Refusing my Alpha mate

Chapter 30


Two weeks have passed since Clair told me all that, and I expected her to try to do something, look for something, but she hasn't appeared in my Pack anymore. I confess that it was good in a way, I was able to dedicate myself one hundred percent to my father at that moment. We took light walks every morning and afternoon, I let him flood me with all the possible stories he remembered, and even with his weaker and tired body, he was always in my office reading one document or another. It was an incredible two weeks in his company, and I'm happy to be enjoying the time he has left, together. It was also good to be able to get Clair out of my head and finally make some decision about it, and today there was a meeting in her Pack.

I got ready and headed towards the Troffenholl Pack, and with every second I got closer to finding her I thought again and again if it was right, if what I was about to do was the best for us. My wolf growled inside me, but I couldn't let him always make all the decisions. I arrived and went straight to the meeting room, it was almost time to start, and I sat next to Tommy.

"Hey partner, how are you?" He asked me with a smile on his face.

I wanted to say I was fine, but that would be a lie.

"I'm going Tommy, one day at a time." I was going to comment about my father, but her scent reached my nose before I noticed her presence in the room, and when I turned around our eyes locked.

Clair was again wearing a pencil skirt and a silk blouse, the clothes she looked more like an executive, than a warrior, my thoughts started to mix with hers, and I wanted to think about which outfit I liked more her wearing, but I shook my head, looking away and swallowing hard. The tension between the two of us was almost visible, and I thought about interrupting her before she started. But she was faster.

"I declare the meeting started, and I thank my Alpha friends for their presence. I would like to inform you that we are finalizing the investigations into my guard and we have already had 8 arrests of those involved in my ambush." I was surprised, 8 of her guards planned to kill her, it was serious. "As we don't know for sure if this was an isolated case, or if other Alphas are in danger, I ask that you all be careful." She finished speaking looking at me, and one thought of hers remained loud and clear in my head: I would never forgive myself if something happened to you.

Was this serious? Now she cares about me?

I looked down, and I started to get nervous, it was getting harder and harder.

She continued the meeting, and I tried to concentrate on the issues, without focusing on her, but it was impossible, it was as if Clair was a drug and I was the addict, there was only one way to end all of this, I gathered all my courage, and I stood up suddenly. This made all eyes turn to me, including and especially her, and for a second it reminded me of the first meeting we had together.

"I apologize for the interruption, but I need to ask something, and it needs to be now," I said, adjusting my gray blazer over my shirt, and Clair, who was already standing at the other end of the table, was looking at me with her lips parted, her eyes widened and I heard inside my head You're not going to do that, are you? "Alpha Troffenholl, I would like you to ask for my rejection again."

At that moment, there was no murmur, not a single speech, the meeting room which normally had pure noisy chatter, was now dead silent, no one spoke and no one moved, especially her, Clair was static in front of me, she was staring at me deeply, but closed her mouth, she then looked down and cleared her throat, before turning her gaze to me. And I was there, waiting, awaiting my freedom. Freedom from this anguish, and suffering, and even though only a few seconds passed in silence, it seemed like an eternity, I waited for her to speak, but every time she opened her lips to say something, she closed them again.

"Come on," I said, unable to wait any longer, her gaze was so deep into me that I felt trapped there. She swallowed and said.

"I will not ask for your rejection." The words came out dry and firm, and I swore I heard a surprised sigh from someone there. "Indeed, Alfa Hausen, I withdraw my request for rejection, and if you have the idea of asking for mine, know that I will not give it." She added, I never felt so confused in my entire life, the freedom and relief I expected to receive was replaced by uncertainty, but at the same time, it was a kind of relief too.

And it was also hope, it just wasn't what I was expecting to hear, I didn't even know for sure if I was happy or not.

Did that mean we would be together then?

I tried to read what that meant from her face, but two guards walked in before I had the chance to analyze it. In the meeting room, behind them was David.

"Alpha Arthur, your mother sent for you, your father is not well." David's words made my jaw drop in amazement and my heart sink in pain, I took a step back, but I almost lost my balance, I became dizzy and confused.

"Where is he?" I asked, running my hand over the back of my neck and trying to lift my gaze to David.

"To your Pack's hospital, come, I'll take you," David said, making a movement with his hands, calling me to leave the room, I gathered my strength and walked towards him, I caught Clair's worried look and scared expression, as I heard her voice in the background say: Meeting closed.

