Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 252 Vs Terence V

Terence was so not having the time of his life, as he tossed away his broken defensive artifacts and rose a hand towards his face hesitantly.


He let out a short grunt of pain as his fingers touched his burnt and scaled skin, causing his face to contort in displeasure.

Terence currently looked very hideous with his burned lower face and neck.

Despite taking the full brunt of the attack, his upper body was in a much better state due to the fact that he had armour on, however, said armour had shattered to pieces, with the aura going on to burn off his underclothes and the skin underneath.

Even so, it was because of said armour that he was still able to stand, given the fact that he had rag dolled for kilometres before finally stopping.

Most of his artifacts had either been damaged or had fallen off in the process, with him only having a few on hand left.

' spatial pouch strap got cut!'

As he lamented the loss of one of his pouches, the beaded bracelet on his arm began glowing, with the light of the beads dying out one by one.

With each light that died out, the injuries he had sustained healed considerably, but sadly, all the lights died out before the injuries were even halfway through healing.

'The kid's residual aura is making my wounds heal slow-!'

His thoughts were interrupted when he sensed magic power concentrating in the air, looking up to see a streak of golden light shooting towards him.


Terence screamed out with a burst of aura and kicked off the ground, shooting into the air to meet the incoming young hero.

◇ ◇ ◇

As for Evan, he had jumped off collapsed building tops and followed the trail Terence left while rag-dolling on the floor.

He then jumped up into the air and created a small foothold with aura, which he kicked off and used to boost himself towards the ground where Terence was.

'Get ready Kayla, we're doing the thing.'

Tendrils of lightning snaked around his arm as he activated his fracture skill, with the lightning going on to spread out and covering his whole body.

To any onlooker, Evan looked like a streak of gold, shooting through the air and to the ground at breakneck speed, with a burst of red aura exploding on the ground and a red streak rising into the air right before he hit.


The combo of Evan and Kayla's combination attack, with the last-minute resistance put up by Terence, generated a large earth-shaking explosion, with a cloud of smoke and flames rising up into the air.

However, the damage from the explosion's flames and resultant shockwaves did not spread out as far as they normally would have, as multiple five-metre-tall translucent barriers of light spread out around the point of collision and contained the explosion within a certain range.

Atop the roof of a building in the next city block, a blonde-haired battle priestess had her arms stretched out with beads of sweat forming on her forehead.

Behind her stood the lord of Dungeon City Osto, Viscount Perhorn, and a middle-aged armoured knight, the captain of the Viscount's knights and the only survivor of the previous subjugation attempt against Terence.

"That idiot! Didn't he say he was gonna drag him out of the city? What the heck are they still inside?!"

The battle priestess' annoyed voice rang out, a frown adorning her face as she struggled to maintain the barriers that prevented the explosion from damaging more of the city's infrastructure.

A long spear-tipped staff was stabbed on the floor beside her, with a large twenty-centimetre-wide orb circled by a ring of bronze floating in front of her.

"Hey, Amy.

Tell Pride to get Evan to drag Terence out of the city already!"

Eliza spoke to the miniaturized spirit on her shoulder, as she fished a magic potion bottle out of her waist pouch and downed it.

A few moments later, the spirit gave a reply that caused the frown on hers and the face of the Viscount behind her to deepen.

[She says that he would do so soon.]

"Soon?! When is 'Soon'?!!

When the entire district has been destroyed?!"


[...She said that 'Soon', starts now.]


Amy's words caused Eliza to let out a shocked voice, however, the battle priestess could not ask for an elaboration.

The reason, was the sinister presence that suddenly appeared, sending a chill down her spine as she reflexively turned towards the direction of that presence.

"W-what on Aidos?"

Eliza dropped to her knees weakly, as all of her strength left her body, with the two men behind her not faring any better.contemporary romance

A large gust of wind swirled around and cleared up the clouds of smoke, shattering her barriers and revealing the figures of three beings, standing amidst the destroyed buildings.

The young battle priestess' eyes widened as she gazed upon the third person who had suddenly appeared alongside one of the two original combatants.


'That' Pride's brother?!'

◇ ◇ ◇

Let's backtrack a little to the moment right after Terence put up a last-minute resistance to Evan and Kayla's combo attack.

The young hero could be seen amidst the flames and burning buildings, holding his bloodied right arm with his left hand.

A thin layer of light surrounded his entire body, with his paladin skill's limited healing doing its best to heal his serious wounds.

"A word for the wise, never try to meet the 'last minute resistance punch' of an existence with 'B' ranked strength when you only have a strength stat of 'C+'.

You'd regret it."

[This isn't exactly the time to joke around, master.]

Kuro's annoyed voice rang out beside him as the black cat manipulated shadows to wrap around Evan's arm.

[Get ready to feed it to him, lady Kayla.]

The young great lightning spirit nodded as she held up two healing potion bottles in her hands while floating right next to Evan's head.

"Wait a sec, KuroOOEEEYOUCH!!!!"

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