Reign Of The King The Falcon Ridge Series Book 10

Chapter 11


Walking down the halls of the unit, I’m opening and closing my hand.

My brow is furrowed as the memory of the electric warmth from Ricky’s neck haunts me still. I shake out my hand and it’s still there.

“You’re bothered.” Nala side eyes me.

I glance at her. “Of course I am, Nala. This incessant Ricky just will not let up. I need to get rid of her.” I grumble.

“Maybe you should consider the situation in a different light.” She arches a brow. Her face is stone. Her voice still void of emotion, but I know what she’s getting at.

“No, Nala. There’s nothing there. I will not allow you to convince me otherwise.” I stare at the floor with my face full of annoyance.

“I can’t convince you, Zander. You need to convince yourself. This woman is on your mind. You need to recognize the reasons why.” She looks at me.

I stop and look at her. “She’s on my mind because of her disobedience. Her continual attacks on my authority is dangerous to our goal with these subjects. She’s on mind because I need her to comply.” I turn back to hall and walk again. “I just don’t know how.”

Nala walks a few steps. “I know what you used to do with those who refused compliance. You won’t do that. There’s a reason, Zander.”

I look to my hand which is still opening and closing at my side. “Because I feel she can be controlled. She will learn I’m her King and fighting me will only end in demise.”

Nala raises her chin and side eyes me. “I’ve felt your thoughts, Zander. The only one who will suffer demise is you.”

I bite my lip and push my chin out. I stop. “I will not be defeated by an irritating woman.” I growl.

She looks directly into my eyes. “No. Your heart will.” Her brow goes up and she continues on her way. Leaving me in the hall with soldiers staring at me.

I look at them with anger. “What are you looking at?!” I bark. Glaring at the shocked eyes. They drop their eyes and continue on their ways.

Catching up, I change the subject. “I’m headed to Caledon today. I’ll be inspecting the pack and the unit there.”

Nala nods. “I’ll have the driver prepare the car.”

“No.” I say sharply. “I’ll drive myself. I need to release some of this tension.”

She nods again. “As you wish. I’ll call the guard.”

I shake my head. “I need to be alone. I need to clear these thoughts in my head to concentrate on this meeting.”

Nala nods and walks ahead to prepare me for my trip. Meanwhile, my hand continues to tingle driving me insane.

I start to rub it as thoughts of my encounter with Ricky a few days ago and Nala’s words, circle my mind.

We were close. So close, I swear I could feel her soul as it feared me. But was it? I caught her arousal as I gripped her neck. I saw the lust in her eyes as my lips toyed with hers. I don’t even know what made me do that. Her scent infected my brain.

Before that, I was prepared to take her life after her insult to my strength. As soon as I got close. The moment I felt this relentless electric warmth from her skin, I had this drive to take her. My anger stopped me, but I did push against it for a time. My wolf lost his regal demeanor. He clawed at me. Growling from the inside. I thought for a moment he wanted to take this woman. I pushed it out and chalked it up to her insolence.

Coming to my senses, I left her there to contemplate my warning. I will have her on her knees begging for her life. At my feet, I will rule her.

I will break this wild woman and she will worship me for it.


I hop into my Bentley and head out to Caledon. I’m still rubbing my palm on the steering wheel. It’s now turning into a subconscious twitch at this point. It just will not dissappear no matter how much I dig at it.

I scowl out at the two lane highway that runs around Falcon Ridge to Caledon. I’m still thinking of my encounter with Ricky. I need to get her off my mind. Her infection is spreading.

I hear the rev of an engine behind me. I look in my mirror and a yellow mustang with black stripes is behind me. The driver is right behind me. He’s throwing his muscle at me.

“What is with the drivers here?” I growl to myself.

I continue at my speed as the driver continues to push.

I growl and speed up a little bit. He speeds up with me. Still pushing his loud engine.

I look at the car again. “You can go around.” I grumble.

I see him pull into the oncoming lane. “Finally.”

It pulls up equal to my speed. The windows are blacked out so I can’t see the driver. I motion for him to continue his pass. He doesn’t. He just sits there beside me as we speed up the highway.

“What?” I look confused.

I look up the road to an oncoming car.

“HEY!” I look at him and point ahead.

My eyes look at the blacked out window and flick to the oncoming car. I continue this as the gap between the two closes.

My heart pounds in my chest. “Move!” I yell at my window.

At the last minute, the mustang slams the brakes and drifts behind me. The oncoming car laying on its horn as it drives by.

“Jesus!” I say. I flinched as the scene played out beside me. My body heats and I start to sweat a bit. “This guy is nuts!” I blow out a breath to calm myself.

The mustang was behind me a distance, but he closed the gap fast. He’s pushing me harder. I need to get away from this guy.

I hit the gas and create some distance.

As we clear the trees, the highway opens to open space. I’m speeding down the road with mustang hot on my ass.

