Rejected Queen

Chapter Scuffle

Ch 16

Trinity pov

After the food was eaten we went back upstairs to change. He showed me where clothes were that I could wear, and I just stared in disbelief. I keep looking at all the different clothes when I hear a chuckle come from behind me making me turn around.

“It’s like you have had this planned all along. Bringing me here to be with you. Why, though? Why me? How did you even know about me?”

“Oh come now Trinity did you really think that no one knew about you? I knew whose child you were, and who your father was. I knew what kind of powers you would inherit and just how special you are.”

“But there’s other girls, so why choose me?”

I see him step forward towards me when I feel an arm wrap around my waist pulling me tight up against him. I drop the clothes, placing my hands against his chest when I look up at him. His dark features and eyes scan my face with a slight smirk forming.

“Trinity, I knew from the moment I saw you I wanted you to be mine. I didn’t care how I had to get you or what I would have to do to get you.”

I see him lower his head to my neck when he licks his mark making a shiver go through my body. I start to go into a trance-like state when I feel a hard shock and I’m thrown backwards against the shelving and drawers. I fall to the floor not realizing what has happened and my head is pounding. I slowly push myself up when I look over to where Lucifer is and he’s been thrown the opposite way agains the wall.

I see his eyes turn red staring at me when he stands up and stumbles over to me reaching down to grab me but gets shocked again. He gets irate and growls out loud shaking the house making me panic backing up and trying to stand to run out. I stumble out as he walks after cursing out loud. He tries to grab me again and get shocked again.

“Please, please, I don’t know what’s going on. Don’t hurt me.”

“What did you do? Why are you doing this? I thought everything was going well?”

“It’s not me! I didn’t do anything, I swear on everything!”

I see him walk into the closet and hear stuff being thrown. Soon he walks out wearing a pair of gloves. He reaches and grabs my arm and nothing happens. He bares his teeth at me and in an instant we are back at the cave.

“Baphomet! Misty!”

He tightens his grip on my arm as I’m being dragged through the field. I can feel his tension and sadness through the mark when he stops to look at me. His eyes have gone black to black and you can see the sadness in his eyes. I put my hand over his mark and he just stares as a tear starts to form in the corner of his eye. In an instant it’s gone when he hears his name being yelled.

“Lucifer! So what do we owe this unexpected visit to?”

“You piece of shits what did you two do?”

“Whatever are you talking about?”

“What did you do to make it so I can’t touch her?”

“Well see if we are going to play by certain rules it’s only fair that it’s for all who are involved. See you may have some tricks up your sleeves but so do we.”

I look between Lucifer and my dad Baphomet who are now snarling at each other. Soon Tarnac comes around snarling also. I see him react to Tarnac and try to pull away from Lucifer but his hand won’t let me go. I see Tarnac take a step forward when Lucifer pushes me behind to the side when I fall to the ground.

I see Lucifer launch himself at Tarnac with them both shifting mid air and colliding with each other. I see them tear into each other when I feel a hand try to grab my arm and pull away. I look over and see my dad and mom screaming for me to snap out of it. I quickly get to my feet and move with them to the side when it looks like Lucifer is gettin the upper hand. I see my dad take off with my mom screaming at him when he shifts, colliding with Lucifer knocking him off of Tarnac.

Lucifer grabs my dad and throws him to the side when I see him roll away slowly getting back to his feet. At the same time Tarnac jumps up on top of Lucifer pinning him down on the ground. They hiss at each other when they start tearing into each other again. We see blood start flying and slowly slicking their coats.its easier to see on Tarnac the wounds that are opening compared to Lucifer.

We see them back away from each other and shift back to their human forms hissing at each other and circling around. They start grabbing at each other with fists flying and soon they are breaking open more wounds on their faces and I just look at my mom. She just nods her head and I don’t understand how she can be so calm in this kind of situation!

I turn back starting to panic when I see them back away from each other. Faces are covered in blood as parts are starting to swell up. There’s sweat dripping down mixing with the blood and you can tell they salt is stinging in their wounds. They just look at each other heaving when I see the girls come out hissing and start surrounding Lucifer. He laughs out loud looking around and I don’t know what’s happening.

“You think these little girls are going to save your ass? Please these little twits are no match for me. None of them are! You are a fair fight that’s for sure. Will this ever end? Who knows, but I can guarantee I won’t be the loser in this!”

“You seem pretty sure of yourself Lucifer.”

“What are you going to do Tarnac? You think just because you mated with her and she turned you white, you even have a chance? It’s all fine and dandy but when it comes to the ceremony that little bite mark you have doesn’t mean shit. Doesn’t mean a thing until she marks you again during the ceremony. Oh but wait that didn’t happen now did it. So I took the opportunity to even out the playing field.”

“She would never choose you!”

“Well see we were getting along quite well until you decided to intervene. So now I guess the last one standing will be able to have her?”

“You will never have her!”

“What are you going to do Tarnac? Have these little twits try to help you. Do you think you will even get anywhere?”

I watch Tarnac turn to me and smirk when he walks right up to Lucifer and stands toe to toe with him. The girls still snarl smirking as they move in closer when in an instant Tarnac’s fist pierces Lucifer’s chest when I gasp, grabbing onto my mom. I can feel the mark on my neck start pounding as I place my hand over it dropping to the ground.

I lay my head on the side as I watch Tarnac look at me mouthing I’m sorry when I feel him squeeze Lucifer’s heart. Lucifer tries grabbing at Tarnac trying to get him to let go when I see him pull his hand back out holding onto Lucifer’s black heart. The pounding gets harder and harder and in an instant everything goes into slow motion.

I watch Lucifer slowly drop to his knees when Tarnac lets out a growl that shakes the ground grabbing Lucifer by the hair yanking his head back to look up at him.

“You will never have my fucking mate! EVER!”

I watch as Tarnac squeezes his heart when my neck starts to burn in scorching pain. His heart slowly starts turning to dust falling down to the ground. When I hear him scream at the same time. I watch as the last of the heart falls and the pain on my neck subsides. His body is there and before I can even get up it turns to a pile of ash.

I slowly sit up when Tarnac walks over, kneeling in front of me staring at me. He hesitantly reaches out to touch me and the moment he can without being shocked he instantly grabs for me. He starts by looking at my neck to inspect it carefully and then moves every inch of my body. Once he’s satisfied that I’m ok he just pulls me into his lap to hold me.

Soon my mom and dad come next to us and my mom grabs my hand with my dads arm around her. We must have sat there for a while because soon we have a mass of people surrounding us when a bunch of girls plow into me and Tarnac. We all let out laughs at how crazy this pile of people has become. I’m so glad this is all over, and we can hopefully live our lives in peace. Then it hits me.

“Where did Raston go?”

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