Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 63 And It Begins With A Vortex!

Outskirts of Geto City

Great Western Empire

November 3rd

Year 1051

The cave where the mountain bandits made camp was in the middle of a small clearing in the forest, as such there were no high trees in the area.

However, it was possible for Evan to climb up to the top of the towering trees nearby and position himself in a way that if he was to jump down, he would land directly in the middle of the camp.

Of course, his concealment skill was active as they would most likely sense him and move out of the way otherwise.

"Let's go."

Evan called out softly as he crouched his legs and like power stored in a spring, he released a burst of energy, propelling himself towards the bandits' camp with his sword in hand.

He pulled his arm backward and gathered all his body's power into the tip of his sword. Magic power wrapped around the sword in a spiral current as Evan disabled his concealment and called out.

p "Vortex."


The spiral mass of magic power crashed into the ground with a loud noise, exploding the moment after as it released shockwaves through the ground that made all the bandits present lose their footing.




They screamed out in pain as the explosion of magic power released small blades of magic that tore through their worn-out armors like a knife cutting through butter.

Not only were their clothes and amours shredded, their bodies were also cut up in various places as the bandits who were closest to the attack's point of impact perished instantly.


Evan pulled out his sword from the ground and roused his energy, his eyes flashing as he activated another skill.

"Aura Slash."

His sword glowed with a red light as he spun around and released a horizontal blade of aura that sliced the necks and torsos of more bandits around him.


The spirit responded to his call as a giant ball of golden lightning appeared in the sky, unleashing smaller bolts of lightning on the heads of the wounded and disoriented bandits.

Evan was about to confirm if they were all dead when he suddenly felt a chill down his spine causing him to reflexively turn around and raise his sword just in time to block the giant axe that came thundering down from the sky.



Evan grunted as he dropped down on one knee, the force behind the attack being too much for him to take.


Kayla screamed out as she redirected all the bolts of lighting to the body of the axe wielder who attacked Evan, however, the person only snorted as they jumped backwards at the last moment, causing the lightning bolts to strike the ground.

"Tremor!"contemporary romance

Another shout was heard as a giant great sword wielder suddenly appeared at Evan's back, his sword glowing an eerie red light as he swung his blade down, intending on cleaving the eleven-year-old into two.


Midway through his swing, the great sword wielder suddenly sensed something wrong and forcefully redirected his sword with brute strength, raising it up just in time to block the jet-black blade that came from above.


He jumped backward and gazed at the person who attacked him, while also thinking of how to buy time for his numb arm to recover.

'Shouldn't have cancelled the skill forcefully!'

"They didn't fall for it, these guys aren't your average bandits."

Evan spoke up as he gazed at the two men who were armed with a large battle axe and great sword respectively, donning metal armour pieces that covered their vitals like their knees and chest, over their leather armour.

The axe wielder was an average heighted bulky man with two smaller axes strapped to his back, probably for throwing.

The great sword wielder on the other hand, had a spare sword hanging from his waist, alongside other knives and daggers.

Pride nodded in affirmation to Evan's words as she gazed around and found the source of the unsettling feeling she had earlier.

"Evan, I'm going for the third one that's still in the cave."

Without waiting for Evan's reply, she kicked off the ground and dashed in the direction of the cave, however, the axe wielder standing in front of it would not let her in so easily.


He cried out as she swung his axe horizontally, releasing a slash of light that threatened to cut Pride in half, however, the demon only snorted as she coated her sword in demonic energy and rose it to block his slash.

Before he could even understand what the bone chilling energy she had used was, Pride had already entered into attack range, pulling back her free fist and punching forward.

The man hurriedly twisted his axe and blocked her punch with the flat side, nevertheless, the force of her punch was enough to send him flying into the rock wall behind him.


He slammed into the rock wall as Pride went past him and entered the cave easily.

Sadly, he could not follow her as he suddenly felt his hairs stand on end, sensing an enormous amount of energy building up from the side.

"Energy Blast."


A beam of condensed magic power that was gather at the tip of Evan's outstretched palm, shot out in his direction, causing him to roll on the floor to dodge the attack.


It slammed into the rock wall, shattering it instantly and going on to destroy the cave entrance that Pride just went through.

"Kayla, Kuro. Take the great sword wielder."

Evan barked out his orders as he dashed towards the axe wielder, intending on taking advantage of his disoriented state to at least get a major hit in.

"Don't underestimate me brat!!"

The man screamed out as he put his hand behind his back and grabbed his smaller spare axe and tossed it in Evan's direction, intending on buying time so he could regain his balance.

Unfortunately, his trick didn't work as Evan had already expected such a thing, easily ducking to avoid the axe without stopping his movements at all.


Evan activated his paladin skill to boost his base stats, swinging his sword towards the man's neck without hesitation.


The axe wielding man tightened his grip on his axe as he hurriedly swung it to counter Evan's slash, the two metallic weapons, colliding with a loud 'CLANG!'.

The two were then locked in a contest of strength as Evan's paladin skill let him keep up with the bulky man's physical strength.

Evan locked eyes with the man and appraised him alongside his skills, confirming that the axe wielding man was indeed the one he was looking for.

|Name- Dorri

Race- Human

Level- 79

Existence Level - Gold

Titles- Second Leader of the Mountain Bandits

Class - Axe Warrior

Health – D+

Energy – D

Strength – C-

Agility – D-

Durability – D

Intelligence – D-

Condition- Slightly Injured

Magic Tiers- None

Skills- Inventory, Body Strengthening

Unique Skills- Surge. |


Type: Rare Skill


Allows the user to store items in another pocket space that increases in size depending on their maximum magic power level.

As it is storing the items in a predetermined space, it does not require energy to constantly maintain. |

Upon appraising him and the skill he wanted, Evan grinned as he poured more energy into his paladin skill, increasing the boons he gained from it.

He locked eyes with the man and activated his mystic eyes, causing the crest in his eyes to glow slightly.


The bandit leader who obviously figured out that Evan's eyes glowing was bad news, activated his body strengthening and over powered Evan instantly, sending a kick to the eleven-year old's torso.


Evan was sent flying a few meters before he finally crashed on the ground. He held his stomach as he forced himself back to his feet, only to suddenly have a large shadow casted on his body.

He looked up to see the figure of the bandit leader in the air with his axe held overhead, obviously intending on cleaving him in two with the axe.

As there was no time for Evan to stand up, he could only roll to the side to avoid the giant battle axe from sending him to an early grave.


The axe crashed into the ground and shattered the earth where it hit, making cold sweat drip from Evan's back as that would have turned him to a paste if it hit.

Sadly, he did not have time to celebrate his escape from the jaws of death as the mad dragged his axe on the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust and dirt, with a few rocks being sent flying in Evan's direction.

Raising his axe into the air, the man swung it in Evan's direction once more, leaving the eleven-year-old no choice but to roll on the ground to avoid losing his head.

He quickly activated his energy blast skill, condensing energy on his free hand and throwing the orb of condensed energy at the man's face.

The bandit leader knew how powerful Evan's energy blast was, and had already begun twisting his body to dodge the moment he saw Evan's hand move.

He then raised the battle-axe overhead once more as he poured his energy into it, activating his unique skill with a loud cry.


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