Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 251 Vs Terence IV

'Using two different energy types at once is taxing.'

A moment after, the earthen spear bombardment stopped, with a huge source of energy shooting towards Evan immediately.


He heard a short-spirited shout, right before the ice wall was easily shattered into pieces by the fist of the contractor of Greed.

Terence, who had decided to finally use the 'B-' rank strength he possessed, widened his eyes in surprise as he punched through Evan's defensive wall and saw what was definitely a ball of aura in the young hero's hands.

'How didn't I sens-!'

Mid question, Terence remembered Evan somehow concealing the fire magic spell that destroyed his boots earlier, however, he did not have the time to finish remembering as Evan's calm voice rang out in his ears.

"Here, have this."

The ball of condensed aura was slammed towards his chest, hitting him point blank before blasting him back into the air.

The force behind was great, enough to send his body flying in a parabolic arc of hundreds of metres in radius, crashing on the ground and rag-dolling for heaven knows how long.

It was only when he slammed into what was most likely the wall of a building in another district, that his body finally stopped moving.

◇ ◇ ◇

'That has gotta be at least a few kilometres. I can't even see how far he flew.'

Those were Evan's thoughts as he downed an entire magic potion bottle like water, going on to finish another one before finally turning to the civilians who still hadn't evacuated.

"You guys should be able to move properly now since he's out of range."

He spoke as he helped one of the knights to his feet, before going on to use his paladin skill's limited healing on a child's injured leg.

"Hmm? The mother is injured too, and it's even worse. I sure as hell can't heal that."

Evan clicked his tongue and tossed a healing potion towards the injured elder sister who had been mistaken for a mother due to her similarities with the child with her.

"Drink that, it's a healing potion."

Without waiting to hear her words of gratitude he turned to one of the knights and asked.contemporary romance

"Why the heck are there till civilians here? The deal with the Viscount was to begin evacuation the second Terence appeared.

I spent a few minutes talking to him and He and I have been duking it out for more than ten minutes.

Why the heck is the next district that's just over five blocks away, not yet evacuated?"

The knights were not unfamiliar with Evan, having seen him earlier in the morning when they were briefed on the plan by Viscount Perhorn.

"...Um...Some of-!" *BOOM!

The knight's words were interrupted by a small explosion that rang out from nearby, causing Evan to frown as he spoke.

"Whatever the reason is, just get them out of here. Can't have any civilians dying this time.

I'm, going over to check what's going on there."

Immediately after speaking, Evan got into position to dash forward, however, he remembered that there were civilians who would be blown away by the shockwaves near him and sighed before teleporting a dozen metres ahead and kicking off the ground the instant he reappeared.

'Are these guys fighting over there?!'

Within seconds, he had arrived at the next street where he found two knights being besieged by nearly six men who were very obviously gangsters.

'Terence's goons? And one of them seems to be a thrall. Just how many thralls did Greed make?'

Evan asked himself the question as he activated the chain lightning skill, throwing the initial ball of lightning towards one of the thugs.

The next few seconds were filled with a small light show as the chain lightning zapped the six goons repeatedly, bouncing among them over and over.

Just before Evan could move to finish them off, he sensed a familiar aura and turned around to see Eliza swoop in from above and whack all the goons into unconsciousness with her staff.

Looking closely, Evan could see a small translucent barrier wrapped around the body of the staff, making him realise that Eliza had indeed hit them with tiny concentrated barriers.

'That's gotta hurt...'

"Hey, Liz. Care to tell me why the evacuation is taking so long?"

"...Terence's subordinates showed up all over the city and started causing trouble, attacking civilians and confining them.

Some knights were caught off guard and got captured. Pride said that there are 'Weak Thralls' among most of them.

Anyway, the knights are spread out trying to calm the unrest. His subordinates are attacking parts of the city that are like dozens of kilometres away from here, or even districts on the other side of the city that don't know what's going on here."

The battle priestess cleaned the sweat off her forehead after she spoke, her gaze turning towards the two knights and the group of people they were trying to protect before continuing.

"What's strange, however, is that his subordinates aren't killing, they're just capturing people, both civilians and defeated knights, and moving them towards this part of the city.

I dunno why they're doing that but get Terence out of the city so they don't get caught in the crossfire."

Hearing Eliza's words, Evan was momentarily confused, however, this was not for long as his eyes widened in the next moment, with him figuring out Terence's intentions.

"Son of a-!

This guy is bringing people closer so he would have targets to draw strength from! Unlike the weak thralls who only have a range of a few metres, this dude is Greed's contractor. His range is likely hundreds of metres in radius, even more considering that Greed is most likely with him."


Right after Evan's words, was an explosion of red aura that could be seen from kilometres away, with Evan narrowing his eyes as he spoke.

"This is a lot more than I bargained for, Greed."

Turning to the flame spirit that was on Eliza's shoulder, he spoke.

"Tell Pride that she's gonna make Greed compensate me for this."

He then walked in the direction of the explosion, with his speed increasing with each step. Eventually, he broke into a run before suddenly kicking off the ground with enough force to leave a huge crater in it and jumping into the air.

"Hey! Wai---!"

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