Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 156 Laurene And Arnold's Little Adventure V

'Was the whole town the orcs' base? I didn't sense any orcs in the buildings when we were making our way here so where were they?'

The hero killer looked around trying to spot the source of the increasing orc numbers when he instantly sensed magic power in the ground beneath his feet.

'It's not hers!'

He instantly noticed it was not the same magic as the one the princess beside him possessed, activating his magic destabiliser skill instantly and caused whatever spell was cast to instantly fail as the ambient magic power around him went haywire.


'Ah, shit!'

The moment he heard the surprised voice coming from beside him, he cursed inwardly and asked himself why he didn't just pick the princess and jump out of the range of the magic spell instead of using his skill.

The reason was simple since he destabilized all magic and spells around him, there was no way that Laurene, a mage, would not notice something wrong and instantly realize the source to be him.

Even if she could not sense his skill's activation, it was still obvious to her that the only reason the spell that was about to manifest under their feet would suddenly get destroyed was because of him.

And Arnold most certainly did not want her to realize he had a skill that could be considered a bane to all almost mages.

Laurene's gaze on him went from shock, to confusion, becoming cold for a split second before a look of resignation appeared on her face for some reason.

She didn't ask any questions and instantly kicked off the ground, deactivating and reactivating her myriad casting skill as dashed towards the new set of orcs that just ran into the compound, dragging along carts that held the corpses of other monsters and ferocious animals.

'I see, so they went hunting and just returned, that's why their numbers increased.'

Laurene decided to leave the orc mage who was about to cast a spell on her and Arnold to the young hero killer as she moved to take out the new duo of orcs over level 100 that just entered the compound.contemporary romance

Appraising both of them, her eyes narrowed slightly as she discovered that one of them was a master-level existence.

'This is gonna be tricky.'

Laurene used her myriad casting's second ability to absorb the ambient magic power in the air into the non-attributed magic orb, before spreading it across the other six orbs floating behind her.

She slammed her palms together as golden lightning crackled around her arms, a pair of lightning gloves forming over her arms before the lightning spread down to her feet and formed a pair of boots.

The gloves reached up to her elbows and the boots reached up to her knees, with sparks of electricity dancing around in the air as her jumping power and speed were taken to new heights.

She absorbed more ambient magic power from the atmosphere, thinning out the mana concentration within a ten-metre radius of her as she refuelled the magic power in the floating orbs.


The next step she took after creating the boots of lightning, cratered the ground around her feet as she dashed forward with newfound speed, spreading her arms out as her clawed gloved tore through the flesh and rended the bones of a few orcs in her way.

She moved in a zig-zag pattern making it hard for the master-level orc who could barely see her movements, to predict where she would move to next.

It instantly pulled out its sword and raised it up in the air, before roaring out loudly.


The skill given to all Orc lords, War Cry, was activated as the Orc entered a super armoured state with the weaker orcs being rejuvenated as they also entered a similar state.

"Leave the human to me and help the others!"

The orc displayed its intelligence as it screamed out orders, mere seconds before Laurene arrived in front of it and delivered a spinning jump kick to the orc's head.

However, in its super armoured state, it saw her movements and rose its sword to block her lightning boots, its hand trembling as it realized the strength of this human girl was more than it expected.

Lightning travelled through its sword and tried to stun it, but the orc's super armoured state allowed it to shrug off all the lightning damage and the paralysis that came with it as it forced Laurene backwards with a small cry.

The young hero jumped backwards and flipped in the air, spreading her hands out in the air as the golden and red orbs behind her glowed slightly.

Spears of lightning and fire magic manifested in duos, locking onto multiple unfortunate orcs and launching in their directions.


Explosions rang out as the fire and lightning spears crashed into the orcs around her, releasing an overloaded explosion as the lightning paralysed the orcs and the flames charred them black.

While doing this, Laurene's eyes locked onto the Orc lord she was facing, with her eyes glowing as she spotted a weak point and locked onto it.

'As expected of a level 135 monster, I can only see a single weak point.'

The moment her feet landed on the ground, she blitzed in the orc's direction again, carving the ground where she moved and instantly arriving in front of the seven-foot-tall monster.

She sent out a punch towards the monster's left knee, with a single-ringed magic circle manifesting right behind its knee as the blue orb behind her glowed.

An orb of water manifested behind his knee and splashed onto it, with her lightning fist crashing into that knee in the next second as the orc let out a scream of pain.


Before it could even fully wing its sword in retaliation, the lightning boots on Laurene's feet let out sparks of light as she blitzed out of its range instantly.


The aura-coated sword crashed onto the ground where Laurene just stood, rupturing the earth and causing chunks of stone to fly out in all directions.

A few unlucky orcs were hit in the head and perished instantly, with others losing their footing due to the shockwaves of the strike.

And all these happened from the casual strike of the master-level Orc Lord.

It spread out its aura and instantly found Laurene, its eyes turning in her direction as it rose its free hand and spoke.



A two-ringed magic circle appeared in front of it, with a ball of fire shot from it towards Laurene.


Laurene dodged the spell with relative ease, taking more distance from the orc lord as she was getting closer to what was once the town gate of the abandoned town.

Suddenly, the area around her abruptly turned dark, causing Laurene to look up and see a large figure holding something she recognized to be a large sword overhead in the air.


The young hero cursed internally as she instantly activated wind magic, to propel herself in another direction and give herself a boost of speed.

Her lightning boots increased in length until they covered her thighs, causing her face to contort in pain slightly but she ignored it and kicked off the ground with all her might and dash away from her previous location.


​ **RUMBLLEE!!!!

The sound of an earth-shaking explosion rang out, with a huge cloud of dust and dirt rising up into the clouds, quickly taking on the shape of a giant mushroom cloud surrounded by flames.

The shockwave from the explosion swept through orcs and buildings alike, destroying everything in its path with terrifying ease.

Every single orc within a hundred-metre radius instantly perished without even knowing how and why they had died. Laurene found herself rolling on the ground for over a dozen metres, crashing onto several trees, smashing everything in her path and showering herself with dirt and mud.

When she finally stopped rolling, she forced her pained body up to her feet and couldn't help but have her jaw drop when she looked at the scene in front of her.


There was nothing in front of her.

And that was precisely the issue.

Laurene was in a forest filled with trees, a place where a town once stood centuries ago, with the broken down and depilated building serving as proof of this.

However, everything had been wiped clean and reduced to mere chunks of earth, with the trees that had grown over the years being left with nothing but their roots.

If one was to calculate it, everything approximately 150 metres forward from the point she was standing had been reduced to rubble.


She heard another loud noise, causing her to break out of her daze as she fished out magic potions from the pouch on her waist and downing the contents of the bottles instantly.

She didn't know how long she had blacked out, but she assumed it was long enough for Arnold and the Orc lord to engage in a brawl that had caused the ground around them to be carved with sword slashes.

In reality, it was actually not up to three minutes but she was not aware of this.

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