Rejected And Reclaimed

Chapter Chapter One

As the alarm went off I rolled over to hit the snooze button then realized it was 3 AM. I jumped out of bed and headed to the restroom in my hut. After being kicked out of the pack house I was shunned to this small hut in pack lands.

The hut was my home even though everyone basically saw it as me sleeping in a cardboard box. It had a open room and a tiny restroom with a shower. It was built for me because no one wanted me around or to use the pack house facilities. I am the disgrace of the South Texas Pack.

I have my duties to hold my place in this pack, I cook all the meals for the 300 pack members. I have to stay out of everybody's way considering that is my only way I can stay and have a home if it was even considered that.

When I was five the pack found me curled in a ball in the corner of my families old house. My parents layed on the floor in their own blood. The alpha was outraged that his beta was dead. Even though I was a child the pack has blamed me, not once trying to find out the truth behind my parents death. All I remember from that night was waking up to a loud sound, running down the stairs to find my parents already gone.

That night still haunts me. Being seventeen and having to raise myself has not been easy. With being punished every chance the pack got I was already ready to give up. There was always a little voice in the back of my mind pushing me not to, and for some reason I have listened to it for the past twelve years.

After I have showered and got dressed I walked to the pack house. As I was walking to the kitchen I stopped by a mirror and saw how I have let myself go. My strawberry blonde hair was not as healthy as it should be, my hazel eyes were dull with despair, and my cheekbones showed way more than they should have.


I turned to see one of the pack warriors coming down the stairs getting ready for shift change guarding the land. I recognized him right away, "I'm sorry, Adam, I will go cook breakfast now". I didn't realize I was standing in front of the mirror for so long. As I walked past him I didn't dare look up as I knew by the way he said my name how he would look, disgusted.

When I was done with breakfast I made my way to grab a piece of bread since that was what I was allowed. I was expected to survive off of three pieces a day. The reason for my poor nutrition, and nobody cared. I have a feeling that this is what they wanted a slow death.

As I was walking out the door before anyone noticed me I ran into somebody. I glanced up only to see who it was and automatically dropped my gaze and head. At six foot tall and built the way every woman dreamed about. Silas, the alpha's son, stood there and said, "How about you get a move on and next time don't ruin my clothes with your disgrace”.

He shoved me hard so that I fell to the floor and had to scramble up clumsily. Noticing he moved out from the door I ran as fast as I could to my home. I graduated the previous year. Yes, I know i'm a little young to already have graduated high school, but I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. I didn't have the money to go to the community college like a lot of the pack, so I stayed and worked here for the little they gave me which isn't much at all.

I flopped down on my bed and realized tomorrow is my eighteenth birthday. I didn't realize how much time has passed. With not being able to shift into my wolf and turning eighteen means finding your mate, but I don't think it's possible for me. I fear if I was to find him he wouldn't want me and would reject me.

Before I noticed I was waking up again to banging on my door. I walked over and pulled the door open revealing my alpha.

"Lilith, tomorrow is your birthday and I have come up with two options for you", he said with distaste.

"Yes, alpha”, I replied with my head bowed showing respect.

"Option one, You leave the pack and move on with your life, which is the kindest thing I can offer you at the moment”, he paused, "Option two, You continue to do what you do for the pack and when the time comes you will break and nobody will mourn you", he announced.

"I will let you know tomorrow of what I choose, but I have no where to go, and at that y'all are who I know", I paused before finishing, "I will announce my decision in front of the whole Pack before breakfast"

I could feel his eyes on me as he thought about what to say, and I was afraid he would slap me for wanting to wait until the morning. All he said was, "Fine", and walked out slamming my door in my face.

And than that's when I realized I had the most important decision in my life to make tonight.

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