Rejecting the Alpha

Chapter 24


It was almost impossible not to feel good around Vander. He had helped me through a rough time the previous night, and all my instincts were telling me to hang onto him with everything in me.

I wanted to follow them.

There was a bit of an awkward silence between us, and he broke it by saying, "You need anything else for your pancakes? There're some strawberries in the fridge if you want."

I fetched them. A memory slipped through my mind. "My dad used to make pancakes when he had weekend mornings off. Syrup, strawberries, whipped cream... Do you have whipped cream?"

He looked slightly uncomfortable. “Sorry, no.”

I glanced at him quizzically. "What? You don't like whipped cream?"

"Oh, I like whipped cream."

The choked tone of his voice finally gave me a clue about where his mind had gone. My face burned as I put the syrup and strawberries on the table.

"Sorry," he said.

"You don't need to be." I found in spite of everything I had gone through, I liked his interest. Maybe I needed more time, but I was already pretty sure my wolf was fully engaged with this new male.

I furrowed my brow. It was strange. It was almost like she had completely forgotten Alpha Gavriel even existed. I was not complaining, but that wasn't how mate bonds were supposed to work, was it? Shouldn't we both be pining for him in our own way?

"What's the matter?" he asked me as he put a plate of pancakes and bacon on the table. There was already a pair of plates and cutlery set and two glasses of juice. It smelled almost as good as he did.

We both sat down, directly across from each other. I decided to just tell him the truth about everything. "My wolf doesn't miss him, at all, not since we met you. She pined for him a bit after we ran away, but now you're her entire focus."

"What do you think that means?" he asked, his voice even, although I could see he was extremely interested in what I was saying by the way his eyes were trained on me.

I shook my head. "I don't know. My wolf is acting like you're my mate, but she also felt like that with him. Do you think there's something wrong with my wolf?"

"No. I think your wolf is perfect."

"You haven't even met her yet."

"My wolf just knows."

"Does he?"

"Yes." He sounded certain. "He's been sure from the moment he saw you."

"I've been thinking, maybe I really am your second chance, and you're mine. I don't know how I could have one since he's still alive, but maybe since my pairing was so terrible, it doesn't entirely count?" I glanced at him, wondering how he might take my theory. It was crazy, but how could I explain my connections otherwise?

"Maybe," he agreed. He definitely wanted to believe it.

"I don't understand it, but I think there is something between us."

"I agree."

"So, if your alpha agrees I should stay, after I tell him who my mate really is..."

"Please stay. I won't force you to, but please." Those eyes pleaded again, like there was nothing more he wanted in the world. And I truly did want to give it to him.

I nodded. "If he agrees, I want to see what this is between us."

His eyes were soft. "I do, too. And don't worry, he'll agree. He already suspected the truth when he let you stay. You being forthcoming will only solidify his decision. I'll take you to talk with him after we're done eating, if you want."

"I'd like that." My eyes flicked up to him, and I couldn't help but smile.

We stopped by my room quickly before Vander took me to see the alpha again. Once invited in, I sat in the chair across from him, but this time Vander stayed right beside me.

I inhaled. "I should have told you right away, but the mate I'm running from isn't just any Stonemason wolf. He's the alpha, Gavriel. And, like I said, if he finds out I'm here, he'll become a threat to Lightwood. I don't want that." A flash of the slaughter I had seen witnessed ran through me and I shivered.

Alpha Timothy was looking at me consideringly. "Do you want to stay?"

"Not if it puts you all at risk."

"What if he wasn’t a threat?"

"I would," I said.

His face relaxed into a slight smile. "I'm not concerned about Stonemason. We're not going to advertise you're presence here of course, but even if it does get out, so be it. There've been unpleasant rumours about that pack ever since the current alpha took over, and even if he does find out, someone needs to stand up against him. Sadly, it seems Glenhaven didn't have the strength, but Lightwood is more than capable of meeting the challenge."

"But people could die. I've seen what they can do. Most of my pack was wiped out," I said, casting my eyes down, trying not to remember the blood and gore.

"All the more reason someone needs to take a stand." The Lightwood alpha caught my eyes again. "And when you're ready to talk about what happened, I really would like to hear about it. Either directly, or if you feel more comfortable talking to Vander."

My eyes filled with tears and tried to brush them away. "Ugh, I'm doing it again," I said, displeased with my own lack of control. It was weird how much I was crying now that I was relatively safe with decent people again, when I had much better control in Stonemason.

He chuckled. "Would you like to join our pack on the next full moon, or would you like to wait longer?"

I almost said to wait, but the idea of replacing the bond with Stonemason as soon as possible was too good to refuse. "I'd like to join. If you're sure."

"I am. Now, Vander, take Kylie and help her become accustomed to her new home before she becomes a full member."

My stomach was sick with both excitement at the idea of a new start and a new home and with fear that the terrifying past would catch up with me.

Please don't let him find me...

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