Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate (Book 2)

: Chapter 52

My pants were thrown on the ground next to a rock and my back was gliding against the stabbing bark but all I felt was the pleasure from having him inside of me.

I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed him until just now, until I saw his beautiful face and felt his warm embrace.

Sweat dripped down the side of his face and his cheeks were turning red from the blood rush. My head flew back and my eyes rolled into the back of my head as I reached my climax for the third time and Kade came deep inside of me.

”Fuck,” he groaned with a heavy breath as he laid his head on my chest and I wrapped my hands around him.

The need to feel him was insatiable and even with him this close, with nothing in-between us, it still felt as though I was starving for more of him.

He let go of me and my feet stepped down on the damp grass but his arms were still wrapped around me with his head now resting in the crock of my neck.

I stroked the back of his head, tugging at his hair with my eyes closed, enjoying the moment for as long as possible and even eternity wasn’t enough right now.

”I’m so sorry,” he whispered and leaned back.

I cupped his cheek and wiped a tear that had fallen. The crease between his brows depend, he hated to cry and he rarely ever did. He told me once that he hadn’t cried since he was ten.

”I know you are.” I said and smiled.

We had been in the woods for hours, further down I could see a streak of light breaking through as the sun began to rise.

I took a deep breath and looked towards the path from where I came.

”I have to go back.” i said quietly because I didn’t want to say it at all.

”I can’t-” he said and shook his head. ”-I can’t let you go again.” Kades chest pushed out as he inhaled a deep breath.

”I was brought here to find you,” he said and my eyes narrowed in a confused gaze.


”I met a woman while i was sleeping, it was weird, she was the one who helped me find you. She told me it was time, that you needed me, that something was happening.” He noticed my bodys response as it staled under him.

”Layla, what has happened?” No Kade, I’m sorry.

”Everything is fine, I’m dealing with it.” His face turned hard and his eyes hid away any and all love I had seen but it came out in his words.

”I want to deal with it with you.”

”I don’t want you to get mixed in with them,”


”Honestly? You don’t stand a chance. I understand now, somehow-” I said and shook my head.

”-why you didn’t trust me, why it was so hard for you to lower your guards around me. They’re manipulative, strong and have powers that can’t be matched.” His eyes fell into a pit and I knew that my words, however honest, hurt him because it was the truth.

”I’ll take it, I’ll take all of it. You don’t have to let me, I choose to do it, I don’t want to be apart from you again.”

”It doesn’t work like that,”

”Why? Just tell me what’s going on.” He was no longer asking, he was demanding.

”King Nathaniel-” Kades brows shot up as he asked, ”King?” I rolled my eyes and nodded my head.

”Yes, they don’t have an Alpha, they have a king.” Kade’s eyes grew dark and he raised his head.

”And his name is Nathaniel?”

”Yes, now will you let me tell the story or not?” He remained silent so I continued.

”I overheard him talking about his plan. He wants to erase the werewolf species completely, he wants the Emberclaw wolves to take over and I think…I think I’m the last piece he needs in order to do that.”


”I don’t know. When I was asleep I went to this other place where I met this woman. I’m guessing she’s the same one that you met,”

”Analise,” Kade said.

”Yes. She told me about an ancestor, the first ever Emberclaw. It was made without the moon goddesses consent, it caused an imbalance in nature and this hunger for power and blood is a consequents of the actions that my ancestors mother took in creating her.”

”But why-” I saw the light growing brighter behind him.

”I don’t have time, I’m sorry but I have to go before they realize that I’m gone.” My fingers slowly slipped from his.

”I don’t want you too,” he said and grabbed a hold of my hand.

”Neither do I,” I whispered and leaned up, placing a soft kiss on his even softer lips.

”We’ll fix this, I’ll find a way. But stay away from him until then, please.”

”He wont hurt me, he needs me.”

”Yes, but is you being alive a requirement?” His eyes narrowed on me with so much anger rippling inside of them.

He was worried for my safety just as I worried for his but I had better chances of taking care of myself against them than he did.

”I’ll be okay.” I said and smiled.

”I’ll make sure you are.” That was a promise and it slipped from his lips so easily and effortlessly.

I turned around, with each step I took away from him it broke my heart little by little. My stomach twisted in knots and it took every ounce of strength I had to not look back at him.

”I’ll be okay,” I whispered to myself and crossed the border.

A mere few hours after I had gotten home and crawled into bed, unable to sleep and missing Kades touch, there was a knock on my door.

I went down, pretending my best too look newly awake and opened it. Justin stood with two coffees in hand a cheeky smile on his face.

”I thought it was my turn to make the coffee.” He said and handed me a cup.

I giggled and let him inside. Justins feet pressed against the wooden floor but slowed and grew heavier. He brought the cup down from his lips and turned around slowly. His eyes scanned me from top to bottom, locking in on my eyes as he stepped forward. Justin leaned in, his face was so close to my neck that i felt his hot breath fanning against my skin.

When he leaned back, I knew what mistake I had made and my lungs suddenly stopped working as I held my last breath.

”You smell of him.” He growled and the cup fell from my fingers and landed on the floor. The handle broke, the drink spilled on the ground and the hot liquid stained my feet but I didn’t feel the burn. All I felt was fear for whatever pain came next.

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