Reign Of The King The Falcon Ridge Series Book 10

Chapter 12


“Christian. Thank you for coming so fast.” I walk into a conference room Declan led Christian to.

Christian Whittaker. Nordic pack Beta. Gabriel’s right hand and turn coat for Phoenix. At least, right now he is. I’m definitely waiting for the day he turns back around and joins Gabriel’s fight. For now, he pretends to be loyal while gathering intel for us.

Christian is unique. We don’t know why. Before he took the Shamans potion, he was a normal wolf. Something happened. He won’t allow us to find out what. We can only assume the potion he took fused with his DNA somehow. So where the regular Nordic wolves lose their power after three days, Christian retained his from day one. He saw it as a message. A miracle. He suddenly grew a conscience and decided he had a problem with Gabriel’s hostile take over. He won’t challenge Gabriel. He feels Gabriel is the packs rightful Alpha, but he believes he must be stopped. So he helps us.

Christian runs his hand through his light blonde hair. His ice blue eyes and light skin make him nice to look at. “I can’t be gone long, Ricky. What’s the problem?”

I cross my arms. “You know full well what the problem is, Christian.”

“No. I don’t. You’ll have to refresh my memory.” He leans back into a chair. Fixing his long, black leather coat and putting his large boot on his knee.

“The weapons. Where did you get them?” I look him in the eye.

He adjusts his jacket again. “I don’t know. Gabriel showed up with them. He won’t say who gave them to him.’

“Christian. You’re the beta. You are at Gabriel’s side.” I stare him down.

“That doesn’t mean he tells me everything, Ricky. Gabe has been secluded since he started taking the potions. Even I can’t talk to him most days.” He leans an elbow on the table.

I pull up a chair and sat in front of the Nordic wolf with my elbows on my knees. “Can you tell me anything. Any names on the weapons. What kind of transport they came in.”

“They came in unmarked crates. From what I’ve seen there’s no markers on the weapons at all, but they’re high tech. The ammo is filled with a type of liquid like liquid nitrogen. It’s powerful enough to make any glass suffer thermal shock. The bullet hits the hard surface of the dome, casing breaks and liquid does its job.” He shrugs.

“Who do you think could develop this weapon?” I ask.

He shrugs again. “Only ones I know with even half the resources to make them is you guys. Alliance labs. After that, I wouldn’t know.”

“Declan?” I glance at him.

“On it.” He says and runs to a computer.

“We’ll check on that. Now, who hacked our systems?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “I don’t know his name, but he has a thick English accent.

I hung my head. “Ollie.”

“Ollie?” Christians brow went up.

“Dragon hacker. He’s been a headache for the Alliance for a while now. How he made it to you, I have no idea. Do you know where he is?” I eye him.

“No. He spoke to us remotely. He never gave his location or how he found us. He just said we have a mutual connection. I assume he means the Shaman.” Christian supplies.

I shake my head. “No, I don’t think so. The Shaman is a different book altogether. No, there’s another player on the board we haven’t seen yet. I feel it. And whoever it is wants the pool for some reason.”

He rubs his nape. “I can try and find out, but like I said, Gabe isn’t being truthful to me. He’s skittish, reckless. He’s hiding something large and telling no one. I like the guy, but this is too much. The pack would lose faith if they weren’t so scared of him.”

I look at him. “You need to take over, Chris.” I say softly.

He shakes his head. “I can’t. He’s my best friend, Ricky. I hate I have to go behind his back like this, but I can’t even get the pack to back me up. You’re the only people that could stop him. I don’t want to kill him. He’s puppet. I won’t blame him for someone else pulling his strings."

I sit back. “Ok. Let’s us have some blood. We can test it…”

“No! Rick, you know I won’t so don’t even ask.” He scowls.

I put up my hands. “Ok. Chris, I know you don’t like it, but you know how much your blood could help. Or even a shot of venom.”

He stands. He buttons his long coat. “This conversation is over.” He looks at me with offense.

“Chris, come on.” I whine.

“Contact me when you have information. I’ll be at my number. I’ll see if I can find anything else out.” He leaves the room and storms out of the room.

I lean down and rub my neck. I know Gabriel is dumb as a post so whoever is helping him approached him first. Unless Gabriel leaves the mountains, the only way this person could contact him would be to navigate the never ending blizzards and dangerous temperatures across the high, extremely rugged mountain range. Even I would have to prepare for years for a trip like that. Who on this planet could make that journey in a just a year or two?

My brain starts to hurt as I try to fit a puzzle together with a thousand missing pieces.

I need my boys.

I slap the table and leave the room. Heading to my main man, Bastian.


“So the Shaman is providing more powerful potions?” Bastian sits in his chair with his arms folded.

I sit in a chair across from him. “Looks like it. They walked past our thermal sensors like they didn’t exist. I’ve dropped the sensor temp, but I don’t want to wait to see what the asshole will come up with next.”

Bastian nods. “So what do you need from us?”

I lean on my knees. “There’s another player in the shadows. One that’s pulling all the strings. I assume the goal is the pool. I need intel. My only problem is I don’t even know where to start. My one contact with the Nordics is clueless. I thought my boys could help.”

