
Chapter 25


I waited all day for it too start. Looking out the window with anticipation was killing me. It was almost sundown and it still hasn’t started snowing.

I basically waited all day by this window and yet nothing has happened. I was just about to give up soon.

“What are you still doing there?” Alec asked.

I was sitting in a chair looking out the living room window. Nothing has changed yet. “What does it look like?”

“You know sometimes the weather channel is wrong. Besides can’t you like make it snow or something?” He questioned.

I laughed, “I’m not a goddess Alec.”

“You could have confused me. You sure look like one.”

“Shut up,” I muttered. The blush that spread on my cheeks betrayed me though.

Alec pulled up a chair beside me. “Why is it so important to you anyway?”

“My brother and I use to play in the snow. Blake didn’t play much until he got older, but Nick and I would have battles all the time. It’s something that we would all do. I miss it so much.”

“I understand.”

“What about you and Alice? Did you guys play in the snow and stuff.”

“We did play around often. The three of us. Rem, Alice, and I. As we got older our parents stopped letting us be kids. Sadly, if your high ranking you have a lot of responsibility at a young age. Are parents started us off young.” Alec said.

“Awe that sucks. I can’t imagine not being able to be a child. My family is high ranking warriors but we were still able to be kids. My training didn’t start until sixteen.” I replied

“My training started around the age of ten. Honestly, it is better that way.”

“No, it isn’t because you’re still just a kid. I don’t want to raise my child like that.” I stated.

“Leah, they are going to grow up to be Alphas. It’s common for them to start training young.” Alec retorted.


“Leah, they have to be strong.”

“Not at that age. They don’t have to have their childhood ripped away from them.” I said.

“Training is none of your business with my kids. I’ll do it myself.” His tone was louder.

“Alec, they will be my children too! You are not making any decisions for them without me.” I raised my voice. There was no way he was going to be the only one making decisions.

“You don’t understand the dangerous situations that could come to them at a young age.”

“Then maybe we should not have kids!” I yelled angry all the sudden.

“You don’t mean that.”

I was extremely guilty at what I said, “No I didn’t. I am sorry. Those words should have never left my mouth. I just don’t think they should stop being kids at that age. I don’t think that they should stop playing like children and things like that.”

“We can do it differently. They can still have fun and still have an imagination. But training needs to start at ten years old.” Alec debated.

“Please make it thirteen.” I knew he was talking about physical training.

“Fine. Knowledge wise they will start at ten.”

“Deal.” I nodded.

“Now one more thing.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Vampire venom.” He stated.

“Absolutely not.”

“Leah. You know what vampire do to werewolves. Especially if one saw an Alpha child. Not to mention mine, many vampires would love to kill a child bearing my last name.”

“Fine. At what age did your parents allow you to consume the venom to build immunity?” I asked. I wanted to know at what age Alec would expose them to vampire venom.

“It started at five and didn’t finish until I was eight. After that, you only take small doses once a year.”

“At five! That is so young. Alec, they will go through a lot of pain. They will be temporarily paralyzed and in pain!” I argued.

“It will be worth it. Most parents do that, in my pack, to their young ones.” He said.

“I’m not sure. That’s so young...” I trailed off. It seems like a cruel thing to do.

“Trust me. They will thank us later. By being immune to the venom it will bring all of our kids at an advantage. No vampire would ever be able to hurt them.”

“That makes a lot of sense.” I sighed. He had a great point. There was no sense in arguing it. After all, the majority of vampires are out to kill werewolves.

“I’ve always hated vampires. I hate them more than I dislike humans.” He stated.

“Why?” I asked.

He was silent for a couple of minutes. Maybe I asked too much of a personal question.

“I use to have a baby brother. The youngest of Alice and me.” He said.

My eyes widened in surprise, “But I thought you said Alice was the only sibling you ever had?”

“Forgive me for my dishonesty, it is just that I don’t like to talk about it. When my parents were alive I had a baby brother. He was only a couple months old at the time. A vampire traveled into our pack when I was young and killed him. The vampire didn’t make it out of the land because he soon had every wolf chasing him. My dad caught and tortured him, right before killing him. After that, they didn’t want to have any more children.”

“Oh wow. That is horrible. You have been through so many things. I can understand your hate for them, but I’m sure not all of them are like that. I’ve met a nice vampire before, but only once.” I told him.

“You can not trust them.” Alec looked out the window only to find that it was still not snowing. Then he looked at me, “Come on let’s go to bed. It’s pretty late and there is no snow.” He said.

I held my head low. I was really disappointed that the weather channel lied. But what did I expect?

I went off to bed with Alec. “Hopefully, there is some in the morning,” I said in a saddened tone.

“I hope so too,” Alec said.

The next morning when I woke up I found myself right next to Alec. It was surprising because usually, he leaves for work. I guess he decided to take a day off. Which I wasn’t complaining.

I was just about to get up but in a split second, Alec had me pinned down to the bed. He looks at me hungrily, as if he could devour me in minutes.

He wasted no time kissing me and I returned the kiss with the same passion.

While making out, his hands traveled slowly up my shirt, freeing me from his grasp. My now free hand rested on the nape of his neck as we continued kissing.

