Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 62 Info Gathering

|Name- Elut

Race- Human

Gender - Male

Age - 22

Level- 51

Existence Level - Bronze

Titles- Mountain Bandit

Class - Scout

Health – E

Energy - E+

Strength – E

Agility – D+

Durability – E+

Intelligence – E

Condition- Scared Shitless

Magic Tiers- Shadow Tier 0

Skills- Slash, Farming (High).

Unique Skills- Camouflage. |

He possessed a nice unique skill that Evan would really love to get, sadly, he did not have enough skill slots available to mimic a unique skill.

'Still, to think a mountain bandit has such a nice unique skill. Or rather, is 'Mountain Bandits' the name of their crew?'

"Kayla, Zap him."

The moment Evan gave the command, Pride let go of his neck and the man, Elut, dropped to the ground.


Kayla pointed a finger at him and a bolt of lightning shot out from her finger and into his chest. The man spasmed for a moment before falling on the floor while being stiff.

"Kuro, restrain him."

The black cat yawned as it rose a paw, causing the man's shadow to act like it had a life of its own, rising up from the ground and gaining a three-dimensional form.

It then hugged the man's body tight, preventing him from moving from the spot.

Looking at this weird restraining technique, Pride cocked her head to the side while analysing it.

'Despite how it looks, it's quite meticulous. As far as he has a shadow, he would be unable to move from that spot.'

She looked up at the sun in the sky and nodded after confirming that the man would not be able to run away anytime soon.

Evan then pulled out a paralysis resistance potion he got from a potioneer in one of the cities he stopped by, pouring a few drops into the man's mouth.


The man grunted in pain the moment he realised he could move his head once more, the gaze he sent in Pride's direction was one of fear as she was the one to discover and capture him in the first place.

"What do you plan to do?"

"Get information from him..."

"Then allow me."

Pride replied to Evan as she cracked her knuckles before gripping the man's mouth faster than he could scream in fear.



Pride infused demonic energy into her arm and poured it into the man's mouth, he tried to scream and flail around, but his mouth was blocked by Pride and Kayla's lightning induced paralysis was still in effect.

'Let's start from boiling his own blood, shall we?'

Pride grinned sinisterly as her red eyes flashed with amusement, the demonic energy she was pouring into his body suddenly increasing in temperature exponentially.

◇ ◇ ◇

Long story short, Pride's actions reminded Evan that this woman was indeed a demon of the highest rank.

Looking at the poor bandit who was bowing at her feet while shedding tears of blood in his only eye, he began to pity him a bit.

However, after hearing the information on the leader of the bandits, Evan's thoughts shifted in a totally different direction.

'No matter how you look at it, this quest is too difficult to be a mere D Rank advancement quest.

Is someone trying to mess with me?'

His gaze darkened as he thought of the people he met in the past few weeks that could have such connections and couldn't think of anything he may have done to get on their bad side.

'I'd figure I out when I return, for now, I have to deal with this.'

The information he got from the bandit was very useful. He was able to figure out the bandits' exact location, their numbers, a few of their levels and most importantly, their skills.

They were about 45-50 in number, with an average level of 60. The three leaders of the group were confirmed by Elut to be at least level 70 each.

In the skills department, Elut was able to confirm that besides him and another scout, he did not know of anyone else that possessed a unique skill, save the three leaders themselves.

Among the three leaders, Evan was able to discover that one of them possessed a skill he had been searching for.

He grabbed the shirt of the poor bandit scout and questioned him with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"Are you sure that he has such a skill?!"


Elut stammered to reply as Evan let go of him and began pacing around while lost in his thoughts.

'I don't know what unique skills they have and I only have three skill slots. That skill would be crucial for my travels now, even more so in a lot of battles as it allows me to switch weapons instantly and maximize my weapon control skill.

I should also learn to use other weapons besides swords and spears.'

Deciding that getting the skill the bandit leader had would be perfect, Evan turned back to Pride and asked for her opinion on how to attack the bandits' base.

Their base was one that was located in a small rock's cave that had two openings, serving as entrances and exits.

This meant that he had to attack from both sides to prevent them from escaping.

Apparently, there was a small camp in front of one of the entrances and they had two towers with look outs on it.

In the camp, about ten to twenty of their members usually hung out together, playing games, drinking or 'playing' with the people they had captured.

Evan had mixed feelings upon hearing that the bandits had prisoners, it was because he had originally planned to indiscriminately kill anyone he saw in the base.


'Even though I said I didn't care, when it came down to it, my morals from Earth are still there, huh?

But those same morals could cause me a lot of problems in the future, thus, this is the best chance to see whether I would still be able to uphold them to a certain extent.'

Evan ran his hand through his slightly long hair that he hadn't cut since he left the capital, heaving a sigh of exasperation as he turned to Pride and told her his plans.

He split the three leaders of the bandits between the four of them, with him and Pride taking one each and Kayla taking the last one alongside Kuro.contemporary romance

Pride nodded in affirmation while Kayla just hummed to her self as she sat on Kuro's back while petting the cat spirit's fur.

"Alright, Let's move out."

◇ ◇ ◇

Now then, the mountain bandit gang was one that had been active for a little bit over fiver years. They moved bases occasionally to prevent themselves form being captured by the local authorities and always steered clear of large cities.

Their major targets were passing merchants or travelling families, occasionally, they attacked villages and pillaged them for supplies.

Nevertheless, they were always quick in their getaways as they didn't have to physically carry the goods they had stolen.

This was the reason that the local authorities that attempted to catch them were having a hard time in doing so.

What's more, was the fact that none of them were weak. If one was to take in the average strength of knights in the territories at the outskirts of the Great Western Empire, then the bandits would be considered fairly strong.

Having an average level of 60 with leaders over level 70 meant that they were all in the D rank level, as such, it would be unwise for one to underestimate them, provided they were not at least ten levels higher.

Among the list of offences that these bandits had were stealing, killing, pillaging, assault, kidnapping, trafficking and many more.

Against these kinds of people, Evan had decided that holding back against them would be the height of folly, as such, he was moving with the intent to kill each and every one of them.

After doing this, he would then return to the adventurer's guild in Geto, the city where he received this quest and unravel the reason why he was given such a quest that would normally require a party of D Rank adventurers to complete.

He felt something was very obviously wrong with this situation, even more so when Pride suddenly stated that she had began feeling something unsettling the closer they got to the bandits' base.

As for the bandit scout Elut, they had made sure that the man had no means to contact his colleagues and alert them of the incoming attack.

Even if the lass had any communication devices, he would have turned it over to Pride due to fear as the young man had been traumatized by the high demon.

Evan thanked his stars that Pride was unable to harm him due to the nurture of their contract, if not, he would have been scared of the day that he would eventually get on her bad side.

◇ ◇ ◇

It was a bright and sunny afternoon, the members of the Mountain Bandits gang were lazing around in their camp when one of them suddenly felt like he saw something falling from the sky.


Before he could even think about warning his teammates, it was already far too late.


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