Bastian nods. “Let me make some calls.”


Couple hours later, my Alphas are in Bastian’s office around his conference table.

“Alright, Ricky. What’s this about?” River says.

I pull up a screen on the monitor. “As you all know, Phoenix has been under relentless attack by this guy. Gabriel Frost. Alpha of the Nordic pack. The problem is he makes Luke look smart.”

“Hey! I’m plenty smart!” He growls.

“Oh, you know I love ya, short stuff. Simmer down.” I smile.

He points to me. “I can take you.” He warns.

“We both know you can’t, sweetheart.” I smirk.

“Can we move on.” Bastian eyes us.

“Right. So Gabriel is dumb. Not only that, he never leaves Brynja Mountain. Unless it’s to attack us of course.” I inform.

“Brynja Mountain?” Jayson asks.

I type on my computer and bring up another screen showing a rather terrifying, but beautiful mountain range covered in ice and snow.

“Brynja mountain, lady and gentlemen. Old Norse. It means coat of armor. A truer name has never been given.” I point to the screen. “This mountain range makes Everest look like a calk walk. Temperatures so cold, it would kill you in a matter of days if you aren’t accustom to it. Never ending, blinding blizzards. Unstable ice and rock shelves. If the falling rocks don’t kill you, the winds will blow you away. The only people who can successfully navigate this place, that I know of, are the Nordics. I do suspect they have secret ways in and out, but our investigations have turned up nothing.”

I walk back to my computer. I change the computer to Gabriel again. “Whoever is pulling his strings would have had to cross the mountains to get to him. I don’t know anyone who can do that. I’m looking for ideas.”

Mica looks around. “Nala?” He arches his brow.

“Ok? Why?” Bastian asks.

Grey sits up. “Maybe she has a problem with us? Maybe she’s another puppet. Either way, she can change to anything. I’m sure she can change to something that could get through that.”

“I don’t think so. I don’t get evil villain vibes off her.” I say.

William puts up his hand. “I think I could make that. You think it’s another super wolf?”

“This might be a bit too much, even for you, tough guy. It’s certainly too much for our super wolves.”

“The Shaman.” Luke grumbles.

“Good try, but I thought of that. I don’t think someone like the Shaman would come out of hiding for someone like Gabriel.” I shake my head.

Gideon raises his hand. “Think a Lycan could make dat?”

I tick my head. “Maybe. If super wolf could it’s possible, but why?”

He leans on the table. “Bella’s father is still pissed I mated huh. This may be his war he wants.”

“Think he’d go above Zander?” I ask him.

“Dat guy is evil. I wouldn’t doubt it.” Gideon crossed his arms.

“Ok. So possible Lycan attack.” I sit. “Great. Now we need to confirm it.” I look at the Alphas.

Mica leans forward. “I can poke at Miranda. She might know something.”

“Yeah. Do that.” I point to him.

Grey pipes up. “I can check around the pack. See if our regal council member is back and moving around.”

“Awesome. I love it. Anyone else?” I look around the table. The empty faces tells me that’s it.

I heave a sigh. “Ok. It’s not much, but hopefully it will be something. Now, G.I. Joe. Your little lab experiments keep escaping.”

He leans on the table. “What? What do you mean?”

“The Nordics have a new weapon. An ice based bunker buster gun. My contact says the only people that could make a weapon like this is us. Alliance labs.” I arch a brow.

“I’ll check what we have, but I don’t remember an ice gun in the inventory.” He nods.

“Thank you. The more we learn about this weapon, the closer we get to the Puppet master. Any headway on something that can help us fight?” I ask.

“We have a few things in preliminary testing, but no where near delivery or use.” River supplies.

I nod. “Ok. The last thing I may need to ask is back up. If Phoenix needs help, can I count on you guys?”

“Of course!” Luke smirks. “Tell me what to shoot.”

“I’m in.” Grey says.

Lucius crosses his arms. “I’ll fight.”

“We’re in.” Jayson points between him and River.

“Tell me when.” River grins.

“What do ya say, Mic?” I eye him.

He rubs his head. “Yeah Ok. What’s another near death experience.”

“At least it’s not a full death experience.” Grey snorts.

“True. That’s your department.” Mica chuckles.

“I better not.” Grey scowls.

“Billy boy. I’m sure I can count on you.” I smile.

“Yeah. I’m sure Eve will too.” He’s smiles back.

“Gideon. Come on, Gid. I know you want to.” I smirk.

He blows out a breath. “I’m not really a fighting Alpha, Ricky.”

I walk over and rub his broad shoulders. I lean down. “Gid. You took on Lycans. That’s got to count for something.”

He lower his head. “Ya OK.”

I slapped his shoulders. “I knew I could count on you guys.”

“Anything for Phoenix, Ricky.” Bastian smiles.

“Alright.” I clap my hands. “Well, that’s all I got.”

Bastian stands. “Ok. I guess I’ll inform Zander…”

“I’ll do it." I say. Probably with a little more enthusiasm than I intended.

Bastian furrows his brow. “Um…he hates you.”

I wave him off. “He doesn’t hate me. He loathes me. There’s a difference.” I wink at them and give a salute. “Bye guys.” I wave as I leave the room.

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