Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate

Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Chapter 26

The car drove silently through the night on the empty streets. The rain had just begun to fall and the drops hit harder and fiercer as the sky opened up. The dark clouds perfectly mimicked the pain of what was left behind and the headlights only reached so far. The rest was dark, black, and i couldn’t see anything past where the light shone. As it felt in my head, I couldn’t see the road anymore.

I looked out the window and watched the raindrops hitting the ground.

One of the warriors was killed beside me. Others were being clawed at left and right but it seemed like those were just for sport. I looked to my side and saw the Emberclaws all going after Kade whilst some deterred the others. He was fighting with every fiber of his being but they were many and he was alone.

”Kade look out!” Cara screamed in fear as another came up behind him. Her eyes were wide and worried as she fought off her own opponent.

I looked around and saw that those who tried to run to him were all pulled back and forced to continue fighting.

Maybe he could handle it, maybe he’d survive but I couldn’t risk it.

”You can end this,” the man said and came up to me. He was standing close, his eyes locked on Kade who now knew that we were talking and it was causing him to loose focus.

As he regained it he killed two Emberclaws and I saw the mans jaw clench in anger.

”Come with me and stop this.” He said and gazed down at me.”

”It’s going to be okay,” Anna placed her hand on my leg and undid her seatbelt as she moved into the middle seat. She placed her head on my shoulder and my head leaned on hers.

”Yeah,” i said and continued looking out.

”You can save his life,” the guy looked at Kade and then back at me and his mouth made an O’shape.

”Or maybe you don’t care about his life.”

”What?” I said and wondered what he was getting at. He was fishing for something.

”You looked behind the door, didn’t you?”

”It wouldn’t matter if I did.” I said and bit down.

”Oh of course it matters. You know now that his heart will never belong to you. She holds it in her hands, their fates are entwined, it will always be her.” He stepped closer and looked down at me with his face softening with each word.

’Layla don’t listen to him, he’s lying!’

”Come with me, Layla. Be with your own kind, you belong with us not here with them and certainly not in a house with a man who will always love another more than he loves you-” he was ripped from his spot and tossed away from me. His body rolled on the ground and hit a curb before he stood up and shook it off. Kade was there, standing in front of him as his fist landed on the mans jaw.

”I’m not coming with you.” I said as Kade held him up in the air by his color.

The man smiled and laughed softly.

”Maybe not today but you will, eventually. The truth just has to set.” He looked at Kade who opened his fingers and he fell to his feet.

Kade turned and walked toward me with blood dripping down his body.

”Do you want to meet her, Kade?” He stopped, frozen in his steps his eyes went past me and his face void of emotion. Cara slowly turned her head when she heard it.

”You can if you want, I know where she is.” Kade stood as still as a statue and the man behind him smiled widely.

He knew where Danielle was.

As though someone pressed play Kade began moving again and his steps were fast and wide. He grabbed my hand and pulled me after him to the car. Cara sought out Anna and they joined us. He opened the front seat door for me but I shrugged out of his hold and went in the back.

Everyone gazed at me with such pity and shame and my heart was breaking inside my chest.

The car came to a stop but nobody exited. We all just sat staring into our own worlds without reacting to a thing.

The doors opened up and Mason came down. Cara got out followed by Anna and then I left. Kade still sat behind the wheel, his eyes blank as he stared out onto the gravel that was lit up by the lamps along the path and the house.

”Why do you all look like you’ve seen ghosts? And why are you covered in blood?” Mason was scanning his brother and sister as Kade stepped out.

”Ey what happened?” Mason grabbed hold of Kades arm when he walked past him without an answer.

”Tomorrow, brother.” He let go and nodded his head.

Kade was sitting on the edge of the bed just staring down into the floor.

”Do you wanna talk about it?” I asked and got undressed.

”There’s nothing to talk about,” he said in a sigh as he rose to his feet and took off his shirt.

”Yeah you see that’s bullshit. If you don’t wanna talk about it then fine but at least stop acting like it’s nothing.” I said and then bit my tongue. Truthfully I didn’t mind him not wanting to talk about it. It’s not like I was dying to hear about his ex. I just wanted him to acknowledge that there was in fact something wrong.

Kade turned and scanned me.

”Do you wanna talk about the door that he mentioned?” He was right, I wasn’t any better with all the secrets I was keeping locked inside.

”Didn’t think so.” He spat and went to take a shower. This distance between us only grew bigger for each day. I kept things from him and he from me. At the end of the day, we didn’t trust each other, yet we relied on each other with the mate bond and for some reason stuck by it.

The night was quiet and distant which seemed to have become a habit lately. Kade woke up as the sun rose and started turning in the bed, his arm tossed over me and pulled me back against his body.

His lips pressed against my neck and I circled my fingers in his.

”I was startled and in shock from hearing what he said. I never meant to take it out on you. I’m sorry.” He said and burrowed his face into my neck. I squeezed my eyes shut and breathed in.

”He said I couldn’t trust you and that looking behind the closed doors would prove that.” Kade stiffened behind me and I slowly turned my head.

”That’s why you opened the door?” He asked and I nodded my head.


”We have to stop this, we can’t continue hiding things from each other. It won’t work and you won’t be safe. We have to be honest with each other and I promise that from now on, I will be.” I smiled and placed a kiss on his forehead.

”That sounds good.”

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