Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate

Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Chapter 27

We went down together to have breakfast for the first time since Kade brought breakfast up to me one morning.

Mason, Cara and Anna were at practice and so were the other warriors so we were alone.

”Shit.” I laughed when Kade lifted the sugar tray and dropped it all over the table. He dragged the teaspoon through the mess and filled my cup with two teaspoons.

His big cheeky smile was what made my head toss back as the laughter peeled out of me.

”You’re cute.” I said and stirred the coffee.

”Would you like a bagel some with some table cream?”

”Let me.” I said and reached over as I fixed our bagels with creme cheese and jam.

”Here you go,” I said and gave him his bagel. Kade grabbed my hand and held it as he took a bite of his bagel.

His dark eyes pierced mine with such a genuine devotion and I saw the love he held, more importantly i felt it.

”Hey you two!’ Anna squealed and poped down in the chair next to mine with a bright smile and smelling like sweat from the practice.

”Are you two talking today?” Mason asked and grabbed a bagel. I smiled and looked at Kade. He leaned down and kissed my cheek.

”We are.”

”I’m glad because we need to discuss about the Emberclaws and that works better if you two are on speaking terms. What’s our plan of attack?” Kade looked at his brother and nodded his head.

”We go to them.” Kade said and Mason smirked in agreance. I didn’t like this at all, I didn’t want either of them within the vicinity of the Emberclaws. Hopefully there would be no more contact and everything would be put to rest but something told me that that was wishing for too much.

”Come here.” Kade pulled me into his body the second that the door to the room closed.

His lips pressed against my neck and his cologne seeped up my nostrils engulfing my senses and causing my legs to buckle.

Kades hand shot out and he grabbed my lower back, steading me and pressing my body against his.

His hand slowly went my back and his lips found mine in a possessive kiss. I pressed myself further onto him but it didn’t feel like I could get close enough. I needed more, i needed to feel all of him.

I bit down on his lip and lifted his shirt. Kade pulled if off and ripped mine clean off.

”I’ll buy you a new one,” he breathed as he found my lips again. I was panting when we got to the bed and he laid me down. Kade was quick this time as he removed my pants and tossed them on the floor. He spun me around and pulled my hips up.

”This time I’m not going to be as nice,” he whispered huskily in my ear.

”Good,” I said and dragged my tongue over his lips before kissing him. My head was pulled back as Kade entangled his fingers in my hair and a loud moan escaped my lips bouncing against the walls when he entered me.

”Fuck!” I thanked the goddess that the walls were soundproof, more so when he started pounding into me and I was screaming from the top of my lungs as the joy and pleasure filled my body.

”Fuck, you feel so good.” He said and nibbled on my neck.

After a good few hours of various positions around the room, Kade emptied his seed deep within me just as I reached my fifth climax.

We slumped down next to each other on the bed and he pulled me into his body. If I had an hour or two of rest I’d be good to go again. I couldn’t get enough of him.

There was an urgent knock on the door and Kade groaned when Mason poped his head inside.

”There’s someone driving up.” Mason was gone quickly and Kade flew up form the bed and put his clothes on.

”Stay here.” He ordered and slammed the door shut as walked out hurriedly.

I took a shower and got dressed. Kade wasn’t back yet and nobody had come to tell me anything so I decided to check it out for myself. The door opened up just as I was about to grab the handle.


”Do you know why everyone’s in such a fuss?” She asked and I walked out into the hallway shaking my head.

”No idea but let’s find out.” We walked down the stairs carefully to see if we could hear anything. Nobody was inside the house so we walked towards the staircase outside and just as we were about to step over the threshold Cara walked in and grabbed my arm. Her face was pale and her eyes were bleak.

”What’s wrong?” I asked and looked at where her fingers were wrapped around my wrist.

”Don’t walk out there, please,” she was scared and confused. I also felt some fear creeping up but I couldn’t place it.

I pulled my hand free and I walked past her with Anna on my tail. We stood on the stone staircase and looked down at the pathway. There was a woman standing by the car but her back was towards me. Kade and Mason stood beside her and her blonde hair fell down her back.

Her movements stopped and her head was slowly turning and looking up. Our eyes locked and my heart stopped. Kade and Mason both turned their heads and looked at me, Masons face dropped but Kade’s was void of emotion.

”Is that-” Anna begun.

”Danielle.” I said and held my breath.

I gulped and stood still, I wanted to run the other way and disappear but I couldn’t. I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction.

She smiled brightly as she walked up the stairs in her floral dress that hung to her ankles.

Her blushed cheeks and bright eyes lit up like the sun itself. She was beautiful.

”Hi there, I’m Danielle.” She said and reached out her manicured hand.

”Layla.” I said and shook it.

Kade and Mason came walking up as well but instead of stopping, Kade placed his hand softly on her back and they walked into the house. They disappeared up the stairs and I did everything I could to not fall apart.


”Don’t. Please don’t,” I said and looked at the empty staircase. Mason pulled his hand back to his side and sighed as he went after Kade and Danielle.

Cara stood by us, she didn’t go anywhere but I kind of wished she had.

Right now i wished for everyone to leave me.

It would take an hour before Mason and Danielle came down the stairs but Kade wasn’t with them.

”Layla,” Mason called.

I got up and walked over to him.

”He’s in his office.” I nodded my head and was about leave when I stopped in front of Danielle.

”May I ask why you’re here?” I asked.

”Layla-” Danielle held her hand up and Mason grew quiet.

”Of course. I missed him, Kade I mean and the whole family. I was a big part of their lives and them off mine and I figured why not come visit.”

My heart shattered but I smiled and nodded my head before walking up to Kade’s office.

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