since I was connected to the earth, were starting to fade into tranquility.

Just a couple deep breaths and I was good to go.

A voice interrupted me, “Leah are you alright?”

My eyes snapped open and my focus was crushed. Anger filled back into my mind at such a fast rate that I didn’t turn into fire, instead, I watched as Alec fell to the ground clutching his chest.

He groaned and dropped to his knees in pain. Blood spewed from his mouth. “Please make it stop.” He gasped as he writhes in pain.

I cried in horror, “Alec no!” I dropped down and started chanting. I begged myself to stop hurting him but I couldn’t control it. It was like an overwhelming force was controlling me.

I was panicking when suddenly it stopped.

A breath of relief escaped as I pulled Alec into a hug.

I never want to hurt him again. I had to control myself.

I look up to see that my mother was staring out through the window at me. Slowly, she comes toward Alec and me.

She says, “I want to go home. This power you have is wrong, you can’t even control yourself. I don’t want to be around you ever again.”

I nodded my head and my throat became very dry. A dull ache started in my chest. It felt like anxiety rising in my body. She was ashamed of me. She hated me.

“Okay then.” I nodded.

It hurt having a parent reject you for who you were. I stared off into space as Alec started growling at them. He went to get up but I stopped him.

“No. It’s okay.” I said. “Because at least I have you. The person who did not reject me when he found out I was a witch. Thank you.” I hugged him tightly as my mom gathered everyone up to leave. My brother was crying but I knew I would see him again.

At that moment, I knew I would be fine too. As long as I had Alec by my side.


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