I confess that since I heard David's sentence until I entered the hospital everything was a blur, I felt as if I had been anesthetized, everything was moving in slow motion. He parked in front of the hospital and I just ran in, the receptionist looked at me at the entrance and opened her eyes wide, saying hurriedly.

"Alpha, room six, Dr. Tyler will join you." She said and a man in a lab coat signaled with his hand for me to follow him.

I followed Dr Tyler, but I wasn't prepared for what I would see, I entered room six, and came face to face with my father, completely pale, with an oxygen mask, and my mother next to him, holding hands with him, always holding hands with him.

"He's stable now." Dr Tyler said at the door, I walked in, went right to the side of his bed, my hand went to the side of his face, and my dad put his hand over mine.

"Hey," I told him, being washed with relief that I had managed to get there before the worst. And feeling some tears escape my eyes, I took a deep breath.

"Son, I'm sorry if I scared you…" His voice was weak and he spoke very slowly. That cut me even more.

"Never apologize for that." I started to speak, but he smiled and pushed the oxygen mask away with one hand.

"Arthur… You know my time is coming, I don't know how much time I have, but it's not long." He sucked in the air to continue. "But I need you to know that my greatest work of art has always been you." He said and made me swallow hard. "Raising you has always been my biggest goal, and today I'm sure I did a great job. You're a wonderful leader, Arthur, much better than me. And I think some of the credit for that goes to your mother." He smiled and put the mask back on his face as he looked at her, my mother had pain in her expression, but she was still smiling.

"Dad, you don't need to… You need to rest," I said, fearing he would get tired from trying to talk to me.

"No Arthur, I need it." He said, still wearing the mask, then taking it off. "You need to understand that I couldn't be happier to leave now, knowing that I accomplished everything I wanted to do. I commanded our Pack with dignity, I married the most perfect mate I could have." He now turned to my mother and squeezed her hand as I watched the tears flow freely from her face. "And I had the most incredible, magnificent son I could have, who is already an even better Alpha than me." He said smiling. "I know you blame yourself for running away from responsibility 10 years ago, but in fact, you went out of context to prepare, and came back more qualified than anyone for the position. And I'm proud of that. I'm very proud and I love you so much, son." He finished putting the mask back on and sighing, breathing in again.

"I love you too, Dad," I said and my voice was choked, because of how much I had cried. My father adjusted himself on the stretcher and closed his eyes. My mother also leaned on his armchair, and I went over to cover her with the blanket that was just at her feet, I took a step back and analyzed the two of them dozing together. I turned to take my place next to my father, and it was only then that I saw her standing at the bedroom door, leaning against the frame, just watching.

I was so focused on listening to my father that I didn't smell her or feel her thoughts.

I approached Clair and passed a finger over a tear that was on her cheek, Clair found the gesture strange and sighed at my touch.

"How long have you been here?" I asked with a low tone of voice so as not to wake my parents.

"From the most beautiful speech, I've seen a father give to his son." She replied simply, and I felt my heart speed up. "I came after you, I ended the meeting."

"I don't know if you came to talk about what we talked about at the meeting, but…" I didn't have the mind now to discuss with her, or define anything, and she interrupted me before I wanted to speak.

"No Arthur, we'll have plenty of time to talk about this later. Now it's just about your father, he's your priority now." She also said with a low tone of voice, but it was firm, like the greatest certainty in the universe, and with the same tone, she continued. "I just need you to know that I'm here, I'm here for you, and I'm not going anywhere." Clair's words filled me inside, and captured me, just like her look, she was sure of that. It was as if even with all that happening, my father really dying, I had her, she was there, and she would stay there.

I leaned forward and let our lips touch, more than a kiss, it was something sealing what she had just said. It was subtle and gentle. I pulled away and looked at her red cheeks, from not having expected that.

Clair looked down and smiled, before raising her gaze to me.

"Do you want me to look for something? Do you need something in your Pack? You know I'm not good with emotions, but I can do practical things." She said with a shrug, but I thought it was kind of her trying to help. I smiled back.

"Thanks, I left John in charge, I had already prepared a plan of action in case that happened. If I need anything, I'll let you know." I said, placing a strand of her hair behind her ear, while lightly running my thumb across her cheek. "But knowing you're here for me." I sighed. "It's already too good." My last sentence was a confession, and I saw her eyes fill with tears as she sank into my embrace.

Guys, what now? Strong chapter, Augustus is leaving...

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