Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate (Book 2)

: Chapter 58


Nathaniel and I had been training for hours with Justin just like yesterday. Apparently, when he told me yesterday that we wouldn’t be training alone, he meant that Justin was going to be with us and honestly if this had happened before my meeting with Kade I would’ve been ecstatic but now I was just freaking out and sweating without even moving. Everyone was so hostile around each other or maybe it was just me but it felt off and I didn’t want him here. All I could think of was that I wasn’t allowed to show Nathaniel that I knew how to see his memories. Both Justin and Kade had told me to keep my head down and act dumb. When I think about it even Analise warned me.

It was fine yesterday, Nathaniel didn’t make anything of it when I failed in seeing into his mind as well as Justin’s but I could tell he was getting impatient now.

His breaths were fast and hard after hours of practicing and the easygoing patience I had seen days ago on our first practice was gone. He looked about ready to plow this forest down with his bare hands if I didn’t get my shit together. His black eyes stared at me with such anger, Justin stood back and looked warily but tried his best not to look worried as his eyes shifted between me and Nathaniel.

”Nate, maybe we should continue tomorrow.” Justin said. We had been at this for hours. I was pretending to be exhausted from the practice when in actuality I was just tired from faking it. Faking not getting into someone’s memories was hard as shit. I had to do everything by the book but then not allow myself to see into his mind yet still seem as though I was trying…if that makes sense.

”No, not until she succeeds.” This brought me back to practice with Justin where he was teaching me how to block someone from seeing into my mind. Those practices were ongoing and I had that to look forward to as well after this was done. These last few days had just been a series of practices and disappointments for everyone for suddenly I understood why Justin was throwing so much shit at me about blocking. Nathaniel stormed over, he slammed my shoulder back and I fell into a tree as he pressed himself onto me and grabbed each side of my face.

My head flew back and I remember Justin telling me not to block him right away but rather refocus my mind on something else. A memory of my mother popped up in my head. We were sitting on the couch drinking tea and talking about life. She told me stories of her childhood with grandma and grandpa who lived at another pack.

When I came too again and Nathaniel’s nostrils flared as his eyes hardened all I could feel was a longing to see them again.

His fingers curled in and formed a fist that slammed into the tree right next to my head.

”You need to learn faster.” He growled.

We walked back through the makeshift town and I was starting to revise that it wasn’t only in my head that things were feeling off. I was getting eyed by everyone we walked past and they were glaring dangerously frightened at us.

I didn’t see any pups either and the doors to the houses were closed.

They followed us with their gazes all the way to my house.

”We’ll continue tomorrow.” Nathaniel said without stopping and bypassed me to head to his own home.

Justin followed after him. For not having a Beta Nathaniel sure seemed to rely on Justin for many things around here, his loyalty included.

Falling asleep was a fool’s game tonight, I was too occupied thinking about the 360 flips everyone had made and how everything changed in just one day. Nathaniel was getting impatient, he wanted to put his plan in motion and it was getting cleared by the day that I was a big part of it.

Something began to flicker outside the window.

I walked out and saw fireflies lighting up the dark in their beautiful dance.

”Hey little guy,” one of them sat on my finger and shook his bottom.

He flew up and away, seemingly waiting for me down the road.

I followed him and more of them started to come out.

Before I knew it I was standing by the border once again and this time it didn’t take me long to cross the threshold.

I followed them deep into the woods, deeper this time than last.

Behind the trees I could see his silhouette, more and more fireflies joined us, they fluttered their wings over our heads, and the closer I got the more I could see that this wasn’t like last time. On the ground was a red velvet blanket with a picnic basket standing on top. A flask of wine and two glasses stood next to the basket and I could smell the meat and the cheese.

”Hi,” I felt giddy, Butterflies were swarming in my stomach. Kade walked over and engulfed me in a hug that allowed my shoulders to finally drop again.

”I miss you so much.”

”Won’t you get into trouble?” I asked him and he leaned back.

”I honestly, truthfully, graciously-” he said and placed my hair behind my ear whilst staring adoringly into my eyes. ”-do not give a fuck.” His lips came slamming down on mine so hard that I thought it would leave a bruise.

Our tongues immediately began their dance but now it wasn’t for power or dominance, it was passion and heat.

He laid me down on the blanket and leaned over me. We stared into each other’s eyes and I could feel the passion radiating from him.

”I brought food.” He said and smiled.

”I know, I can smell it,” I giggled as we sat up and he started emptying the basket. Even as we sat only a few inches away from each other neither one of us could handle the distance. Kade lifted me over his lap and I wrapped my arm around his shoulders.

It hit me how he had packed only my favorite foods. There were pancakes, cheeses with meat and crackers, and pasta.

”Kade,” I gasped when I saw all of it. His brows furrowed and he didn’t look at me.

”I wish we were doing this at home.”

”Eating?” I asked trying to lighten the mood.

He shook his head slowly and took the lid off the container.

”Having our first date.”

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