Rejected? Deuces! A Gay Werewolf Novella

Chapter Chapter Two (Carson)

The party was now in full swing as everyone was currently waiting for the arrival of Regan, but I was still not allowed to go anywhere. I just didn’t understand why I was doomed to remain in the shadows of the pack while everyone else got to move freely. I had plenty of time to make my escape before tonight, but I knew that the heartless Betas and the pack warriors would come for me and either forces me into submission of staying where I was... or kill me off and be through with bringing “bad luck to the strongest pack of Denver,” according to Asshole Keith.

But I knew that tonight was when I was bound to make my fist and the only exodus from this pack once and for all. And I had a simple way of cutting all ties to any werewolf and other supernatural creatures known to man- the Soul Conversion spell, something that was deemed a legend and yet so true. The spell was simply a prayer to let any supernatural being go from its original state to a human. Most of the time, the spell was used by anyone who was abused and/or rejected by their mate. With the latter, a rejection of the mating bond was so bad, one could easily die, especially when the rejectee was hurting from abuse, neglect, torture, and isolation. And I fit into that category right there.

Right now, I was listening to the sounds of happy people celebrating while savoring the food that sweet Ciara brought for me earlier. I would be breaking Ciara’s heart by leaving the pack alongside her parents’ hearts and those who showed compassion towards me- or those who didn’t know of the abuse. Everyone else, on the other hand, can kindly go to hell.

Just as I was finishing the last bit of the chicken quesadilla, the door to the basement swung open as I put everything away. I heard slow footsteps climb down the stairs as I got into a kneeling submissive position.

“Look up, omega.” I heard a young man’s voice say in a rough tone.

I slowly looked into the eyes of a glaring young man who was a god incarnate- deep, caramel skin that was flawless; an athletic build that hugged his all-black dress attire; eyes that pierced right into my soul; and kissable lips that held nothing but disgust.

“You must be the male omega that Ciara told me about,” the young man replied.

“Yes, sir,” I said softly. “And you must be Regan, the soon-to-be Alpha of the Four Aces pack.”

“That I am,” Regan said, folding his arms. “And as much as you are a good kid, I can’t allow you to stay here any longer, much less mate with you and end your suffering.”

I knew it. He was going to say the words to give me my freedom.

“I, Regan Corey Zallenda, hereby reject you, Carson Darren Hadley, as my mate and future Luna of the Four Aces Pack,” he said as I saw the glaring faces of Keith and the other Betas that were coming down the stairs. “And I give you two hours to leave, after your farewell beating.”

I knew that I had to say the words to let him go. “I, Carson Darren Hadley, accept your rejection and will leave the pack. In turn, I hereby reject you, Regan Corey Zallenda, as your mate and alpha of the Four Aces pack. I also hereby cut all ties to the pack after midnight tonight.”

Regan smiled widely. “I accept your rejection, omega,” he sneered. To Keith, “Give him something to remember that he is doomed to die.”

“With pleasure,” Keith cheered as he came towards me with a feral look in his eyes.

And just like that, I was doomed to either die in this basement... or slowly die as I leave the pack grounds.


I had a feeling that I was going to survive Keith’s fists and kicks. All the same, it hurt like hell as I painfully walked up the stairs and out of the basement, handing three envelopes to a sweet elderly woman. “Please give one to Alpha Harvey and Luna Delia, the second to Ciara, and the third to Regan,” I whimpered, steeling away the teats from my eyes.

“Of course, my child,” she said, motioning for someone who looked like her son to join us. “Miles, help the boy make his escape from this place. He’ll need the harmony of the full moon to do what he must.”

“Of course,” Miles said, giving me a sad look as he picked me up in his arms and carried me outside. Once we were outside and at the boundaries of the pack grounds, he sat me down gently. “Carson, you’re a good kid who didn’t need any of this. And on the record, you’d make a kickass Luna. Regan’s making a giant mistake rejecting you.”

“Thank you,” I said, wiping away the tears. “May the Moon Goddess give you peace and prosperity.”

Miles nodded, heading back to the gigantic manor where the pack resides. As soon as he was out of earshot, I pulled out the final envelope that was addressed to the pack and slid it inside the mailbox before taking a piece of folded paper out of my ratty jacket pocket and found what I was looking for.

It was time.

Μητέρα της Σελήνης, άκου τις κραυγές μου. Γιατί είμαι αναπόφευκτος και είμαι σπασμένος πέρα ​​από την πίστη. Δώσε μου ειρήνη και άσε με να ζήσω τις μέρες μου ανάμεσα στους ανθρώπους. Αυτή είναι η προσευχή μου. Αυτή είναι η ευχή μου. Έκανα την ειρήνη μου με την απόρριψή μου, οπότε τώρα πρέπει να προχωρήσω (Translation: Mother of the moon, hear my cries. For I am undone and I am broken beyond belief. Grant me peace and let me live out my days among the humans. This is my prayer. This is my wish. I have made my peace with my rejection, so now I must move on.),” I said in fluent Greek, sealing my fate.

The last thing I remembered was a loud howl of glee before the darkness greeted me with the promise of rest.

I was free, I said in my head.

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