Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate (Book 2)

: Chapter 53

Justin’s eyes glowed in their ocean blue color and his nostrils were flaring as he drew deep breaths.

His fingers wrapped tightly around the mugg, the floor creaked under his heavy steps and it was getting harder and harder to hold the eye contact.

It was so quick, his hand rose, his eyes blacked in anger and the next thing I knew the mug hit the wall and shattered into pieces. The coffee dripped down on the floor and he growled as his claws extended and his shoulders took on a predatory bow.

”What the fuck were you thinking!” He growled. I pressed myself back against the closed door and looked down at the floor.

My chest was heaving as I drew quick short breaths.

His fingers pressed under my chin and he lifted my head back but my eyes were still glued to my feet.

”Layla, look at me.” I looked up, straight into his eyes as his hand cupped my cheek.

My eyes fluttered and my head stilled with my jaw dropping to the floor as he invaded my mind.

The memories of Kade and me in the woods started playing in my head as though I was there. Kade’s face when he saw me coming through the woods and his tear-stricken face when we embraced each other. I shook my head and tensed every muscle as I tried to come back to reality.

”Stop,” I breathed and ground my teeth against each other.

He removed his hands, my head fell back against the door but Justin pulled me in and stared at me with not one single ounce of regret.

”Block it.” He said and again he cupped my cheek.

”No!” But I was gone, back into my mind, and a memory that was more than private. Me and Kade started kissing, our hands explored each other’s bodies and he ripped my shirt off.

Justin pulled his hand back again and I shook my head frantically.

”What do you think will happen if he sees this, huh? Block me out!” My head fell back and i was there in the woods with Kade. My legs were wrapped around his waist, he was kissing down my neck and suddenly I just forgot what was happening and I relived the moment. His lips on my skin, his fingers digging into my body, and the hunger that we felt towards one another.

I turned my head and Justin’s silhouette flashed before me as Kade’s hands roamed down my backside.

Like a glitch in reality I saw his glowing eyes by the trees and remembered that this wasn’t real, this wasn’t happening, I wasn’t with Kade. Justin was invading my mind and I needed to stop it.

I focused as hard as I could but I could swear that I felt the touch of Kade’s tongue tasting my neck.

His hand cupped my breast and my head fell back in pleasure.

A sudden flash appeared by my side and I saw Justin’s face clear as day watching me.

”What the-” I inhaled a deep breath when it felt like I had been kicked in the gut. I fell forward, my hands shot out and I landed on all fours.

”Justin I can’t.” I said as I heaved for breath.

He squatted down in front of me.

”You don’t have a choice. I’m not letting you outside of this house until you learn to block me out of your mind.”

” I’m tired,” I said as my eyes grew heavy.

He nodded his head and helped me up on my shaking legs. His chest was puffed out, his shoulder rolled back and his sharp jawline clicked as he bit down. His eyes were burning with determination and there was no remorse even hinting in his depths. Justin’s chest brushed up against mine as he looked down at me. ”Tired is better than dead. Again.” He said and cupped my cheek.

We had been at it for hours. Sweat was dripping down, soaking my clothes and it felt like I had been running for miles without catching my breath.

Justin still wasn’t done because I still hadn’t succeeded in blocking him out of my mind and the same memory had replayed itself over and over again in my head. Each time that I was brought back to reality it felt like I was losing Kade all over again.

”Please, stop,” Justin nonchalantly walked into the kitchen and grabbed me a glass of water. This was the first pause he had allowed me to take.

i gulped it all down and gave him the glass back. Once I had regained my composure and I could draw a proper breath I stood straight.

”I can’t do it again.” He scoffed and looked at me with a hallow gaze.

”You don’t have a choice. As I said, I’m not leaving until you succeed.”

After another few tries the lights outside started too dim down and the house was growing dark. Justin cupped my cheek once again and I was tossed back in time to a moment I missed.

Kade’s head was glitching, it was like watching a tv with the channels jumping back and forth. My head was throbbing, my gut was twisting and I had trouble seeing straight. I narrowed my eyes and focused on blocking the memory, creating a wall between the viewer and the screen.

”No.” I said and jumped back into the hallway of my house. Justin fell back a step, his eyes were wide in a distinct confused state for a few seconds before he realized I had succeeded. I stood tall with a glum relief washing over me that this session was done.

”Good job.” He said, a smirk creeping up on his face.

He walked past me and opened the door.

”We’ll continue again tomorrow.”


After my day-long session with Justin, I slept like a log but when I woke up in bed it felt like I hadn’t rested at all. There was an incisive knocking on the door and I groaned as I got up and walked the down the stairs.

The knocking continued like a toddler banging wanting to get into a room.

”I’m coming you menace-” I said thinking it was Justin on the other side but as I opened and saw Nathaniel’s stern gaze I released my mistake.

”Hi,” I said and smiled.

His brows furrowed and he scanned my face before looking over my shoulder.

”Who did you think it was?” He asked and tilted his head to the side in question.

”One of the pups, they come knocking from time to time asking if I want to play with them,” quick and thorough, good for you Layla.

”Right. You better get dressed, we’re practicing today.” I crossed my arms over my chest and when noticed that his eyes were evidently drawn to my cleavage I dropped them again. Nathaniel smirked and rose a brow.

”I thought you said we wouldn’t practice for a few days due to the storm?”

”Everything has been fixed, the aftermath of the storm is over so we’re back to it. I want to get as much training done as possible.”

”Why?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

”Don’t worry about it, get dressed and come out. We won’t be practicing alone today.” He said and cemented himself in front of the house.

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