Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate (Book 2)

: Chapter 59


We waited until we had eaten. We waited until we had talked. We had waited long enough. Time ceased to exist as our lips met in a soft longing kiss that could only be shared with a person with whom you have hated to miss. I parted my lips and felt as he entered me. Our hands explored each other’s bodies in slow caresses over the curves and muscles under the clothes we wore. I felt him growing hard beneath me and pressed against him as a moan escaped my lips. Kade’s movements grew more heated as he grabbed onto my legs and had me down on my back in a second. He removed my pants and pulled of my shirt and in one swift motion, his clothes were on the ground next to the blanket. The fireflies bore witness to our heated exchange and illuminated us with their beautiful light.

I felt him rubbing against my entrance and writhed on the blanket, beginning against his lips with my moans growing louder for him to enter me.

After having his fun and driving my body in a heat that was unbearable he entered me and my head flew back with each thrust.

”Ah fuck!” His hand came up and covered my mouth and with a devilish smirk, he started pounding into me harder and faster. I screamed against his hand, the fear of anybody hearing was gone the second he entered me and all I wanted was to scream his name loud enough for it to echo through the entire forest and have every creature hear me.

”Shh, keep that pretty mouth closed.” He said as he flipped me over on all fours and pulled my hips back against him.

After both of us reached our climax we lay sweaty on the blanket, snuggled into each other’s bodies with nothing between ourselves and the hidden sky.

It felt like we were alone, just the two of us in this whole world and I loved that feeling. There was no place I would rather be than here with him.

This was it, this was my home.

”Layla, do you forgive me for what I did?” He asked me as we looked up, trying to see the top of the trees but falling short at the branches that reached out in the way.

”Do you trust me?” I asked him. He turned on his side and faced me.

I turned my head and looked at him.

”I promise that I do.” My brows furrowed in question. The fireflies started to distance themselves from us, flying further away but close enough for us to see clearly.

Seeing in the dark was no problem for a werewolf but it did take away from our other senses when we had to focus.

I smiled when I saw the truth in his eyes. Playing with my fingers on his jaw I asked my final question.

”Why is our bond not as strong as it should be then? At first, I thought it was because of your fear of me, that you didn’t trust me, and because of that the bond was weaker. Then I thought it was because you still had feelings for Danielle but if none of that is true then why don’t I feel like this is how it’s supposed to be?” His body stiffened beside me and I felt every single one of his muscles grow stale.

I shifted to my side, creating a bit of a distance that I felt I needed.

Something was wrong and he knew what it was but then why hadn’t he told me?

”You know the reason, don’t you?” He still did not say a word. He stared at me bewildered and frightened.

His lips parted and he drew a deep breath. His chest pushed out and he sighed heavily.

”Layla,” i placed my finger over his lips.

”The truth.” I said. His eyes fell and it felt like my heart fell with them, sinking into my stomach.

”What is it, Kade?” I asked him and sat up. I put my shirt on, suddenly feeling exposed. Kade got up and stopped me as I grabbed my pants.

”Wait,” he said and grabbed my hands.

”The reason why our bond hasn’t been as strong as it should be is that technically-” he paused, missing an important beat. ”-technically I and Danielle are still mated.”

What did he just say?

”I’m sorry, what?” He was quick to shift on the blanket and he moved closer.

”I swear by the goddess that I have no feelings for her anymore.”

”You’re still mated?” I asked in a breath.

”She left, she never rejected me or gave me a chance to reject her. She just left and so the mate bond grew weaker and when I met you it was non-existent but that’s why you haven’t felt the bond the way it should be felt.”

”Neither have you, the difference is you knew the answer while I was running around like an idiot trying to figure it out!” I pulled my hands away from him and stood up and put my clothes on. Kade put his pants on and stood too.

”Listen to me, she means nothing!”

”She has been living with you for the past few weeks, I’m guessing she’s still there?” He cast his eyes down.

”Have you rejected her yet?” When he looked up I didn’t need a vocal answer, his eyes spoke volume

”The answer is no, Kade, no I do not forgive you for what you did.” I turned around about to go back to the pack but fireflies flew in my way blocking me from going anywhere.

Kade grabbed my arm and spun me around. He didn’t speak, not a word but his eyes glowed as he grabbed my hands and placed my palms on each side of his head.

”What are you-” My eyes glazed over and everything turned foggy.

I was in Kade’s house but it looked different. The doors were wide open, there was no carpet on the floor and I heard tiny footsteps running down the hallway.

”Careful, sweetheart!” A woman came out and put her hands out as a young boy halted to a step in front of her.

”He’s alright, he’s an Alpha isn’t that right son?” A man said stepping in through the doors.

The little boy smiled from ear to ear showing his teeth.

”That’s right Dad, I’m an Alpha.” He said proudly sticking his chest out.

”You very well might be but first and foremost you are my son and I would like to keep you alive.” The woman said and scolded him with a gaze that had the little boy shrink.

”Give me a hug, baby. We’ll be back soon.” The little boy hugged his mother and then looked with the saddest eyes I had ever seen at her turning around.

”Why do you have to leave again? You just came back,”

”It’s pack business and we have to go. It’s the Meeting of Alphas, very boring things but our attendance is necessary.” The man said and ruffled his hair.

The woman turned around, squatted down in front of him, and brushed his hair back.

”We love you, Kade, we’ll be home before you know it.” They left and he stared at them. With his little legs, he ran outside and watched with tear-filled eyes as his parents drove away. With his tiny voice, he said quietly, ” Come back.”

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