A pleasant sensation erupted in my stomach and I felt my heart racing a mile per minute. I never felt anything like this before. It was different than all the other times we kissed.

Alec pulled away to breathe and that only disappointed me. I realized I had to breathe too because I was getting lit headed but I didn’t want him to stop. I pulled him back and continued to be intimate with him.

Alec paused for a brief second and it was like his whole demeanor changed, then he tore my shirt in half leaving me with only a bra. He started to leave little trails of kisses down my neck until he finally got to my breast.

I !laid still like an inexperienced idiot, but he knew exactly what he was doing. He knew exactly what he wanted and I wanted him too.

With his other hand, he squeezed my left breast as he sucked on the other. But just as he was getting ready to take my bra completely off the doorbell rang.

Of course, it would.

Why does this have to happen now? Out of all times? Just when things were getting good. I scowled and groaned.

Alec backed up off the bed, “Fuck my life. I forgot they were coming.”


Without answering my questions he walked to the door, “You might want to get a shirt on.” He looked at the torn cloth on the floor then shrugged his shoulders, “Sorry about that.” Then he left.

“Asshole,” I muttered. He didn’t even feel bad for ripping my shirt. Which wasn’t fair because female clothes are more expensive.

He poked his head back in the room, “I heard that and I wasn’t hearing you complaining when I did that.” He smirked.

“Get out! I’m half naked.” I shouted but couldn’t help but laugh.

“Sweetheart, there is no point in being modest now.”

I groaned then searched for a new shirt. I wonder who was here. Hopefully, it will be welcomed company.

Before leaving the room I decided to brush my hair that was now almost down to the middle of my back. It was almost ready to be cut again because all I had now were dead ends. A little trim could fix that.

The doorbell went through the house once again. Did Alec not answer it yet? As I got down the stairs and was heading toward the door Alec came out from the kitchen, “Hold on one sec.” He yelled to whoever was at the door.

When Alec neared me, a different feeling engulfed my body. It made me feel flustered as if I just went through a hot flash.

I was right behind Alec when he opened the door and my eyes went wide. I was not expecting to see my family or the freshly fallen snow on the ground.

I was consumed in embarrassment. I was not expecting to see them at this time when all I could think about was wanting to bring Alec back into our room.

“Welcome to my pack,” Alec said in a gruff tone. He reached out his hand to shake my mother’s.

On instinct, she stumbled back in fear. My father steadied her. My two younger brothers looked at Alec with no expression. No happiness was present on their face as they tried to hide their fear. I could see right through them as I lived with them since I was a baby.

I felt bad for them. They were all fearful but they were at least trying. I had a good feeling that they would warm up to him though.

Alec cleared his throat, “Right. Come in.” He sounded a little angered at their reactions. They were awkwardly silent as they walked into the living room. When they saw me large smiles graced their faces and I hugged them with all my might.

Alec turned to me, “It seemed like you were missing your family, so I had Axe pick them up to stay for a couple of days.”

“It was very thoughtful.” My mom said without trembling.

My dad looked different at us. He looked displeased and disgusted. He studied us both, “It looks like you guys were busy.” I glared at my dad for his words.

I couldn’t believe he would say something like that, especially in that tone of voice. I can’t believe he would actually talk disrespectfully in another Alpha’s territory. I glared at him. I’m starting to get tired of his pointless and aimless comments.

Alec wrapped his arm around my shoulders, “She is my mate. Respectfully, anything we do is none of your concern.” He told my dad in a harsh tone. Leaving no more words for debate. Alec was right. I was an adult living my own life. I made my own choices, including being with Alec. I just wish that my father could be happy for me.

That left us in minutes of silence and awkwardness.

My brother Blake was thankfully the one to break the silence. “Alpha?” He questioned. He was just a little nervous. I could tell by the uneasiness in his tone of voice.

Alec stared down at him with no expression. “Call me Alec.” He said monotonously.

“Can I please go to the bathroom,” Blake asked.

My mother stifled a laugh.

“Come.” Alec left with Blake following him.

When they left the room I could see my family physically relax. They all exhaled and their shoulders slacked, all except for my dad.

“You guys don’t have to be afraid around him,” I assured them.

My mom’s eyes sparkled as she comes to me. She tilted my head and looked at the mating mark. “Wow. It’s beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Yeah, it extends down. I can show you when we are alone.”

My mom nodded her head. “I would love that.” She hugged me. When her lingering hug was over I looked at them.

They had their suitcases and my brothers also had pillows in their hand.

One thing that caught my eye is that my mom was dressed differently than them. It was cold out but the boys wore shirts and shorts. My mom had on a heavy coat, a hat, and a scarf. How could she possibly be cold? There was no way.

I eyed her suspiciously. She even hugged herself for more warmth, and she looked paler than usual. Which was odd because we were inside the house. I’ll have to ask about her strange behavior later.

My dad interrupted my thoughts, “Hun, can you show us our rooms please?”

“Yeah follow me,” I said.

I showed my parents to a room on the first floor, then I showed my two brothers to rooms upstairs. Blake had my old room and Nick had another.

I sigh. The next couple of days are going to be very eventful.


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