Rejected And Reclaimed

Chapter Chapter Three

I need to make plans to leave and I couldn't think of where to go, all I know is that I need to leave fast before someone found me. The girl probably reported back to her alpha and they would follow my scent to find me here, I figured I needed something to cover my scent.

The weird feeling I was having in my stomach was growing stronger even though I ate. I couldn't blame it on not eating enough because I ate more than I should have. I needed to find a healer and soon, they would hopefully know what is wrong with me. I know they have to have rogue healers somewhere close.

After going to check out of the motel I went to walk out the front doors, and that is when I saw the girl from the gas station with a few others across the street. They hadn't seen me yet so I made my way quickly to the back doors to leave, my scent would be all over the motel so they wouldn't know I left right away. I ran as fast and as far as I could before they could realize I had left. I needed to come up with a plan, but my mind was racing to fast for me to think of something right then. All I could do was keep running without slowing down.

I had a feeling I was being followed as I entered a forest on the other side of the city. I didn't want to slow down in fear of being captured which I think is what was going to happen soon. I was running past a huge rock when I was tackled to the ground. I looked up to see who or what was pinning me to the ground, and I was staring into bright green eyes. It was a woman that was holding me down, she had curly red hair that framed her pale, freckled face like a mane.

"Who are you?", she said in a calm-stern voice.

"I'm sorry to trespass on your lands, my name is Lilith Conner, and I'm trying to find a healer", I replied quickly trying to remain calm.

She was still pinning me down and I finally noticed how strong she was. I can tell she was a wolf but I wasn't strong enough to sense whether she was a rogue or in a pack, so I was going to take my chances since I couldn't get away.

"Okay Lilith, but tell me why you are out here by yourself I can sense that you are not in a pack, so why should I trust you?" She was looking at me with such curiosity and distrust that I knew I needed to tell her my story if I wanted to make it to a healer in time since the feeling I was having was not disappearing.

"I left my pack since I was given the option. They mistreated me ever since my parents died, and blamed me for it. I was also rejected by my mate who was the alpha's son.” I went into more detail with her about the hut I was living in, the punishments and how I was basically starving to death. "So how was I supposed to stay and give them the pleasure of my death, that is why I had to leave”, I said with not looking away from her eyes, so she could see I was telling the truth.

She was just staring at me and I didn't know what to say or how to act so she wouldn't see me as a threat, even though with her strength I doubt I would be a threat with my overly skinny, malnutritioned self. All of a sudden there was the sharp pain again and I couldn't stop myself from crying out, and I could feel the tears flowing down my face.

"Are you okay!?", she was panicking and jumped off of me, pulling me to my feet.

"I need to see a healer, and soon, I don't know what is wrong with me”, I replied through shallow breaths.

I stood as she held on to my wrist, but I felt as if I was going to crumble to my knees at any moment. Before I could say anything else she threw my arm over her shoulders and wrapped her arm around my waist leading me further into the forest. I didn't have the energy to ask her where we were going. There was a small voice in the back of my mind through all the pain I was feeling that said we could trust her, I hope that was true.

I don't know how long we were walking for but we ended up coming to a small village. There was at least ten or more log cabins scattered around the wide openening we were standing in. The cabins had a homey look to them with different colored rose bushes in the front, and there was a large fire pit in the center of it all with wood benches around it. I took this moment to look at her and ask where we were going.

She didn't reply and just kept walking until we ended up in front of a cabin with white roses out front. Without looking at me she raised her free hand and knocked four times before I heard shuffling from the inside. The door opened to reveal a elderly looking woman with soft brown eyes and braided silver hair. She looked startled to see me but once she saw that I was clenching my stomach with my free hand she opened the door wider and told us to hurry in.

As we were led to a room that had a bed and medical supplies throughout it I realized this was their healer. The woman supporting me helped me lay on the bed and explained to the woman how she found me and what happened

"Now dear, can you tell me what is going on", the healer asked me.

"Yes ma'am, it started with a weird sensation in the pit of my stomach a few days ago. Then I get these sharp pains randomly that have me falling to my knees."

She looked at me for a long moment before asking me, "Have you shifted yet, and if you don't mind me asking how old are you?"

"No ma'am I haven't shifted yet, and I turned eighteen a few nights ago.” She looked at me with sadness in her eyes. She started gathering multiple things I tried to see what they were but couldn't catch a glimpse as she was moving too fast. She shuffled her way towards me with everything she gathered and set it on a table that was by the bed.

I was starting to feel extremely nervous as she lifted the bottom of my shirt halfway up stopping when it reached my ribs. She started pressing on my stomach moving in a circle. She stopped and looked at me suddenly asking,"Can you tell me a little bit about who your parents were?"

"I don't know much I was only five when everything happened, I remember that my father was the beta of my old pack and my mother was always with me.”

She seemed to be in a daze then snapped out of it asking what my parents names were.

I replied, "Jay and Emily Conner, I'm afraid I don't know my mother's maiden name.”

"Well dear, I'm just going to say that there is magic holding your wolf in and I won't be able to help you with that, i'm sorry, but I can tell you that your wolf is fighting against the magic and that is why you are having pain. I can give you some herbs to help with the pain but you will need to find a witch to help you with the magic”, she said with pity in her eyes.

She walked to a cabinet on the wall across from the bed and grabbed a jar and needle. Coming back to the bed she said, " I am going to give you some pain medicine through a injection to help for now.” The lady with the red hair was still here sitting at the end of the bed, her head shot up to the healer and the needle pierced my arm and before I could say anything I slipped into blackness.

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