Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 155 Laurene And Arnold's Little Adventure IV

"Try to keep up, Arnold."contemporary romance

Laurene took a deep breath right after she spoke, before abruptly kicking off the ground as she dashed toward the dozens of weapon-wielding orcs that were charging toward her with vigour.

She flicked a finger and the brown orb glowed slightly as a small platform rose from the ground. Stepping on it, she jumped up into the air and performed a beautiful flip that surprised the charging orcs.

Mid-air, she spread out her both arms as all the orbs behind her glowed, with beams of light shooting through the air in the next second.




The multi colored laser-like beams of light seared through the air and hit a dozen unfortunate orcs, tearing through their bodies and reducing them to mere chunks of meat instantly.

On the faces of the six-foot-tall pig-like monsters, pure shock could be seen as they were not well versed in magic to understand how Laurene had killed twelve of their brethren with beams of light.

However, they understood one thing, and that was that she had to die.

"human female kill Orc brother!"

"Kill human!"

They shouted in broken speech as even the orcs who had originally stood back to watch the situation, picked up their weapons and charged toward Laurene with rage.

Orcs were quite ugly monsters, with the average orc possessing a large body with a head that resembled that of a pig and having two long fangs protruding from their mouth.

And these features only seemed to get more pronounced as they levelled up, making them look even worse.

So, seeing dozens of gigantic monsters, averaging from six to eight-foot charging toward one with enraged expressions and bloodthirsty eyes, was not something that any thirteen-year-old girl could take calmly.

However, when said thirteen -year-old had hundreds of years of memories and battle experience of a near transcendent level archmage, things were a bit different.

Laurene didn't even flinch as she landed on the ground and gazed at the incoming orcs that were charging at her from almost all directions.

The symbol within her blue eyes glowed with a golden light as her pupils darted around quickly, utilizing the kinetic vision granted to all possessors of vision-based unique skills to scan the incoming orcs.

'Left leg, right chest, lower abdomen, left shoulder, left knee, right foot, solar plexus, left thigh, left wrist...Lock On.'

She used her mystic eyes and saw through the points on the orc's bodies that were their weakest and would give the most damage when attacked and locked on to them.

The next moment, she stretched her hands forward and the red and golden orbs behind her glowed with dozens of lightning and flame spears manifesting all around her.

The instant the spears were done manifesting, they were sent flying with zero-time delay, shooting towards the various weak points of the orcs and piercing through said weak points with ease.

Naturally, some of the more agile orcs moved their large bodies to dodge the spears, while some others rose their weapons to block, however, these actions slowed them down and Laurene took advantage of that to launch another wave of attacks.

The black and red orbs behind her glowed as numerous balls of dark energy manifested around her, smashing into the ground in the next second and creating a wave of explosions that travelled on the ground in all directions.


A few more unfortunate orcs met their ends as their legs were blown off by the explosions at their feet, making them nothing but large targets for the incoming spears of lighting that seared through their heads.

Laurene did not stand still, moving around as she cast many spells, the orbs around her glowing at different intervals as she cast spells from over three attributes without having to deal with the mental pressure that was associated with such an act.

Two ringed magic circles manifested in the air, releasing rains of flames, torrents of water, or spears of earth in every moment as at least one or two orcs lost their lives with each spell.

Much like the archmage whose memories she possessed, Laurene had the habit of getting up close and personal, allowing her spells to hit the orcs without losing any bit of power as they would if she fired them from long distances.

The young hero crouched before infusing magic power into her feet.

She then created a small column of earth underneath her legs to give her a boost as she jumped tens of metres into the air and looked around rapidly, her eyes locking on to a few orcs she considered to be 'slightly troublesome' as she activated multiple magic spells in that instant before her body began falling to the ground.

The green orb glowed as dozens of blades composed solely of compressed solid wind manifested in the air. The blades took a shape closer to a throwing knife rather than to a blade where it did not have a handle or a hilt.

The blue orb glowed with light as the air around the area instantly cooled to the point that it condensed into water. The water was then formed into streams that gathered together to form one large bullet of water magic.

When the yellow orb glowed, Laurene pointed her hand in the direction of one of the 'slightly troublesome' orcs, a Level 100 Orc as golden tendrils of lightning began crackling down her arm.


She gave a mental command and all three spells were launched at the same time, with the wind blade speeding through the air and tearing through the throats of numerous orcs.

The water bullet was launched in the direction of the level 100 orc, causing it to make a surprised noise as the bullet reached it faster than it had expected.

The orc moved its large body to dodge, causing the bullet to crash onto the ground, but not before the water bullet tore a huge chunk out of its arm on its way to the ground.


The ground trembled as the large bullet crashed into the ground, making the few dozen or so orcs who were nearby to lose their footing as their large bodies tumbled to the ground.

A cloud of dust rose up as water and mud splashed everywhere, with some even entering the mouth of the orc as it hurriedly tried to spit the mud out.

It was at that point that the orc realised something, the human mage created three things while in the air, the wind blades slicing its brethren's necks, the water bullet that ripped off part of its arm, and...


...a golden lightning bolt!



Whatever cry the orc tried to voice out was cut short as the lightning bolt that was circling around in the air suddenly took a nosedive and arrived at the orc's position in less than a second.

The lightning bolt landed on the head of the orc that was covered with mud and water, causing its head to explode into bloody chunks of meat.

However, that was not all as the lightning bolt went on to roast the rest of the orc's body and hit the ground, exploding upon contact.

Another set of orcs found themselves being thrown around by the blast with the most minor injuries being the loss of at least a limb.

Meanwhile, the mage responsible for all this was called back to the ground by gravity, her body dropping downwards as she had almost reached the ground in less than five seconds.

Right before she could activate her wind magic to slow her fall, her body was suddenly enveloped in a warm embrace, her nose being filled with a familiar scent causing her to realize something.

'He's carrying me...?'

Indeed, right before the princess could activate the magic, Arnold had beheaded the orc he was fighting and used its corpse as a foothold to jump in the air and catch the falling Princess in his arms.


He took advantage of his position in the air to infuse his feet with his aura, landing on the head of another orc and squashing it to bits as blood and brain matter splashed everywhere.

However, he paid this no mind as he dropped Laurene to her feet, turning his gaze to scan the battlefield as he spoke.

"The orcs, their numbers are increasing..."

Sadly, the princess he was speaking to was not listening as she stared at him in a daze. Not hearing a reply, he turned his gaze and noticed her looking at him weirdly.


"Huh? Oh? What did you say?"

It was only when he called out to her that she snapped out of it and hurriedly looked around. Although he found it weird, it was low priority considering that the orcs that he initially believed to be just a little over a hundred were increasing in numbers.

Laurene had personally taken out close to a hundred herself with her bombardment of spells, with him having killed no more than a few dozen on the side, despite this he could still see a few tens of orcs trooping into the compound every minute.

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