Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 31 Meeting Pride

Roughly 1300 years ago, in the demon world beyond the dimensional rift.

On a certain day, 7 demons were born, same day, same time, same place.

These 7 were born into the families of lowest-ranked demons, the seven families were practically cannon fodder in the demon army.

The seven men and women were members of the same platoon, they were poor so they joined the army simply so they could have a source of food and shelter for themselves.

They lived in the same barracks, trained together, fought together, slept together, and eventually married one another.

It was not rare for such a thing to happen in the barracks of the lowest-ranked demon soldiers who were essentially poor demons who only joined the army for food.

The births of the seven children occurring at the same time were nothing short of a coincidence, only one was slightly older than the others by a few hours.

The children grew up together, played together, and practically lived together.

Their attitudes and temperaments were very different, yet they were very close, closer than twins who had been together since their mother's womb.

One was arrogant, the other was envious, another was gluttonous, the other was avaricious, one was indolent, the other was prurient and the last had a short temper.

Even with their contrasting behaviours, they complimented each other and stood strong together. They were comfortable with their mundane lives until tragedy struck.

It was completely random, out of nowhere, a band of monsters attacked the base. The monsters were stronger than the demons in the base and they slaughtered everyone within.

The parents hid their children, some made them run away and fought to buy time for them to reach a safe stronghold. But it was futile.

The monsters killed them all, all except the seven, they were the only ones who survived this disaster.

A passing lesser demon general saw the situation and wiped out all the monsters but it was too late, there were no survivors.

Except for those seven.

The seven of them curled up together in the basement of a destroyed house.

The general took these children under his wing, perhaps it was out of pity, they never knew. When they realized their parents were no more, they cried and cried until they ran out of tears.

Eventually, they had to move on, it was not easy, but the general supported them. He raised them as his own for decades.

Under him, they learned to fight, they learned many other skills that would support them in the future under this general's tutelage.

At the age of 12, they awakened to their skills, their unique skills named after the seven mortal sins.

Due to the general's influence, they enrolled in the army like their parents, but they were a special forces unit.

A unit comprised solely of the seven of them.

The name of the unit was derived from their unique skills, the 'Seven Deadly Sins'.

They were a unit that served the demon king directly, however, they were never truly loyal to him.

He knew this, but let them be.

Not long after, the demon king was killed and another took the throne. A powerful demon that had a unique skill with the power to subjugate demons weaker than him.

However, the seven deadly sins were also existences with unique skills as powerful as his, they were unable to be subjugated.

He became wary of them, using his authority as the demon king, he sent them to various wars hoping they would die.

But they survived and returned stronger.

The seven of them even took on the allied armies of all the countries in a lesser world once, killing all the beings who could oppose them in that world and returning victorious.

The demon king grew warier of them, even though he had surpassed their strength, he did not like having things he could not control.

When the dimensional rift to the world of Aidos opened up, he sent them over once again, this time, they never returned.

◇ ◇ ◇

Looking at the red-eyed figure in front of him, Evan was nonplussed. That was only natural, she was a drop-dead gorgeous young woman.contemporary romance

She looked like someone who had just become an adult, not more than eighteen years old. She was of average height and a slim build, with fair skin and long black hair that spilt over her shoulders and down to her waist.

Her most striking feature was her pair of large piercing red eyes.

However, Evan did not let her beauty fool him, she was an existence that could sink entire islands by herself and bring down a country single-handedly without breaking a sweat.

|Name- Pride

Race- High Demon

Gender - Female

Age - 1350

Level- 50 (777)

Existence Level - Silver (Sovereign)

Titles- Leader of the Seven Deadly Sins, Deadly Sin of Pride, Peak Rank Demon, Ascendant, H#£&Ger of Pride.

Class- Magic Swordswoman

Health – E+ (X1-)

Energy - E+ (X2)

Strength – E+ (X1)

Agility – E+ (X1-)

Durability – E+ (SSS+)

Intelligence - E+ (SSS)

Condition- Weakened, Skeptical, Slightly Furious.

Magic Tiers- Fire Tier 6, Wind Tier 6.

Skills- Pride Manipulation, Pride Embodiment, Aura of Pride, Contempt of the Many.

Unique Skills- Incarnation of Pride. (HIDDEN)|

In the game, she was one of the antagonists that possessed an 'Incarnation Series Skill'. Much like the 'Child Series Skill' holders, they were known as the 'Incarnations of the End' by the player base of Aidos Online.

'As expected, after 1000 years of being sealed, it's only natural they'd lose their strength.

Still doesn't change the fact that she's powerful, if she kills a city's worth of humans, she'd recover a lot of power and be able to display part of her full might.

Her existence level, although she's weakened to silver, she was originally a sovereign.

How high is that Artemisia?'

He silently asked Artemisia who he guessed was watching him, naturally, she was.

[The goddess 'Artemisia' says that it is five levels above the Silver Realm.]

'Five?! She was weakened a whole lot, what's above sovereign? And what's above that too?'

[The goddess 'Artemisia' says it is the realm of transcendence, above that, is classified information]


Artemisia did not reply to him, perhaps it was because Pride who had been staring at him finally opened her mouth and spoke.

"You smell familiar, are you the original or a fake?"

"Original or fake? I'm definitely the original me, but I'm probably not the original you speak of."

She looked at him with a complicated gaze, many emotions flashed through her eyes, she then spoke up again.

"Your eyes, you're not the true owner of those are you?"

"Huh? You recognize them."

"Of course, I do. The bastard who put me here had them after all."

"Ha! They're pretty aren't they? Apparently, the crest is actually the word 'Mimicry' in an ancient language."

"And why should I care?"

"No reason whatsoever, I just wanted to make small talk."

He walked closer and sat on the ground in front of her, resting his chin on his hand, he spoke,

"I'd offer you a drink but humans under the age of 18 aren't allowed to have those, not like I'm human in the first place."

"You look like nothing but a human to me?"

"So do you, but you're not human, you're a high demon. One with a level over 700."

"I do not possess the power I once had anymore."

"Hmm, you admitted that so quickly, were you not supposed to be the demon of pride? Where did all that go?"

She laughed depreciatingly at his question before replying,

"That very pride was the reason I fell a thousand years ago. After being sealed for that long, I did some thinking and decided to curb that pride a bit, doesn't mean it's not still there."

"But you had every reason to be proud, you were one of the strongest demons that existed, after all, you would have killed the seven heroes if you weren't literally backstabbed."

"You! You know what happened that day!"

He laughed at her agitated self, thinking it was funny to see the pride of the seven deadly sins like this.

"Of course I do, I have the memories of my predecessor, after all. I remember it like I was there."

As he said that, he thought of a part of the memories he received.

The part where the seven heroes of the past, almost fell to the demon 'invaders'.

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