Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 32 The Seven Previous Heroes Vs The Seven Deadly Sins

Ruined City Outskirts

Unknown Country

Dark Continent

Unknown Day

Year 49


A half-transparent Orc Lord floating in the air screamed out in a voice that would have burst the eardrums of any normal existences in the area.

The dozens of skulls dangling on his glaive also screamed at the same time. They were precisely what increased the effect of his war cry. One could see him visibly getting stronger.

"How many times do you have to multiply your strength before you're satisfied, you cowardly bastards!"

The voice of the previous 'Second' of the seven heroes rang out in rage, however, he had to hold himself back or he'd only empower a certain wrathful demon who was rampaging not far from his location.


He looked to the side and saw the bleeding 'Sixth', his arm had been dislocated and 'Seventh' was hurriedly trying to heal him.

"Ha! What are you saying, foolish human? Everyone fights in a different way. Just like you humans like overwhelming your enemies with numbers, that's how we fight.

What's cowardly about that?"

Before he knew it, a woman with a foldable war fan in her hands was standing right in front of him, she was an impeccably beautiful and well-endowed woman, the walking definition of feminine beauty.

She had platinum blonde hair, fair skin, and bright blue eyes, and looked to be more slender but curvaceous nonetheless.

Resisting the urge to look at her, he swung the sword in his hands with more force than he ever had, activating a skill alongside it, one that burned everything in the surroundings.


The wave of flames tossed and turned, incinerating all that was left in the surrounding, alongside a few of the ghostly orc lords.

However, the woman was unscathed, she was already out of the range of his flames by the time his hand had moved.

"Stop taunting him, Lust."

"You say that but you're doing the same aren't you, Pride."

The woman, Lust of the Seven deadly sins, spoke to Pride who was holding one of the seven heroes by the neck.

Seeing the one who was held, Second could help but shout,


He kicked off the ground towards Pride and swung his sword, activating several skills and magic at the same time.

However, Pride calmly dodged before flicking her fingers and generating a sword of pure condensed magic power, one which she used to parry all his attacks, she even threw in a kick and sent him flying backwards.

He regained his balance mid-air and cast one of his most powerful magic instantly.

"Meteor Fall!!"

Bright burning rocks began to fall from the sky, they burst into flames and increased in speed as they neared the ground.

However, they never landed.

The voice he heard right before they disappeared told him why.

|Incarnation of Gluttony. |

"That damn bastard, he devoured the meteors! Everyone!! Incoming meteor fall level attack!"

As soon as he shouted that Gluttony launched the meteors he devoured them.

Fifth who was battling against Greed kicked him away and used a short-distance space movement skill.

Appearing right in front of the meteors, he activated his mystic eyes and dispelled the magic on them, returning the meteors to ordinary large rocks.


The heroes all ducked at that shout, all except the one who shouted.contemporary romance

"Be gone!"

That was all she said.



Suddenly there was a bright flash of light along with an enormous explosion. When it died down, the entire landscape had changed, the mountains and hills in the distance had a hole through them and the clouds had parted.

The earth had been divided and a new canyon was formed, one clearly not natural.

First, the one who unleashed that attack held her right eye and dropped to her knee while clicking her tongue in indignation.

That was expected, the attack had not damaged the ones it was meant for after all.

A giant shield could be seen in the distance, it was cracked in several places but it still stood strong. It faded away and revealed the ones behind it, six of the seven deadly sins.

"Six...? Where's the seventh?!"


A loud explosion gave them the answer.

Falling from the sky was the seventh, Wrath.

Right before First's attack hit, he instantly jumped high up into the air, out of the range of the attack, and had just landed back on the ground.

He roared and moved at a barely perceptible speed towards the nearest hero to him, he did not care who they were, he was in a berserk state where he attacked everything he saw.

Everything besides the other members of the Seven Deadly Sins.

The barely healed Sixth moved out to hold him back. Seventh was about to assist, however, he suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

He quickly rolled backwards and dodged the glaive that came from behind. After cutting a few strands of his hair, the glaive struck the ground, making a terrifying sound ring out.

At the same time, the earth rumbled. Feeling strange, he was about to fly up with an artifact, but before he could do so, he felt his stomach churning and coughed out a mouthful of blood.

He grit his teeth and took out a potion and downed it instantly.

"So, it doesn't matter whether I dodge the attack…"

"Bingo! Even if you dodge, my cute little orcs would still get you."

Lust's excited voice rang out, she was also clapping for him like one would for a kid that got a word right at a spelling bee.

Like a ghost in a horror movie, the Ghost Orc Lord blinked forward repeatedly to approach him.


Every time the skulls on his glaive cut through the air, they let out ear-splitting screams, which served to stress him out even more.

The same scene was playing out with the other heroes besides sixth who was barely holding out against wrath.

Eventually, they were all cornered and rounded up together with the seven deadly sins standing in front of them imposingly.

"You came here to close the rift, but it seems your plan has failed."

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