It moves back into the oncoming lane and matches my speed. The driver rolls down the window.

My face twists when I see Ricky’s face in the drivers seat.

I roll down my window. “ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!”

She smiles. “A LITTLE, YES!”

“STOP THIS!” I yell back.

“OH COME ON, SCARDEY CAT. SHOW ME WHAT YA GOT!” She smiles and revs her engine.

“NO! I WON'T GIVE IN TO YOUR RECKLESS BEHAVIOR!” I point at her keeping my eye on the road.

“WHAT'S A MATTER, KING! CAN'T HANDLE A LITTLE RUSH!” She cranks her radio and revs her engine.

I glare at her. She speeds a bit and falls back.

“You know you want it. Come get it.” She grins.

She speed ups and I watch her get ahead of me. My palms are sweaty, my heart racing. I tick my jaw and hit the gas. She’s not getting the better of me.

I catch up and match her speed. We’re going fast up the blacktop, side by side up the two lane highway.

She turns to me. “Show me.” She mouths.

I look forward and hit the gas. The feelings of it. The power in my hands flood my body. We’re pushing limits.

I glance at her and she looks to me. I almost feel the corner of my mouth tick up as I give my car more gas. She’s right with me. Our eyes lock. She smiling.

She slows down and drifts behind. Pushing on me.

I watch her as I push on the gas to go faster.

She drifts into the oncoming traffic lane again.

I look forward and a transport truck is coming up the road toward us.

“RICKY?” My eyes flick from her to the truck.

“RICKY, MOVE!” I see her head tilt and her mouth tick up.

She looks at me.

“Don’t you fucking dare.” I tick my jaw as I look into Ricky’s smirking face.


I drift back to let her in, but she stays with me.

I shake my head and she looks forward.

The truck approaches fast. I can hear his horn blaring.


“RICKY!!” My eyes practically fall out as she disappears behind the other side of the truck. My head is wildly trying to find her.

My hearts about to explode. My sweating bullets. It’s like time stood still.

The truck leaves my view and Ricky’s mustang pops back onto the road with a dusty, rocky swerve.

My eyes close and I heave a sigh. Then I fucking lose it.

I hit the gas and pull into an open stop. My Bentley GT skidding to a stop. Dust and dirt rising from my tires. My adrenaline is still pumping out in waves.

She pulls in, kicking up her own dust cloud. She gets out and she was practically giddy.

I’m fucking fuming. I slam my door and take big strides toward her. “YOU COULDVE GOTTEN YOURSELF KILLED!”

“I know! It was great!” She bounces.

“No, Ricky! That wasn’t great! That was scary as fuck!” I growl with my fists balled.

She crosses her arms. “Yet you still played.”

“It won’t happen again! You sucked me in, I won’t be party to your insane stunts!” I throw my finger at her.

She grins. “You loved it, didn’t you?”

“No, I didn’t love it, Ricky!” I lean to her. “We could’ve both been killed by your insanity!”

She steps to me. “Admit it, Zander. You love the rush just as much as I do.”

I push on her and she has to back up to the hood of her car. “Playing with my life is not a rush.”

“Oh, it is. I can see it your face. You crave it.” She smiles.

I lean close to her. “The only thing I crave is seeing the end of you!”

“That’s not what your racing heart tells me, Zan.” She challenges.

I grab her by her hair on the back of her head, making her slightly wince. “Don’t presume to know what I want.” I pull her to me close. Her hands are on the side of the hood.

Her eyes flick around my face. “Then tell me what you really want, King.”

The heat between us. The roar of passing engines on the highway. My heartbeat. The sweat of the rush. All of it. Flooded me like burst dam. Her eyes lock with mine.

“Show me.” She whispers.

I grab her by the throat and pull her to my lips. “Stop talking.” I growl.

I engulf her mouth with my lips and command entrance. My mind explodes. My body explodes in heat and electric fire. My tongue on hers is like pure ecstasy. Her soft skin in my hand warms with every motion of this kiss.

Her lips dance on mine as I consume her. My hand threads into her hair and balls it into my fist as I pull on it. She moans as soon as do. Her sounds go straight to my dick. I feel her desire. I smell her scent and arousal. Her nails dig into my tshirt sending shockwaves of lust through me. My grip on her throat tightens a bit more, but loosens as my fingers travel to her jawline.

A passing truck, blaring his horn, breaks the moment.

I grip her throat again and break the kiss, pulling on her full, bottom lip.

I let go and stare into her dreamy, slits for eyes.

I glare at her hard. Slightly shaking her as I talk. “Fuck with me like that again and the last thing you’ll get is a kiss.”

I toss her back with a gentle force back onto her car and leave her there. Walking back to my car.

“You’re breaking, Zan! I can feel it.” She yells at my back.

“The day you break me, Rick, is the day I give up my crown!” I say as I climb into my car and peel out. Throwing rocks and dirt from my tires.

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