Rejected Queen

Chapter Jealousy

Ch 15

Trinity pov

Waking up this morning in this bed makes me sick to my stomach. I feel my neck and run my hand over Tarnac’s mark and instantly start crying. How could Lucifer do this? How could he mark me at the same time and then make me choose. I shouldn’t even be in this position. No one should ever be in this position. I scoot myself to the edge of the bed and walk over to a window and see nothing but darkness outside.

I try to strain my eyes but I see no earth and no trees, not even a sky. We are literally in the middle of nowhere. I just look down and touch Lucifer’s mark when I start to cry. I hear a growl erupt from outside the room, and know he feels me touching it. I start to walk towards the door when something catches my eye on the bed. I walk over and see a black sequin dress for me to wear. I run my hands over the beading when I hear him from the door.

“You have a very important decision that needs to be made. Put the dress on and I will meet you downstairs.”

I watch him smirk and close the door behind him. I move the dress and find a black bra and thong underneath and just think you have to be kidding me. I roll my eyes and take everything to the door. When I open it I can’t see anything so I flip on the light. It’s a huge walk in closet and on one side I see tons of black tuxes, jeans and shirts. On the other side is nothing but different women’s black dresses and clothes.

I quickly turn off the light and shut the door going to the next door. When I open it and flip on the light I see it’s a bathroom that is in black and gray. I mean, I know he’s Lucifer and all but my goodness get some color in this place. I set everything on the chair in the corner and strip to climb in the shower. I enjoy the nice hot shower that I completely forget where I’m even at. That was until I opened my eyes back up.

I quickly washed myself and of course all I could find was his stuff. I have no doubt it was done on purpose. When I exit and dry off I look in the mirror at both marks on my neck and just cry. I see Tarnac’s with a lighter edge where his fangs went in and run my hand over it. I don’t know if it even does anything but I hope it does. Even if it gives him that moment knowing I’m thinking of him. When I see Lucifers which have a darker edge. I don’t dare run my hand down it because I know what it will do for him.

I get dressed in the clothing and when I exit I see a pair of heels in the middle of the room. I just roll my eyes and slide my foot in. Surprisingly they are comfortable to stand and walk in. I look at myself in the mirror making sure everything is just right when it hits me like a brick wall what I’m even doing. I mentally say to myself fuck it and walk out the bedroom door.

When I get outside I see a dark hallway being lit by lights along the wall, and take a deep breath. I walk slowly looking around and soon make my way to a grand staircase leading down to the main floor. The opening is lit up a lot more than the hallway and you can see him standing at the bottom of the stairs. He has his back to the stairs talking to some men when they abruptly stand at attention looking my way.

He slowly turns and smirks looking up at me when I reach to pick up the dress and walk slowly down the stairs. I will admit that he does look amazing in his tux, but he isn’t my mate. I slowly make my way to the bottom when I look straight into his darkened eyes. I feel such disgust and yet I don’t at the same time.

“You look absolutely breathtaking. Come, let’s have some breakfast.”

He holds out his arm when I wrap my hand on his forearm. We take a few steps when I feel him stiffen up stopping and looking around. I look around when I feel him slowly pull my hand off and shoves me behind him. I grab the back of him when he slowly looks around. I feel his arm wrap around me behind him holding him to him when a growl erupts shaking the room.

“Where the fuck are you Tina? I know you’re here!”

I hear nothing when all of a sudden I feel my hair grabbed from behind and yanked away from Lucifer and fell myself sliding across the floor hitting my head on the ground. I can feel my head pounding when I lift it off the ground switching to protect myself and feel myself hissing. I try to focus when I see a woman ten feet from me with red eyes all black hissing.

In a split second I see her launch for me when something comes from the side knocking her away. I see Lucifer grab her and throw her across the room launching after her again. I can’t keep my focus anymore when I lay my head back down. I can see what’s going on and hear what they are saying to each other.

“What is your fucking problem Tina?”

“You fucking pushed me aside for that piece of trash? We could be so great together and yet you go and get her?”

“I never wanted you! I told you that! Especially when I found you with Raston. Do not ever come near her or in this palace again. Come here and I will end you.”

“I’m not leaving until she is dead! So if you’re going to kill me, do it!”

I see him grab her and close my eyes when I hear something being torn apart. I hear the ripping and tearing and the sounds are echoing off the walls and embedding in my brain. I just start sobbing when I feel some hands on my head. I open it to see a young girl smiling.

“Ma’am it’s ok, it’s all over. Lucifer went to change quickly while the mess was cleaned up. Here let’s get you up and to the dining room. If you stay here you will get used to it. It doesn’t happen often but when it does it can get messy.”

I slowly sit up and see workers cleaning the last of what took place when I just look around. She helps me stand up and holds my hands while walking me to the dining room.

“My name is Moira, what is yours?”


“Well Mrs Trinity it’s very nice to meet you. Here, have a seat. Food will be brought out if you are still able to eat. If you want I can get you some meds to calm your stomach if needed.”

“No, no it’s ok Moira. I’ll be fine. I just need to relax for a bit.”

“If you change your mind just let someone know.”

With that she bowed her head and left. I just lean on the table and start sobbing uncontrollably. I must have been doing it for a while when I smell him come in and feel myself being picked up. He sits down and sets me on his lap when I bury my face into his chest sobbing harder. I felt him rub my back while leaning his face against my head.

“My goodness Trinity, I’m so so sorry for that. I never thought she would be stupid enough to do anything. Never did I want you to witness that side of me. If you don’t want to eat I completely understand. I would like for you to try and eat something though. If you need meds we can get you some.”

“Moira already offered, and I’ll be ok. I just need some time to process everything. I didn’t witness everything but did hear it.”

“I’m so sorry Trinity.”

I hear people file in and stuff starts getting set down and it smells amazing but just needs to relax. He sets me down in my chair and I just lean against the side. My stomach is hungry but still don’t have much of an appetite. I see Moira show up and offer some meds and I take it with some water. After about twenty minutes my stomach calmed down so I started looking at all the food.

I watch Lucifer grab a plate and I just point to what I want and soon It’s placed down in front of me. I take little bites here and there making sure my stomach will be ok. I slowly eat when I notice that he has finished and is just leaning back watching me.

“You are so beyond gorgeous Trinity. What would you like to do after breakfast?”

“What is there to do?”

“Anything you can think of.”

“Can we go horseback riding?”

“Absolutely. I will have the staff get horses ready. We can ride wherever you want.”

I see him motion for someone and tell them what the plans are. Once I’m done eating he takes my hand and we head back upstairs to change. On some level I know what he’s doing but I might as well make the most of it until I can go back.

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